November 2012 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


A Young Doctor's Notebook: Episode guide

Marion 30 November 2012 2 permalink
A Young Doctor's Notebook: Episode guide
Below you find the episode guide of the upcoming Sky Arts drama A Young Doctor's Notebook.

Warning: spoilers

Episode 1

Thursday 6 December 2012, 9pm

Based on Mikhail Bulgakov’s collection of short stories, A Country Doctor’s Notebook, the series follows a recently-graduated young medic (Radcliffe) who is forced to say farewell to life in bustling Moscow to take up a post as a doctor in a small, remote hospital a thousand miles from the capital, and half a day’s journey from the nearest shop.

Hamm plays the young doctor 17 years on, who finds his old diary while answering to the authorities about self-prescribing morphine. He has a series of comic exchanges with his young and inexperienced self, mocking him for his youthful looks and guiding him through his early difficulties on the job.

Episode 2
Thursday 13 December 2012, 9pm

The young doctor (Radcliffe) grows increasingly frustrated with his patients, who exploit his naivety and fail to heed his desperate warnings about the dangers of syphilis. When an eight-year-old girl falls on a lathe, he is also forced to conduct a double amputation. Blinded with panic, his older self (Hamm) does little to put his nerves at ease as he prepares his blunt saw for the operation of his career.

Episode 3
Thursday 20 December 2012, 9pm

While revolution hangs in the air in Moscow, the young doctor (Daniel Radcliffe) feels increasinglyisolated in the tiny and remote village of Muryovo. Longing for cigarettes, a newspaper and “a knock on the door that isn’t a dying girl”, he packs his trunk for the day-round trip to the nearest shop, only to learn that it doesn’t open until August.

Desperate to escape, he jokes about how many people he might have to let die before he is stripped of his licence and allowed to return to the bright lights and shops of Moscow. Meanwhile, his older self (Jon Hamm) begins to suffer from the unsavoury side effects of his acute morphine addiction. The doctor is hit by terrible stomach pains when an unconscious girl is carried into the surgery.

To his horror, he realises he will need to perform a complicated tracheotomy; however, the hardest part is convincing her family that the girl’s problem cannot be solved with drops or pills. After also assisting during a tragic birth in the snow, the doctor takes to his bed, bent double with stomach ache. Desperate to stop the pain and to escape the snow and boredom of Muryovo, he reaches for his medical bag. And, despite the protests of his older self, fills a syringe with morphine.

Episode 4
Thursday 27 December 2012, 9pm

After a performing a recent tracheotomy made him famous, the young doctor (Radcliffe) is inundated with patients as the episode opens. However, despite his newfound celebrity, behind closed doors he begins to experience the embarrassing and unsavoury side effects that have been plaguing his older self (Hamm).

Repulsed by what is happening to his body, the young doctor takes a bath. Joined in the tub by Hamm, he vows to make a clean start and decides to open a specialist syphilis clinic to combat the disease rife in his remote village. During a long journey to a patient with a critical head injury, he defiantly hurls the key to the morphine cupboard into the snow. But, on his return, withdrawal symptoms hit him hard.

His older self makes an unwelcome appearance in the carriage, blaming the young doctor for destroying his life, dignity and friendships with his weakness. In too deep to heed the warning and turn his life around, he throws himself from the carriage and begins to search for the lost key. But, while scrabbling in the snow, he spirals into dark hallucinations in which he is haunted by a terrible fate and a visit from his revered predecessor Leopold Leopoldovich.


Updated: Daniel Radcliffe looks back at his youth with The Independent Radar magazine (UK)

Marion 30 November 2012 1 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe looks back at his youth with The Independent Radar magazine (UK)

This is the article which will appear in the 1 December print edition of The Independent's Radar magazine where Daniel talks about his upcoming projects The F Word, A Young Doctor's Notebook, Kill Your Darlings, some earlier projects and more.

Update: 6th December 2012. There are also new photos from the photoshoot by David Sandison, but I was told I'm not allowed to post them because of copyright. There is a photo here via The Daily Beast. And a few more right here.


Updated(2): Kill Your Darlings to premiere at Sundance Film Festival 2013

Marion 29 November 2012 2 permalink
Updated(2): Kill Your Darlings to premiere at Sundance Film Festival 2013
Sundance Film Festival announced it's 2013 line up of In-Competition films. Daniel Radcliffe's Kill Your Darlings will premiere at the festival. Other films confirmed to screen at Sundance include Octavia Spencer's drama Fruitvale and Rooney Mara's new movie Ain't Them Bodies Grand. The film festival will be held between 17th and 27th January 2013, out in Park City, UT.

15th December 2012. Sundance released their schedule and Kill Your Darlings premieres on Friday 18th January (3.30 pm)
Update: 8th January 2012. Daniel has confirmed that he will be attending the festival  for the premiere of Kill Your Darlings (via his Google+)

I'm very excited to go to Sundance for the KILL YOUR DARLINGS premiere on January 18th and reunite with the other beats. I've already got my warm coat ready!
    For the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, 113 feature-length films were selected, representing 32 countries and 51 first-time filmmakers, including 27 in competition. These films were selected from 12,146 submissions (429 more than for 2012), including 4,044 feature-length films and 8,102 short films. Of the feature film submissions, 2,070 were from the US and 1,974 were international. 98 feature films at the Festival will be world premieres.
    Kill Your Darlings
    / USA. (Director: John Krokidas, Screenwriters: Austin Bunn, John Krokidas) — An untold story of murder that brought together a young Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac and William Burroughs at Columbia University in 1944, providing the spark that led to the birth of an entire generation – their Beat revolution. Cast: Daniel Radcliffe, Dane DeHann, Ben Foster, Michael C. Hall, Jack Huston, Elizabeth Olsen.


    Updated: Behind the scenes: Daniel Radcliffe & Jon Hamm discuss A Young Doctor's Notebook

    Marion 28 November 2012 0 permalink
    Updated: Behind the scenes: Daniel Radcliffe & Jon Hamm discuss A Young Doctor's Notebook

    A look behind the scenes of A Young Doctor's Notebook.

    10th September 2014. More footage via BBC First.

    This video is also shared on Facebook.
    Mad Men's Jon Hamm and Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe talk about their roles in A Young Doctor's Notebook, the new miniseries coming to Sky Arts 1 HD on 6 December. The series is an adaptation of Russian author Mikhail Bulgakov's novel of the same name. Hamm and Radcliffe reveal that they both have a true passion for the author

    source: Sky Arts, via Length: 3 min 06 sec.

    Exclusive: Daniel Radcliffe has joined social media: Google+

    Marion 27 November 2012 0 permalink
    Exclusive: Daniel Radcliffe has joined social media: Google+

    Josh Horowitz from MTV News just posted the news online that Daniel Radcliffe has joined social media, but not with Facebook or Twitter. Some of you (well I did) may have noticed the verified Google+ account already some weeks ago.
    "This has mainly come about because of the amount of people that I meet who tell me that they have contacted me on Twitter or Facebook when I know that's impossible — because I don't belong to either one of those sites," Radcliffe told MTV News about joining Google+. "Now that I have this page, there will be an outlet for accurate information and hopefully people will not waste their time giving credence to people pretending to be me."

    So, Radcliffe hopes his frequently-updated Google+ page will keep imposters out and the facts straight regarding his professional life. "It will be active," he said, "but with updates about things I'm working on or have worked on, including things I'm passionate about, like The Trevor Project. What it won't be is the minutia of my daily life, like what's on the craft services table."

    So while Radcliffe's Google+ won't let you know whether or not he picked macaroni and cheese for lunch on the "Horns" set, it will still provide insight into his craft and career goals. But with more and more inside details on one of today's hottest actors readying their way onto the web, it would be completely understandable if Radcliffe is feeling some trepidation over his official online debut.

    "Trepidation sums it up very well," he agreed. "It's a sense of not knowing what to expect, as opposed to any actual worries."
    Are you active on Google+ and ready to follow Daniel (or you do already)? You can also follow Daniel J Radcliffe Holland while I still try to figure out how everything works...

    Unseen photos etc. will also be shared on this site. Check the label Google+.

    Photo: Google+/Daniel Radcliffe

    A Young Doctor's Notebook: BBC Review Show

    Marion 24 November 2012 2 permalink
    A Young Doctor's Notebook: BBC Review Show

    A Young Doctor's Notebook was discussed at the BBC 2's Review Show last night at 11 PM. You can view the full video below, which also features some more scenes we haven't seen before.

    Book release: Chronik eines Harry Potter Fans

    Marion 24 November 2012 0 permalink
    Book release: Chronik eines Harry Potter Fans

    I received some news for all you German readers of Daniel J Radcliffe Holland. Thomas Sailer, Austrian writer, released his 3rd book called Chronik eines Harry Potter Fans (Chronicles of a Harry Potter Fan) some days ago. In his book he talks about how much Harry Potter has influenced/changed his life.

    Starting off with helping out a fansite (Emma Watson Empire) to being the founder of, - a site which lists Harry Potter related sites and where Daniel J Radcliffe Holland is listed also - and his organisation called 'The international network of Harry Potter Websites' his way to keep Harry Potter and it's fandom alive.

    A small scan about setting up

    Interested? You can buy the book via the following links:

    - ISBN-10: 3849123502
    - ISBN-13: 978-3849123505
    - 184 pages

    You can view a video here. For more information about Thomas Sailer or this book, you can visit his Facebook page or his website.

    Updated: ET Canada visits Daniel Radcliffe on the set of Horns

    Marion 22 November 2012 1 permalink
    Updated: ET Canada visits Daniel Radcliffe on the set of Horns

    I posted the preview video of Entertainment Tonight Canada's exclusive interview with Daniel on the Squamish, B.C. set of Horns some days ago on Facebook. Another short clip from the visit which has been released can be seen below.

    ET Canada's full interview aired yesterday and is in total 6:21 minutes long. For those of you who can view it (I can't due to location) can see at it at this link. I will add the full interview below when I have it.

    Update: Full interview.

    A Young Doctor's Notebook: Episode 1 video - Hernia

    Marion 21 November 2012 0 permalink
    A Young Doctor's Notebook: Episode 1 video - Hernia
    Sky Arts has released a video from the first episode of A Young Doctor's Notebook which you can view below

    "What else don't I know I don't know?" The young doctor has a little panic at the thought of a hernia patient reaching his hospital in the middle of a blizzard. Starring Daniel Radcliffe and Jon Hamm, A Young Doctor's Notebook is part of Sky Arts' Playhouse Presents series of plays.

    Daniel Radcliffe: Being Harry Potter documentary

    Marion 19 November 2012 1 permalink
    Daniel Radcliffe: Being Harry Potter documentary

    Below you find the Sky Arts documentary Daniel Radcliffe: Being Harry Potter, a Sky Movies production, and aired to promote the broadcast of the Harry Potter Films.

    Updated: Make-A-Wish Foundation: Katrina meets Daniel Radcliffe on the set of Horns

    Marion 18 November 2012 0 permalink
    Updated: Make-A-Wish Foundation: Katrina meets Daniel Radcliffe on the set of Horns

    Another wish which came true with help from the Make-A-Wish Foundation BC & Yukon. Katrina from Barrie, Ontario visited Daniel on the set of his upcoming movie Horns, she posted this picture online.

    A Note: 18th November is probably not the the exact date when the picture got taken, it's not featured at her Tumblr.

    Update: 15th November 2013. Another photo was uploaded by Katrina, see that one below.
    Katrina has always been a big fan of the Harry Potter collection and her wish was to learn more about Daniel, his film ‘The Woman in Black’ and what it was like to spend time on a movie set. Daniel graciously welcomed all to his make-up trailer to share photos, what it is like living with the challenges of a medical condition and the love of all things horror. Presented with a Make-A-Wish scarf, Daniel playfully mistook the scarf for his favorite football club – The Tottenham Hotspurs because of the team colors blue and white. What an exciting wish day for Katrina - thanks Daniel! Special thanks also to and

    Daniel Radcliffe to make an appearance at the Whistler Film Festival

    Marion 17 November 2012 2 permalink
    Daniel Radcliffe to make an appearance at the Whistler Film Festival
    The Whistler Film Festival announced yesterday that Daniel will make an appearance at the festival which runs from 28 November - 2 December in Whistler, B.C. He will discuss his 2013 projects Horns (which he has finished filming then), The F Word and Kill Your Darlings.
    Friday, November 30th I Doors 8:30PM | Tribute 9:00PM | Millennium Place I Tickets: $50
    * Limited pass holder access/Ticket required
    The Whistler Film Festival shines the spotlight on actor DANIEL RADCLIFFE (Harry Potter film series, Kill Your Darlings, The F Word, Horns) on November 30th in an intimate evening conversation that will speak to the exciting career of the r espected young British stage and film actor. We have watched him mature on screen in the eponymous role of Harry Potter, the most successful film series of all time, in which he starred in all eight films, and now he has a tremendous year ahead which includes three highly anticipated films and a return to London’s West End stage.
    To buy tickets click here

    more info:

    A Young Doctor's Notebook TV spots

    Marion 16 November 2012 0 permalink
    A Young Doctor's Notebook TV spots

    Thanks to Arthur for e-mailing me the news, below some tv spots for A Young Doctor's Notebook with new scenes we haven't seen before.

    Robot Chicken, season 6: Daniel Radcliffe's guest voice episode

    Marion 12 November 2012 3 permalink
    Robot Chicken, season 6: Daniel Radcliffe's guest voice episode

    I posted before that Daniel would be a guest voice on Robot Chicken in this new 6th season. Yesterday was the air date of episode 9 called Hemlock, Gin and Juice on Adult Swim (at midnight) in which Daniel was the guest voice actor.

    Director Zeb Wells talked about people asking about the episode with Daniel on
    Here are two different questions that have been asked on our website: ‘Can you guys tell me what will be the role of Daniel Radcliffe in the series?’ and ‘When shall a Thomas The Tank Engine parody appear on your show?!’. I’d like to answer both questions with a picture.(above)”
    So I guess you all know what the answer is now: Daniel provided the voice for Mullet kid and Thomas the Tank Engine. There is a clip below.

    Warning: contains some strong language

    Updated: First trailer for A Young Doctor's Notebook

    Marion 7 November 2012 6 permalink
    Updated: First trailer for A Young Doctor's Notebook

    I do remember I posted a preview video from A Young Doctor's Notebook on this site's Facebook page. has now uploaded a video from the first trailer which aired on Sky and can be seen below. If Sky will release a HD video, (maybe they will, maybe not) I post it here.

    10th November 2012. A video, released by Sky Arts below. (or here)

    A Young Doctor's Notebook starts Thursday 6th December on Sky Arts 1 HD

    Horns: more on set pictures (1st & 3rd November)

    Marion 3 November 2012 0 permalink
    Horns: more on set pictures (1st & 3rd November)
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