Then second. I am sure you all remember the birthday project which Daniel J Radcliffe Holland organized together with other great Daniel websites this year, from all over the world? Well here's the video. Enjoy.
And a special thanks to Lucy Hughes, Manuela Baus, Mischa, Rachel Grimes, Shirel, Levy, Sonika Agarwal & Stephany Retana who all joined the project via this site. 25 countries in total!
US / Brazil / Argentina / Spain / Mexico / Germany / Netherlands / Chile / Colombia / Guatemala / Peru / Hungary / Iran / Switzerland / England / France / Indonesia / Ukraine / India / Norway / Indonesia/ Philippines / Sweden / Scotland / Estonia
Thanks to all (and the great partner site's) it was a great experience!
Don't forget we use #wwDanRadBdayproject and #HappyBirthdayDanielRadcliffe on Twitter today. Join and follow us. @DanJRadcliffeNL (or re-tweet this tweet)
Update: 26th July 2012. The Trevor Project shared our video on Facebook