Yahoo! interview: Daniel Radcliffe on what makes a MTV Movie Award Best Kiss - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Yahoo! interview: Daniel Radcliffe on what makes a MTV Movie Award Best Kiss

The 2012 MTV Movie Awards are fast approaching, Emma and Rupert are up for the award of Best Kiss (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2) and Yahoo! asked Daniel exclusively about movie snogs and what makes them worthy of a gong.
"God knows. I don't know [blushes].
"You just kiss like a normal person and enjoy it! You just have to enjoy it and really be into it with the person you're with.
"I've never had to kiss anyone that I didn't really like. I don't know how I'd feel about that.
"But yeah I think as long as you're enjoying it that will show. You gotta have fun, you can't be all nervous and twitchy about it."
Daniel is nominated for the award of Best Male :
"I'd be more than happy to lose to Ryan Gosling in that category.

"I don't pay a huge amount of attention to the awards thing. In America people are much more open about their desire to win awards. I don't have that. I never know quite what to make of it."
Read more here.

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