Daniel Radcliffe's favorite books and characters - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe's favorite books and characters

The Daily Fig/Figment asked Daniel a few questions about his favorite books and characters. They also shared with Daniel J Radcliffe Holland on Twitter that they are giving away signed DVD's of The Woman in Black.

Are you reading anything right now?
Foe by J.M. Coetzee

What book have you re-read the most?
Bart Simpson’s Guide To Life by Matt Groening

What is your favorite kids’ book?
Holes by Louis Sachar

What’s a book you really want to read soon?
House Of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

What is your favorite movie adaptation of a book?
Deathly Hallows Part 2, obviously!

Which character would you most like to play in a movie or TV show?
Behemoth from The Master and Margarita

Have you ever had a crush on a literary character? If so, who?
Mary Jane Watson. That counts as literary, right?

source: dailyfig.figment.com

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