Updated(2): Today was the last day of filming for Kill Your Darlings - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): Today was the last day of filming for Kill Your Darlings

Kill Your Darlings has finished filming! Fully Branded Media (links brands to the entertainment industry, and works on this film, and has worked before on films like The Paperboy & The Words) has posted on Twitter that today was their last day of the principal photography.

From Twitter:
"And it's a wrap! Never to early for a celebratory toast! Now on to the wrap party!!"

"Emotional last day on set! #killyourdarlings"
And some more KYD: Here is Daniel animated (by Randeep, he animated the cast) Daniel received a Duffel bag from Columbia University. Image (also via Fully Branded Media) & the cast also got this.

Update: 23rd April 2013 On the set: photo
Update: 7th November 2013. A photo from David Teitelbaum (via Facebook)

Wrap Party 22nd April, Slate NY
Via Fully Branded Media's Twitter (@Fully_Branded):

A tweet: by @SlateNY,
daniel radcliffe and dane dehaan in a heated ping pong match. #darlings

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