Updated(7): Daniel Radcliffe attends and presents at BAFTA Awards. Deathly Hallows p2 wins 1 award - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(7): Daniel Radcliffe attends and presents at BAFTA Awards. Deathly Hallows p2 wins 1 award

Daniel, dressed in a Antonio Azzuolo tux, attended the 2012 BAFTA Awards (Orange British Academy Film Awards) at the Royal Opera House in London yesterday, where he also presented the award for Best Supporting Actress to The Help's Octavia Spencer. As we all know (Daniel announced the nominations before) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 was nominated for four nominations, but they did win one last night. This was Special Visual Effects congrats! Read the full list of nominees & winners here.

Below you can find red carpet videos and photos. There's also a video by Anglophenia's The Brit List.

Update: 21st February 2012. Video below. Then there's also the portrait session by BAFTA photographer Ian Derry.
Update: 29th February 2012. Glee news video.
Update: 21st August 2016. A photo by Rich Hardcastle.
Update: 16th November 2017. A photo by Rich Hardcastle.
Update: 8th April 2019. A photo via Evian.
Update: 23rd July 2019. A photo by Charlie Gray.

Reuters - Miss Piggy gets flirty at BAFTAs

BBC America

Daniel Radcliffe compares himself to The Beatles and James Bond

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Photos: Getty Images

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