November 2011 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


What scares you the most? Daniel Radcliffe talks about real-life fears..

Marion 30 November 2011 0 permalink
What scares you the most? Daniel Radcliffe talks about real-life fears..
Daniel did talk with Total Film recently, about his real life fears, which seems to be a great topic now he is ready filming The Woman in Black.
"Cockroaches really freak me out," Radcliffe admitted when TF caught up with him in New York. "We don’t seem to have nearly as many of them in England as we do [in America]!"

His fear of anthropoids worries him on his travels round the world. "All those places [that have insects] are off my list! I do like Australia though - but lying in the thick of it is just the world’s largest collection of poisonous things!"

Dan-Rad also admits to professional terror. Currently performing on Broadway in How to Succeed In Business Without Even Trying, Radcliffe fears the horror of a mid-week empty house. "On a Wednesday matinee I’m thinking 'Oh God I hope there’s more than 500 people out there!'"

"About 800 people is a good audience, anything less and you can hear your voice bouncing back at you. But on those days you learn so much about yourself and your stamina and your mental will so it’s been great for me."

Daniel Radcliffe: "Don't forget to join the AMC Theatres The Woman in Black contest"

Marion 28 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe: "Don't forget to join the AMC Theatres The Woman in Black contest"

Daniel Radcliffe reminds you to join the The Woman in Black contest by AMC theatres where you can win a trip to the London premiere! + more news.. if you are an AMC Stubs member. see the video below (posted about the contest earlier here, US fans only).

ITV's Harry Potter Behind the Magic (Deathly Hallows part 2)

Marion 27 November 2011 0 permalink
ITV's Harry Potter Behind the Magic (Deathly Hallows part 2)

A look behind the scenes in ITV UK's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 Behind the Magic with Ben Shephard.

Daniel Radcliffe & "How to Succeed" at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Marion 24 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe & "How to Succeed" at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

For those of you who missed it.. Daniel Radcliffe and the cast of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying performed at Macy's Thanksgiving parade today which started at 9am EST when they performed "Brotherhood of Man"

Daniel Radcliffe during Fall JEA Journalistic convention press conference

Marion 24 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe during Fall JEA Journalistic convention press conference

Below you find footage from the Fall JEA/NSPA High School Journalism convention on 19th November at Minneapolis Convention Center via satellite in which Daniel promoted The Woman in Black. Videos did show up online recently and can be viewed below.

Dan & "How to Succeed" cast rehearse for Thanksgiving Day Parade

Marion 23 November 2011 1 permalink
Dan & "How to Succeed" cast rehearse for Thanksgiving Day Parade

Tuesday, Daniel Radcliffe and the cast of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying were rehearsing 'Brotherhood of Man' for Thursday's Macy's annual Thanksgiving Day Parade at Herald's Square in Manhattan, which will begin at 9am EST.

photos: Getty Images

MTV: Actor we're most thankful for in 2011: Daniel Radcliffe!

Marion 23 November 2011 0 permalink
MTV: Actor we're most thankful for in 2011: Daniel Radcliffe!
MTV News posted today that Daniel Radcliffe is the Actor we're most thankful for in 2011 and I think we all agree on that! See the interview & videos with MTV (Daniel during The Woman in Black promotion) below.

: This is your first full year working outside "Harry Potter." How has it been?
Daniel Radcliffe: It's been a great first year away from "Potter." It's been very successful. I've done some work I'm really proud of in that time, particularly onstage in "How to Succeed." Just the process of doing it and doing it and doing it, I've got so much better, I think, during the run, as is the way it should be. It's been a great year, but I think next year is the big one for me. "The Woman in Black" is coming out, and I've also got a couple other things I'll be doing. The next two or three years are going to be pretty important, I think, and if [2011] is not a breakout year, it's a breakaway year.


Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe attended Harry Potter luncheon

Marion 22 November 2011 0 permalink
Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe attended Harry Potter luncheon

Monday night, Daniel Radcliffe attended a luncheon at New York's 21 Club together with David Heyman, David Yates and co-star Alan Rickman, which was hosted by Warner Bros., to celebrate Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 plus there was a 3D special screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 followed by a panel discussion. A quote from Dan and photos below. Then there is also an audio interview from The Hollywood Reporter. See photos here.

Update: 29th November 2011. More conversation with Dan during the luncheon from
Update: 8th April 2019. Photo from Spotlight Productions.

Quote via
An audience member asked about what the funniest moment on set was, and Radcliffe deadpanned, “What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to me in the past 10 years?” One moment, though, that stood out to him was his “Henry V” speech to Dumbledore’s Army in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He shared that he would wear shoes with blue covers on them so not to mark up the floor. During one take, while delivering the big rousing speech, Radcliffe looked down and realized he had put his shoes on the wrong feet. “Patton would not have done well if his shoes were on the wrong feet,” he laughed.
When it came time to talk about worst moments on set, Radcliffe was quick to respond “Quidditch,” explaining that riding a broom is much more painful than it looks. In terms of best, he shared, “It’s impossible to pick. This is my life. I see a scene, it’s a moment from my life. I had a blast on these films.”

The best part of the chat for the audience? To the surprise of no one who’s checked out any of his interviews over the years, Radcliffe brought the charming awkwardness that’s endeared him to so many, laughing constantly throughout the chat. He also got genuinely personal: “The day we finished [filming], I cried and cried,” Radcliffe said. “In that moment, when the thing you’ve been doing for 10 years ends; I just thought, ‘What am I going to do now?’ … I had a moment the other day where I was feeling very nostalgic for it.”

New AMC theatres The Woman in Black trailer

Marion 22 November 2011 0 permalink
New AMC theatres The Woman in Black trailer

I posted before (and Daniel told you) about this new exclusive AMC theatres The Woman in Black trailer debute.. and for all of you who haven't or couldn't see it, it is released online by AMC theatres today!

US trailer - superstition

The Woman in Black Trivia question from Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 21 November 2011 0 permalink
The Woman in Black Trivia question from Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel is asking you the following (via the official The Woman in Black Facebook page) about the trailer of The Woman in Black.. If you want to take a look at the trailer again: watch
"How many different kinds of toys are seen in the trailer?"
Submit your answer

Side by Side by Susan Backwell: Daniel Radcliffe does the dirty work

Marion 21 November 2011 0 permalink
Side by Side by Susan Backwell: Daniel Radcliffe does the dirty work

Daniel Radcliffe gets easy lessons in household chores from Susan Blackwell in's Side by Side by Susan Blackwell.


Daniel Radcliffe: "next role is likely to be a gay character"

Marion 19 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe: "next role is likely to be a gay character"
While he did promotion for The Woman in Black with International press this week, he said some very interesting quotes about a possible new role in 2012. TÊTU magazine talked with Dan and he said the following.
"The star of Harry Potter released he was "very likely" to play a gay character in a movie to come out in the course of next year. "But I will say no more," he told TÊTU.

Radcliffe prefers to anticipate the hype around this future role: "Many things will be said about the gay thing, but I prefer to say now that this project is much more than that."

As for the prospect of kissing a boy? "I'm not sure that I would like it," he smiles. "But I guess I'll find out."
I personally think it's intersting because it's something so different again

Daniel visits Alan Rickman's Seminar

Marion 18 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel visits Alan Rickman's Seminar
There is a photo of Dan visiting co-star Alan Rickman backstage at his Broadway play Seminar on 7th November while he had a day off from How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying. See the photo at

Photo: Timothy Eaker

Updated(2): Channel One News: Daniel follows a workshop - The Trevor Project

Marion 17 November 2011 0 permalink
Updated(2): Channel One News: Daniel follows a workshop - The Trevor Project

Channel One News had an interview with Daniel while he was producing a new segment for The Trevor Project in Manhattan, but he also did meet up with the Youth Advisory Council to follow a workshop which was set up by the Trevor Project.

Update: 6th February 2012: Video here.
Update: 24th April 2021. No video is available anymore but there is a new photo shared by Shelby Holliday on Facebook.

Win a trip to the London premiere of The Woman in Black (AMC Theatres)

Marion 16 November 2011 0 permalink
Win a trip to the London premiere of The Woman in Black (AMC Theatres)
AMC Theatres released the following video in which Daniel Radcliffe tells you that AMC will debuting an exclusive new trailer for The Woman in Black in front of Twilight Breaking Dawn plus you can win a trip to the London premiere of TWiB, US only. To enter see the video and click here.

The info from CBS/AMC Theatres:

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe attended Make Believe on Broadway Gala

Marion 15 November 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe attended Make Believe on Broadway Gala

Daniel attended (just as Alan Rickman) the 12th Annual Make Believe on Broadway Gala yesterday benefiting Only Make Believe. He was a special guest at the event which took place at the Shubert Theatre in New York City. Some photos can be viewed below.

Photos: Getty Images

Daniel Radcliffe thanks for 50.000 Facebook fans

Marion 12 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe thanks for 50.000 Facebook fans

The US Facebook page of The Woman in Black released a new video message from Dan because they now have passed 50.000 followers at Facebook.
We know you're excited, so please share the trailer with all of your friends and let's see how quickly we can double to 100k fans!! Don't forget to keep checking back because we'll have a ton more photos, sneak peeks, prizes, and more before the The Woman in Black hits theaters on February 3, 2012!

Daniel Radcliffe's favorite Harry Potter Film is..

Marion 12 November 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe's favorite Harry Potter Film is..
Moviefone asked Daniel the following question recently: "Let's say I'm going to the moon and I only have room in my suitcase for one 'Harry Potter' movie. Which one should I take?"

The answer:
"Of the Potter films? Seven, Part 2. The last one. It's the best film, I think. Well, no, it's the best combination of acting, directing, writing, effects ... everything. I think the finest example of those in a Potter film is the last one, where they all came together. Because, you know, I think some of the coolest directorial stuff was on number three [the Alfonso Cuaron-directed 'The Prisoner of Azkaban'], but we weren't as good then. So I wouldn't like you to take that one. Whereas there's some amazing stuff that [director] David [Yates] did in the last film and now we're slightly, you know, more up to scratch. So that would be the one that I would tell you to take with you.

"But I would also say ... I would also say to take something else. I don't know, take 'A Matter of Life and Death.' That's my favorite film, for me."

Updated: Rupert and Daniel talk about Harry's heroic moment

Marion 11 November 2011 1 permalink
Updated: Rupert and Daniel talk about Harry's heroic moment uploaded a new video from Rupert & Daniel talking about Harry's heroic moment in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 a great reason to celebrate the sale of the DVD which starts today, depending on your country.

And while we are talking Harry Potter, another on set photo with Maggie Smith which appeared online is to be seen below.

Update: 12th November 2011. Another video via Yahoo! Movies.

Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe attended NYMF Gala

Marion 7 November 2011 0 permalink
Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe attended NYMF Gala

Daniel attended the 8th annual New York Musical Theatre Festival (NYMF) Gala on yesterday evening in New York, where he presented the NYMF 2011 Awards for Excellence to the producers of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Neil Meron and Craig Zadan.

Update: 8th November 2011. I replaced the watermark photos.
Update: 10th November 2011. A video added thanks to
Update: 24th December 2011. added another video recently

Photos: Getty Images

250th show for "How to Succeed"

Marion 5 November 2011 0 permalink
250th show for "How to Succeed"

Daniel Radcliffe, John Larroquette and the rest of the cast and crew of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying celebrated their 250th performance on Broadway at the Hirschfeld Theatre in New York City.

Photos: Getty Images

Warner Bros launches " For your consideration" Deathly Hallows part 2 awards promotional website

Marion 2 November 2011 0 permalink
Warner Bros launches " For your consideration"  Deathly Hallows part 2 awards promotional website

Warner Bros. launched their 'For Your Consideration' promotional website (visit for upcoming awards shows like the 2012 Academy Awards, and listed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, (together with other movies) and Daniel as Best Actor and more staff/producers etc. A trailer can seen below. Let's hope it will bring the final Harry Potter film the prizes it deserves to win.

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