Join Daniel Radcliffe at this Friday's Spike Scream Awards Harry Potter Tribute - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Join Daniel Radcliffe at this Friday's Spike Scream Awards Harry Potter Tribute

I just heard/read the exclusive news that Daniel Radcliffe is inviting 1,000 Harry Potter fans to join him at a secret location in New York City this Friday night, 14th October, to tape a segment for a Harry Potter tribute to air during Spike TV’s Scream Awards 2011.

To join click here and enter the promo code 'potter' (to be eligible to attend, you must be 18 years old and live in the New York tri-state area).

When: 10/14/2011
What Time: 9:30 PM
Where: New York, NY
Audience release: You will have to sign an audience release before you can participate in the farewell.
Personal items: Please be aware that large bags, backpacks, food or drinks will NOT be allowed in the event.  Cell phones are OK.  
Security: Everyone must pass through a security check, including a metal detector, before being seated.

Let the trending begin! Tweet your pics, videos and experiences @spike_tv #SCREAMFORPOTTER. The Scream Awards will premiere Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 9 p.m. (vote link is at the right sidebar)


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