Daniel Radcliffe promo + screening at LA's Comikaze Expo - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe promo + screening at LA's Comikaze Expo

Comikaze Expo posted on their Facebook about a promo & a screening from a "very special celebrity" they will show at the Comikaze Expo on November 5th & 6th at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Ok we have a VERY special promo from a VERY special celebrity coming out who is doing a SUPER special screening at...
Geplaatst door Comikaze Expo op vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

The people who said it was Daniel Radcliffe, got to read to this comment on the status above:
Everyone who said DANIEL RADCLIFFE- Put yr email down below. We will cross check. Video will be LIVE MONDAY. Spread the word. Comikaze may be a first year show but we pulled out some big guns, we are ALL THAT and more and we are only$12. Support local support a convention who cares . Spread the word. If you think this year looks rad, just imagine what we will do for you next. Conventions should be good AND Affordable. So tell ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Let the LA INVASION BEGIN!
So all the info in short: It seems there will be a The Woman in Black screening.. + a special promo (which they film monday, so tomorrow). If more information about this comes available, I'l update
"Comikaze Expo is Los Angeles’ first and only large-scale, multi-media pop culture convention. We bring together the most exciting and innovative in comics, video games, original art, movies, television and more"
source: comikazeexpo.com

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