August 2011 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Spotlight Event's: Harry Potter: Back to Hogwarts

Marion 31 August 2011 0 permalink
Spotlight Event's: Harry Potter: Back to Hogwarts

Do you remember we posted before about Spotlight Events? We already supported their event in Paris back in 2010 and now I can announce that SE is announcing their second Event: Harry Potter Back to Hogwarts for all Potter Fans in November (France) with stars of Harry Potter attending, and ofcourse we are a proud supporter again! Thanks to Amandine from Spotlight Events for the info

What to know:
Guest(s): Stanislav Ianevski, Harry Melling (Dudley) other guests will be announced before the event
Date(s): 4, 5 and 6 November 2011
Place: France, (venue will be announced in September)
Site: here or at the Spotlight Event's website (French and English)
VIP Pass: From 300 euros in auction (almost £253) (Limited to 4 tickets only)
Outstanding Pass: 200 euros (almost £168) (Limited to 150 tickets)
Exceeds Expectations Pass: 150 euros (almost £126)
Acceptable Pass: 70 euros (almost £59)

If you want to buy tickets: click here
Follow Spotlight Events @Twitter: @SpotLightEvents

More information about other guests and more, sure will come when we are getting closer to November!

Updated: Dan to unveil The Woman in Black Stage Play's plaque in Mexico

Marion 28 August 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Dan to unveil The Woman in Black Stage Play's plaque in Mexico
A Mexican website is reporting that Dan will be heading to Mexico in 2012 to unveil the 18th annual commemorative plaque for the Rafael Perrín directed production of La Dama de Negro (The Woman in Black), The play openened there at 17th February 1994 at the Harlequin Theatre. The Film adaption will have it's debut on the same day. When I have more information on this later, you will ofcourse hear it!

Update: 7th January 2012. The Facebook page of the Mexican play has updated with he following news: which means Dan is NOT attending. It means we shouldn't believe everything on the internet..
Reps for The Woman in Black (movie) have said that touring plans for the film are currently to be confirmed. Maybe more about that soon..
The production of The Woman in Black noticed that there is confirmation that the English actor Daniel Radcliffe or their representatives will go to Mexico to attend the premiere of his movie, or some other event in our country. Features 17 to February 19, 2012 will be a celebration of 18 years of continuous functions.All you do is for fans of the stage play and do not involve in any way the presence of the young actor. Greetings.
CONFIRMED. Daniel Radcliffe will be in Mexico to unveil the plaque 18 years of performances in our country of the "La Dama de Negro". The English actor of "Harry Potter", which has come to an end, said yes, after receiving the invitation of Mexican production, directed by Rafael Perrin.

"How to Succeed" performances cancelled due to Hurricane Irene

Marion 27 August 2011 0 permalink
"How to Succeed" performances cancelled due to Hurricane Irene
Just a quick post to let you all know that the preformances this Saturday and Sunday of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying are cancelled because of the Hurricane Irene that is heading to the coast of the US. All tickets will be refunded. This was posted at the H2s Facebook page. To everyone out there in the US I hope you all are prepared.
This just in: All performances of "How To Succeed" on Saturday, August 27 and Sunday, August 28 have been canceled! There IS a performance tonight (Friday, August 26) and we expect to resume our normal playing schedule on Tuesday, August 30. Have a SAFE weekend!!

Updated: Empire magazine: Daniel Radcliffe talks Woman in Black (UK)

Marion 26 August 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Empire magazine: Daniel Radcliffe talks Woman in Black (UK)

Quotes from Empire magazine's October issue. Features new stills of The Woman in Black. has scans.

8th September 2011. A HQ photo (the one with the candle) here thanks to The Woman in Black UK Facebook page.

Daniel Radcliffe: "I feel like I’ve landed on my feet with this being the first thing after Harry. Because this is very different, in that I’m playing a father and it’s a more grown-up film, but it’s not so scandalously different that people will say, ‘Oh, he’s just trying too hard; he’s trying to shock us into thinking he’s something else now.’ I think I’ve taken away some of the ammunition people can throw."

"But I know it’s going to be a leap for people who’ve seen me in a schoolboy outfit for the last ten years and suddenly I’m playing a dad. In the script you read, it probably said Arthur was 27, but we’re pinching it at about 24. Because I can just about pass for 24, especially with the sideburns and make up … That was the thing that worried me more.

"I started to think, ‘Should I do a deeper voice?’, but the chances are my voice isn’t going to be any deeper by the time I’m 24, so it didn’t make sense. And James [Watkins, director] was very quick to allay my fears and say, ‘Well, if that’s what the audience is thinking about, then we’re buggered anyway.'"
One trait noted about Dan was the fact that he was a mouth-breather in real life, but for Kipps he had to learn to breathe only through his nose, something he kept forgetting.

Dan: "That’s one thing James has been very, very keen on. The note I get more than any other on this film is, ‘Close your mouth!'"

"What’s interesting is when he comes here [to the village]. When I was reading the script I was going, ‘Why doesn’t he leave?! He’s nuts for staying here!’ But the interesting thing James said was, ‘He’s lost his wife, he’s searching for her and then he sees the ghost of a dead woman.'

"That curiosity keeps him there. Because curiosity is a very powerful thing. It sounds like a twee word, but it’s what makes us human. It’s such a powerful force." 

On reading Virginia Ironside's You’ll Get Over It, a book about dealing with grief:
Dan: “It was fantastic. It was the most honest book. The thing it talked about, that I liked, was that people always talk about the seven stages [of grief], but what it said was, the idea of having stages implies that after you’ve gone through them you will be over it. The thing with Arthur is he never got out of that place.

There’s a bit in [C.S. Lewis'] A Grief Observed where it talks about [how grief is] like walking through a valley where the landscape always changes and repeats. It’s that thing of being stuck in the cycle of grief and living with the ghost. That’s what he’s been doing: living with the ghost of his wife for the last four years.

Archive video: Daniel Radcliffe's first Harry Potter interview (2001)

Marion 23 August 2011 1 permalink
Archive video: Daniel Radcliffe's first Harry Potter interview (2001)

Since it is a bit quiet around new news I decided to post this great press junket interview from Dan from about 10 years ago. It's actually the first interview he did for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with Access Hollywood back in 2001. Always great to watch back right?..

Daniel Radcliffe on Access Hollywood

Marion 20 August 2011 3 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Access Hollywood

There are two Access Hollywood clips online in which Daniel talks about How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Harry Potter and more. Edit: Only one clip works still.

Updated(2): New The Woman in Black trailer (with exclusive introduction from Dan Radcliffe)

Marion 17 August 2011 7 permalink
Updated(2): New The Woman in Black trailer (with exclusive introduction from Dan Radcliffe)

Yahoo! Movies released the new US/UK trailer online (below is the UK version, but don't worry both are the same regarding the scenes) of The Woman in Black, and Dan also recorded a short introduction. Enjoy

Yahoo! Movies talk chatted with Dan about The Woman in Black. Read that below. Then there is also a message to all "Hammer Fans" from Daniel Radcliffe regarding TWIB via Hammer Films
I spoke to Radcliffe from New York where he's appearing on Broadway in the musical "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" and I asked him what it was about this role that made it the right choice for his first post-"Potter" film.  Radcliffe said, "It was certainly not a part that people can really compare to Harry… But [the] main attraction, to be honest, was simply the story, and how compelling it was, and being a part of a really, really good horror film."

In "The Woman in Black," Radcliffe plays Arthur Kipps, a lawyer whose wife has died leaving him with a young son.  He is sent to a small village to sort out the affairs of a deceased client, but as he delves into local secrets he encounters a ghostly presence that foretells a deadly curse.  Radcliffe called the film's script "a character-driven, well-written horror film that had the capability of being just as scary as any 'Paranormal Activity' or any of those films that have recently come out,  while also having a depth of character that you don't often find there."

That's not to say, however, that Radcliffe considers himself to be a real fan of horror movies.  He said, "To be honest, if I wasn't in it myself I'd probably be too scared to see it."  Though he did clarify that the scares in "The Woman in Black" are not the type that would usually have him covering his eyes.  "What I was always scared of as a child and as a teenager was gore and blood and things like that," Radcliffe said.  "When it got too gory that's when I would get freaked out."  He explained that this film is more of a classically suspenseful ghost story: "There are moments when people do jump out of their seats, but there [are] also the the subtler moments when you just find a chill running up your spine and you're not quite sure why."

"The Woman in Black" is based on a 1983 horror novel that was previously adapted into a play that's been running continuously in London for 23 years.  It was also made into a television movie in 1989, and that version has an odd connection to Radcliffe's earlier career.  Adrian Rawlins, the actor who starred in the lead role in that adaptation, went on play Harry Potter's father.  Radcliffe recalled that he had finished work on the final film, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," and was preparing for this when he learned this fact.  He said, "I went online and, saw, suddenly, yes, Adrian Rawlins's name came up who was one of loveliest actors we've ever had on 'Potter,' and he played my dad."  Radcliffe said the link was entirely coincidental, but that "it was another bit of kinship we had there."

Radcliffe said that he read the original book, but that this new film diverges significantly from how the story is told in the novel.  But he said that Susan Hill, the book's author, "has been with us every step of the way… I know she's seen the film, and [she] is delighted with the finished product."  The film is directed by James Watkins, who previously made the violent British thriller "Eden Lake," which Radcliffe said he watched "and [I] thought, oh Jesus Christ, I know I'll be now working with a psychopath… If he wrote this film he must be an absolutely insane man."  Radcliffe expressed his relief, though, when he met the director and discovered, "he's this very, very smart, very funny, very classy guy."  Radcliffe was so impressed by Watkins work that he said the filmmaker is capable of becoming one of "the leading lights in British cinema for some time."

After playing the same character on screen for a decade — nearly half his life — Radcliffe seems eager to stretch himself with each new role.  But he said, "I don't have a long-term plan whatsoever." While some actors would feel the pressure to follow up a massive franchise like "Potter" with another huge project, Radcliffe doesn't see it that way.  He said, "[In] a way what's quite nice is that I will never have, in my career, a film that it has financially successful as 'Harry Potter.'  Ever. That is beyond question. But what's nice about that is that I don't have to aim for that anymore."  Because he already worked on the sort of big blockbusters that other actors dream of doing, he feels a degree of freedom to pick smaller projects that speak to him personally.  Radcliffe said, "If I dedicate myself to… each film as they come, then the long-term thing should take care of itself."

Empire Big Screen: The making of Harry Potter studio tour foto's en verslag

Marion 17 August 2011 0 permalink
Empire Big Screen: The making of Harry Potter studio tour foto's en verslag

Dirk van Kids World Academy heeft mij zijn verslag gestuurd van de Empire Big Screen evenement, Warner Bros. Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter. Ik heb het vertaald in het Engels.
The Empire Presents Big Screen was on August 14, 2011 at the O2 Arena. It's officially the biggest launched attraction in Europe: The Making Of Harry Potter Located in the Warner Bros Leavesden Studios you can buy your ticket from October 13, 2011 for a tour in an area of ​​more than three football fields, And reservations are required since this is the ultimate experience for all Harry Potter fans around the world.

At the launch event were actors Warwick Davis and Evanna Lynch to present and discuss things with some members of the crew how during the filming of the movie proceeded.Up to 2x, the world premiere of the official trailer for The Making of Harry Potter at the O2 Arena was shown, which everyone was very enthusiastic about on thebig screen,the outline of the studio show. The actors were in top form and Warwick Davis said it's great to think the entire period of 10 years Harry Potter films comes to life in 3 hours to relive.Evanna Lynch was honored to make a Harry Potter fan happy with a VIP ticket and then gave signatures to some Harry Potter fans.
Tickets staan online vanaf 13 oktober 2011. Voor meer info kijk op

Harry Potter: 19 Exclusive behind the scenes photos

Marion 15 August 2011 0 permalink
Harry Potter: 19 Exclusive behind the scenes photos

Entertainment Weekly has posted 19 Harry Potter behind the scenes photos from Sorcerer's Stone to Deathly Hallows. See them at

Video preview: Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter

Marion 15 August 2011 0 permalink
Video preview: Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter

A preview of the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter has been shown at the Empire Big Screen event this past Sunday. And it is now online. It features a new clip with Daniel talking about Leavesden Studios with also more behind the scenes shots. Tickets will be available 13th October 2011 (open spring 2012).

Updated: Empire Big Screen: The Woman in Black teaser/poster and more

Marion 13 August 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Empire Big Screen: The Woman in Black teaser/poster and more
Today was the day of the Empire Big Screen event, which Daniel sadly couldn't attend like I posted earlier here, but there are some tweets on Twitter via the official The Woman in Black account, which  gives us some more information on what happened in London and what's to come.

Update: Audio from the press conference here thanks to

a US teaser from the film next week (CBS Fims released that info)
A World Exclusive poster has been released (which will be online this week, a close-up of Dan)
3) They showed an exclusive clip. Description: "Arthur (Dan) being creeped out by a door that he can't open. He goes to get an axe but it has opened on its own" (which also will appear online soon hopefully)

tweets (from the Press Conference which took place at 4PM today): [@WomanInBlackUK]

James had Daniel Radcliffe working in a marsh tank for three days and he powered through. He's proud of his performance! #TheWomanInBlack

James - 'Daniel is such a delight to work with - to an extent it is suspicious!' #TheWomanInBlack

Jon - 'measuring the audiences reaction is key to tailoring the film for the horror genre' #TheWomanInBlack @EmpireBIGSCREEN

James - we can expect a growing sense of dread when watching the film #TheWomanInBlack

Jon and James - 'Subtle, measured and unsettling. It WILL get under people's skin. And there WILL be jumpy moments!' #TheWomanInBlack

The UK trailer has just been played on stage - only shown in front of select screenings so far #TheWomanInBlack

Updated: Entertainment Weekly scan: New The Woman in Black photo

Marion 12 August 2011 1 permalink
Updated: Entertainment Weekly scan: New The Woman in Black photo

The new issue of Entertainment Weekly features a new still from Dan as Arthur Kipps into the upcoming movie The Woman in Black. See that one above.
"Harry has his share of harrowing moments, but this film is far more harrowing than any of the Potter films," says Radcliffe, who adds that it was easy to portray a dad because he got his real-life godson, Misha Handley, to play his onscreen son. "I guess I cheated a bit," he laughs.

Update: CBS Films released a HQ version of the pic.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2: top-grossing release of 2011

Marion 10 August 2011 3 permalink
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2: top-grossing release of 2011
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 has become the top-grossing release of 2011 in all categories: domestic box office, international box office and worldwide box office. The announcement was made today by Warner Bros. Pictures President of Domestic Distribution, Dan Fellman, and President of International Distribution,Veronika Kwan-Rubinek.

As of August 8, the film had earned $344.8 million domestically and $801.5 million internationally, for an astounding worldwide box office gross of $1.146 billion, which makes it third place on the list of highest grossing films of all time! Well done Team Potter!

Veronika Kwan-Rubinek stated, "'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2' can truly be called a global phenomenon. The filmmakers and cast, who dedicated their talents to the success of these films for over a decade, share in this piece of cinema history. We congratulate and thank them all."
Dan Fellman said, "This is another incredible milestone for the last chapter of this historic film series, and for the Harry Potter franchise as a whole. In a crowded and very competitive summer, it is a tribute to both the film and the people behind it that moviegoers are still turning out to enjoy it-whether for the first time or for a repeat viewing."
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 is the first Harry Potter film to be released in both 3D and 2D. Concurrently with its nationwide theatrical distribution, the film is being released in select IMAX® theatres. The film is being distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company. It has been rated PG-13 for some sequences of intense action violence and frightening images. The Film was released July 15th, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 press junket interviews

Marion 10 August 2011 3 permalink
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 press junket interviews

Press junket interviews: Daniel talked with Stevie Wong of STAR Movies VIP Access about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, topics: fans, being emotional on the last days on set plus more.

Special Empire Big Screen event message from Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 9 August 2011 0 permalink
Special Empire Big Screen event message from Daniel Radcliffe

Ahead of the Big Screen event of Empire this weekend (12-14th August), Daniel recorded a message, where he tells he is sorry that he can't attend the event because of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and he tells who else will attend.

Here a quote:
"There will be a special appearance from the brilliant director of the new film " The Woman in Black" James Watkins, and also the author of the books, so I hope you have a great time and ask them lots of difficult questions"

Dan Radcliffe accepts Harry Potter awards (via satellite) at 2011 Teen Choice Awards

Marion 8 August 2011 2 permalink
Dan Radcliffe accepts Harry Potter awards (via satellite) at 2011 Teen Choice Awards

I did already post on Twitter that Harry Potter won in total 7 awards (final two Deathly Hallows films), yesterday at the 2011 Teen Choice Awards, inlcuding Dan ofcourse who won Choice Summer Movie Star and Choice Movie: Liplock with Emma Watson. Tom Felton and Rupert Grint were there in person to accept the Awards for Harry Potter, Daniel via satellite, because he could not be in LA. himself. You can view some photos here.

A little edit, all the awards from HP and actors/actresses:
Choice Movie Summer Actor – Daniel Radcliffe, Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Choice Movie Summer Actress – Emma Watson, Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Choice Movie Actress, Sci Fi/Fantasy – Emma Watson
Choice Movie, Sci Fi/Fantasy – Deathly Hallows – Part 1
Choice Summer Movie – Deathly Hallows – Part 2
Choice Villain – Tom Felton
Choice Movie Liplock – Daniel Radcliffe & Emma Watson, Deathly Hallows – Part 1

Epilogue Deathly Hallows part 2 promo's + quotes

Marion 6 August 2011 1 permalink
Epilogue Deathly Hallows part 2 promo's + quotes

Official promo's of the epilogue scene of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 have been released online by LA Times. See the photos of Dan and his on screen son at
“The thing we didn’t want was for it to be distracting and I think we figured it out,” Radcliffe said. “We did it with prosthetics, in the end, and I’m sure there will be little bits of visual effects for retouching on those moments when we do a close-up… when you have the prosthetic on for a long time, it’s hard to maintain it, that illusion, and with close-ups you need to fix it up. It’s also a challenge to make someone who is 19 or 20 — an age where their face is still changing — and make them a fully grown adult. I think they looked fantastic though and, if I do say so, particularly mine. Mine looked pretty dead on. That’s me in the future I think.”

Updated(2): Join the ultimate "How to Succeed" fan contest (and meet the cast)

Marion 2 August 2011 3 permalink
Updated(2): Join the ultimate "How to Succeed" fan contest (and meet the cast)
The official site of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying is having a fan contest, and what can you win? A free trip to NY...see the show.. and meet the cast.

Update: 25th August. Mary Faber announces the winner: video here Congratulations Julie Purin
Update: 6th September. Julie's picture with Dan and her story about meeting the cast here | video

How to enter?
Tell H2sBway why you are the ultimate fan, upload your video to their Facebook page.

  • Record your video (at least 20 seconds long) by midnight on Sunday, August 21.
  • One lucky winner will be selected by a representative of HOW TO SUCCEED… on or about Monday, August 22.
  • The grand prize includes roundtrip airfare to New York City on Tuesday, August 30, lodging for two nights and tickets to HOW TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS WITHOUT REALLY TRYING, a meet-and-greet with cast members and an Ultimate Fan Video Shoot on Wednesday, August 31.
  • The winner will have their “Ultimate Fan” experience videotaped.
  • Restrictions apply. Click here for the full rules and regulations.
You can see their contest page here. If you are joining: Good Luck! We post more info when the winner is chosen. source

Photoshoot by Armando Gallo

Marion 2 August 2011 1 permalink
Photoshoot by Armando Gallo

Earlier this summer, Daniel participated in a photoshoot as part of his promotion for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. You can see them at Photos by Armando Gallo

Confirmed: Darren Criss to replace Daniel Radcliffe in "How to Succeed"

Marion 1 August 2011 8 permalink
Confirmed: Darren Criss to replace Daniel Radcliffe in "How to Succeed"
It is confirmed: Darren Criss (Glee and A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel) takes over Dan's role as J.Pierrepont Finch in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying when he is done in January 2012 (Dan stops Jan 1, Darren starts Jan 3), for a three-week run. has posted that a production spokesperson confirmed this.

So if you are still planning to see Dan on stage. you better buy some tickets (see the right sidebar)
"Daniel gives an extraordinary performance eight times a week and we knew finding someone to fill his shoes would be nearly impossible. When we learned of Darren's dream of performing on Broadway we knew we had found our Finch but presumed his "GLEE" schedule would eliminate any chance to work with him," Rob Ashford ~Director/choreographer
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying opened on March 27 at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre and scored eight Tony nominations, including Best Revival of a Musical. In addition to Radcliffe, the production currently stars Tony winner John Larroquette as J.B. Biggley, Rose Hemingway as Rosemary Pilkington, Tammy Blanchard as Hedy La Rue, Mary Faber as Smitty and Christopher J. Hanke as Bud Frump.
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