July 2011 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Deathly Hallows part 2 UK poster

Marion 30 July 2011 0
Deathly Hallows part 2 UK poster
UK 'Moments' poster for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 released by Warner Bros. via snitchseeker.com. IT ALL ENDS.

Photos: Warner Bros.

Michelle Obama at HP 7 part 2 screening + exclusive message from Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 30 July 2011 0
Michelle Obama at HP 7 part 2 screening + exclusive message from Daniel Radcliffe
On 21st July first Lady Michelle Obama was at the Naval Air Station Oceana Aerotheater in Virginia Beach, Virginia with military families for a screening of Warner Brothers' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

US release date pushed back for The Woman in Black

Marion 30 July 2011 1
US release date pushed back  for The Woman in Black
CBS Films has released that the US release date of The Woman in Black will be pushed out of January (like we mentioned before) and into February: 3rd February 2012. Probably because of a box office issue with Underworld Awakening according to sources.

source: dreadcentral.com

Daniel, Emma and Rupert thank Japanese Harry Potter fans

Marion 28 July 2011 0
Daniel, Emma and Rupert thank Japanese Harry Potter fans
Warner Bros. Japan has released a video from the trio in which they thank and say goodbye to Japanese Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) fans. It's recorded during a press junket interview for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.
Emma Watson: Hello, Japan. Thank you so much for all of your support.
Rupert Grint:
I find it really sad that it's finally coming to an end. I've really enjoyed this over the years. Goodbye to everyone in Japan.
Daniel Radcliffe:
This is the end of our journey, but the magic will be with us forever. Thank you, Japan. Sayonara.

Photo: YouTube

Meer HP7 part 2 première foto's en fototentoonstelling in Antwerpen

Marion 28 July 2011 0
Meer HP7 part 2 première foto's en fototentoonstelling in Antwerpen
Met dank aan Dirk van Kids World Academy die [65!] foto's naar mij toe heeft gestuurd, vind je hieronder de foto's van hun bezoek aan de première van Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 op 7 juli maar ook van de Harry Potter fototentoonstelling in Antwerpen, België met o.a achter de schermen foto's.

Daniel Radcliffe Birthday Project 2011 update: It's on it's way!

Marion 27 July 2011 1
Daniel Radcliffe Birthday Project 2011 update: It's on it's way!
So, here is the promised update regarding the birthday project 2011 which I arranged together with partnersite danielradcliffe.de this year. The t-shirt is now on it's way. And I know Mira from danielradcliffe.de also has posted her package yesterday and actually after his birthday. It also takes some time also anyway for Daniel to receive it, so I don't expect an answer really soon also because he is still in NY at the moment and not in London.

I have taken some photos of the t-shirt so you all can get an idea about how it looks with all the words included. (I tried to make the first part like you read an encyclopedia, thought that was quite original). You can see those at the projects page which I have updated. Then now I can only say a huge thanks to everyone who has joined, and now we just wait.

Scans: Radio Times magazine (UK)

Marion 26 July 2011 0
Scans: Radio Times magazine (UK)
The newest issue of Radio Times, features interviews with 20 actors about how Harry Potter changed their lives. And I just love this quote from Dan (on the second scan). Via snitchseeker.com.

Scans: Galaxie magazine (Malaysia)

Marion 25 July 2011 0
Scans: Galaxie magazine (Malaysia)
Malaysia's Galaxie magazine's July issue features Daniel, Emma and Rupert, there is a new photo also, probably by Andy Gotts, simply looking at the shirt he is wearing. Scans via emma-watson.net.

Interview: Inquirer Dan talks "How to Succeed", Deathly Hallows part 2 premiere and more

Marion 24 July 2011 0
Interview: Inquirer Dan talks "How to Succeed", Deathly Hallows part 2 premiere and more
Daniel has talked with the Inquirer and talked about his life after Harry Potter, How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying and more which you can read below.

How did you acquire that incredible voice?
I can assure you that it’s not an incredible voice. It’s a solid voice, one that gets me through eight shows a week safely and comfortably. But there are a lot of bigger singers than me … I’ve always enjoyed music. I’ve always sung along and stuff, so I suppose I’ve always had a kind of musical inclination in that sense. Three years ago, I started having singing lessons. I just loved it. My singing teacher is a great guy in England named Mark Meylan. He’s very funny and dry.

Were you able to reach those notes right away?
No. That has been worked on across the three years. My range got slightly bigger. But I’m not quite Freddie Mercury yet.

Read more at the link above.

Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! 22!

Marion 23 July 2011 5
Happy Birthday Daniel Radcliffe! 22!
Well the day has come again, Daniel Radcliffe has turned 22 today. So Happy Birthday Daniel! The staff from Daniel J Radcliffe Holland wishes him all the best, and let's hope he has a great day. And wish you all the best for your career in the future and supporting you since the very first beginning. :)

Feel free to post some comments etc.. things you would like to let other fans know etc.. in honor of his birthday :) (or via twitter ofcourse, I already got a few)

Harry Potter interview

Marion 20 July 2011 0
Harry Potter interview

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 soundbite interview.

Daniel Radcliffe on The Early Show

Marion 20 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe on The Early Show
Daniel's interview with The Early Show's Scott Stern at The Gramercy Park Hotel in New York where he talked about "Life after Potter".

Daniel Radcliffe on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

Marion 19 July 2011 2
Daniel Radcliffe on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Daniel Radcliffe talks cartoons, Quidditch/Harry Potter on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. He dropped by yesterday and you can see the video on Comedy Central's website.

Photo: cc.com

Yahoo! Movies cast interview (Deathly Hallows part 2)

Marion 18 July 2011 0
Yahoo! Movies cast interview (Deathly Hallows part 2)
Yahoo! Movies interview with the cast and Daniel in which they talk about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. 

Photo: YouTube

Dan's most enjoyable/emotional scenes (Deathly Hallows p2) + cast & crew sign flag for Japan earthquake relief

Marion 16 July 2011 0
Dan's most enjoyable/emotional scenes (Deathly Hallows p2) + cast & crew sign flag for Japan earthquake relief
Well first a video in which Daniel talk about his most emotional and enjoyable scenes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 which you can see below.

Daniel Radcliffe signing autographs outside Live! with Regis and Kelly

Marion 15 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe signing autographs outside Live! with Regis and Kelly
I already posted yesterday that Daniel visited Live! with Regis and Kelly, and now I can show you more photos of Daniel signing autographs outside the studio.

Embed from Getty Images
Embed from Getty Images
Embed from Getty Images
Photos: Getty Images

AP interview: Without Harry Potter.. where would you have been?

Marion 15 July 2011 0
AP interview: Without Harry Potter.. where would you have been?
Yahoo has a new interview online (from AP, Associated Press) where they talk with the trio about where they would have been/what they would do when Harry Potter wouldn't have come on their way.. and here is what Daniel said about that..:
"What probably would have happened, when I got to about 17, 18, and it became apparent, as it would have done, to my parents that I wasn't going to be going to university, I'm sure they probably would have tried to get me, like, an internship on a film as a runner. And then I'd just try to work my way up the A.D. ladder from there," said Radcliffe, whose pre-"Harry Potter" acting work included the title role in a British television production of "David Copperfield."

"To this day, I still fancy myself as a bit of an A.D. Anyone who works with me will tell you if they give me a radio, I constantly kind of try to run messages between people, that I always like to know exactly what's going on around the set. So if somebody's saying, 'Where's so and so? We need them now,' I can go, 'They're there. That person's coming back. They've just gone to the toilet.' I really like to know exactly what's going on at all times on set, because I like to feel that's another way in which I can make myself useful."

Daniel Radcliffe on 1:N

Marion 14 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe on 1:N
Warner Bros. Pictures Mexico has uploaded this 1:N (Primero Noticias) press junket interview with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. He talked with Karla Iberia Sánchez.

Photo: YouTube

Daniel Radcliffe on the Today Show

Marion 14 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe on the Today Show
Daniel on the Today Show where he promoted Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Photos at Getty Images.

Time Out London magazine

Marion 14 July 2011 0
Time Out London magazine
Time Out London magazine has a special Harry Potter collector’s edition with 8 different covers. 14-20 July 2011.

source/photos: timeout.com/london

Daniel Radcliffe on Live! with Regis and Kelly

Marion 14 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe on Live! with Regis and Kelly
Below you can see the video of Daniel on Live! with Regis and Kelly to promote Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 which opens almost everywhere today.

Daniel Radcliffe on BBC News (BBC Breakfast)

Marion 13 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe on BBC News (BBC Breakfast)

Below you find the press junket interview the BBC News had with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 (BBC Breakfast) which aired 8th July.

Deathly Hallows part 2 message from Daniel Radcliffe to French fans

Marion 12 July 2011 0
Deathly Hallows part 2 message from Daniel Radcliffe to French fans
Below you find a recorded message from Daniel to the French fans regarding Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.

Updated(3): World premiere Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, NY

Marion 12 July 2011 1
Updated(3): World premiere Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, NY
Yesterday evening, Daniel attended together with many co-stars the New York premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, I think many of you have been watching the live stream, but for me it started a little bit too late here in Holland, so I update with photos and more. Watch the livestream here.

Updated: New York Time Out photoshoot and interview

Marion 12 July 2011 2
Updated: New York Time Out photoshoot and interview
I did already posted before about the photoshoot by Matt Hoyle, now there are more photos below, for Time Out New York. You can also read more of the interview here. (3 pages).

Larry King Special: Harry Potter: The Last Chapter

Marion 11 July 2011 0
Larry King Special: Harry Potter: The Last Chapter
yesterday, CNN aired a special Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 special with Larry King which called The Last Chapter which we also posted a preview about earlier. If you missed it, you can see it all below. Plus you have a chance to win signed suspenders.

Deathly Hallows part 2 pre-screening Santa Clara, CA winners

Marion 11 July 2011 0
Deathly Hallows part 2 pre-screening Santa Clara, CA winners
I did post here about the chance to win two tickets to the pre-screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, 14th July in Santa Clara, CA. This giveaway was made possible with thanks to partner (and affiliate) Harry Potter Wiki.

The winners have received an e-mail from me (drawn randomly). Have a great time seeing the movie this Thursday!

Photos: Warner Bros.

Matthew Lewis, Tom Felton and Rupert Grint visit Daniel at 'How To Succeed'

Marion 10 July 2011 1
Matthew Lewis, Tom Felton and Rupert Grint visit Daniel at 'How To Succeed'
I did post this morning on Twitter that Dan's Harry Potter co-stars Matthew, Tom and Rupert have visited Daniel at How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying yesterday evening, and well the first photos appeared online. I like Rupert's t-shirt. Photos at matthew-lewis.com.

Daniel Radcliffe wants to study archaeology + Total Film Indonesia + Harry Potter "a look back"

Marion 10 July 2011 0
Daniel Radcliffe wants to study archaeology + Total Film Indonesia + Harry Potter  "a look back"
Daniel Radcliffe said recently that he wants to study archaeology. (Hello! magazine via contactmusic.com) plus Total Film Indonesia interview below (press junket of Deathly Hallows part 2, last summer) And Warner Bros. released a video with a look back at all the HP films called "Harry Potter: A look back" and another artcle for you to read: "I am a huge Sachin Tendulkar fan"

Interview Deathly Hallows part 2, Harry vs. Voldemort & ABC Family video and more

Marion 9 July 2011 0
Interview Deathly Hallows part 2, Harry vs. Voldemort & ABC Family video and more
Well below you can read an on set interview on comingsoon.net. Then click here to see an exclusive featurette of Harry VS. Voldemort by XFinitytv. And third. ABC Family has a Harry Potter exclusive and below you can see the first footage! and then there's also Virgin Movies who has an article  called "Daniel Radcliffe not a natural actor"

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe's pre-recorded video press conference HP Deathly Hallows part 2

Marion 8 July 2011 0
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe's pre-recorded video press conference HP Deathly Hallows part 2
I did already post on Twitter that Daniel was unable to attend the press conference of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 this past Wednesday because of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, but well we can show you now the video where Daniel praises Alan Rickman.. and more via Digital Spy. Full press conference.

Seventeen magazine interview (US)

Marion 8 July 2011 0
Seventeen magazine interview (US)
Seventeen magazine caught up with Daniel at Trevor LIVE! in New York, where he was presented with the Hero Award, to discuss his move to the US, the Trevor Project, and Pottermore.

17: How are you going to prepare for the premiere of the last film?

Daniel Radcliffe: I'm planning on trying to be as mellow and calm as I possibly can be, amidst what will be ultimate madness.

Read more at seventeen.com

Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe's USA Weekend photoshoot

Marion 8 July 2011 0
Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe's USA Weekend photoshoot
I did post already here before about the fact that Daniel would be featured into the new issue of USA Weekend, see photos at Getty Images.

Updated: Win tickets to Deathly Hallows part 2 pre-screening in Santa Clara, CA

Marion 8 July 2011 0
Updated: Win tickets to Deathly Hallows part 2 pre-screening in Santa Clara, CA
Together with Harry Potter Wiki I can offer you a chance to win free tickets to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 to at a pre-screening in Santa Clara. Please note that this does not include airfare or hotel accommodations.
Harry Potter Wiki, one of the largest Potter fan sites on the web, is hosting a magical pre-screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2! While most muggles will have to wait until midnight on July 15th to see the final film of the the franchise, our fans will enjoy an early screening at 7:30pm on July 14th at AMC Mercado in Santa Clara, California! more information here: wikia.com/Hpscreening

Then also Also, the Harry Potter Wiki will be hosting a Wizarding World Giveaway in which 2 lucky wizards will win a four night vacation package for 4 to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! The winners and their guests will enjoy early park admission, breakfast at the Three Broomsticks, roundtrip airfare and hotel accommodations! The giveaway starts on July 8th and ends on July 22nd. Full details will be available on the 8th at wikia.com/harrypotter
I'm giving away two tickets and each winner is allowed to bring a guest. To enter, send an e-mail with the subject: HP7 screening. Make sure you add your full name.

Update: 8th July 2011. I will e-mail the winners with more information on Monday. You can enter until tomorrow, Sunday 10th July (00:00 in Holland so that's 17:00 US Cental Time)

Photo: Warner Bros.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 press junket interviews

Marion 7 July 2011 0
 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 press junket interviews

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 special content trailer

Marion 7 July 2011 0
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 special content trailer

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 video game artwork

Marion 7 July 2011 0
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 video game artwork
Artwork for Hary Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 the video game. Including screenshots and a wallpaper. Release: 12th July 2011 (US), 14th July 2011 (Europe).

Screenshots here and here.

Photo: Warner Bros.

Updated(3): London World Premiere: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2

Marion 7 July 2011 2
Updated(3): London World Premiere: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2
And today was the day of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 London premiere. Daniel Radcliffe arrived at 7:39. Quite emotional this last premiere.

Le 20 heures (Deathly Hallows part 2)

Marion 7 July 2011 0
Le 20 heures (Deathly Hallows part 2)
The French press junket video interview from France's TF1 Le 20 heures where Daniel promoted Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 from London.

Photo: YouTube

Updated(2): More Daniel Radcliffe exclusive GQ magazine photos (UK)

Marion 6 July 2011 2
Updated(2): More Daniel Radcliffe exclusive GQ magazine photos (UK)
GQ has released more photos online from their photoshoot for the UK magazine's August issue by James Dimmock. I did post already some photos over here.

Photo: gq-magazine.co.uk

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on set interview + CNN and b-roll footage

Marion 6 July 2011 0
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on set interview + CNN and b-roll footage
Below you see Daniel's on set interview, CNN preview and b-roll footage. And I am sure we see loads more these coming days. Spoiler alert
The Gringotts break-in, the trio in the lake after escaping the bank in Diagon Alley, heading to Hogsmeade and meeting Aberforth Dumbledore in the Hog's Head, and the beginning to end of the epic battle at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


thanks Snitchseeker

Daniel answers your questions (Larry King preview)

Marion 5 July 2011 0
Daniel answers your questions (Larry King preview)
Daniel answers questions from Facebook and Twitter. You can catch the Larry King special 10th July at 8 and 11PM et on CNN.

Updated(3): GQ magazine (UK) Daniel Radcliffe: "I was 'reliant' on... alcohol"

Marion 4 July 2011 6
Updated(3): GQ magazine (UK) Daniel Radcliffe: "I was 'reliant' on... alcohol"
Photos: James Dimmock / GQ
Dan is featured into the new UK Summer issue of GQ magazine (thanks @TomFeltonNet for the news). He talked about alcohol with the magazine, which you can read below.

Updated: Last day of filming Harry Potter: includes Daniel's speech

Marion 3 July 2011 0
Updated: Last day of filming Harry Potter: includes Daniel's speech
Well below a video with the cast talking about the last day of filming Harry Potter. Also footage from that day and even Daniel's speech on the set to the whole crew. A quote:
"I loved every minute, and thank you all very very much!"

Photo: YouTube

Capricho magazine (Brazil)

Marion 1 July 2011 0
Capricho magazine (Brazil)
Daniel on the cover of Brazil's Capricho magazine in promotion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2.

July 2011 issue. The photo is taken by Ethan Hill.

American Way magazine

Marion 1 July 2011 0
American Way magazine
American Way magazine's (American Airlines + American Eagle) July 2011 issue. You find the interview with Daniel on page 38 of the digital issue below.