Daniel Radcliffe presents at 15th Annual Webby Awards: WWoHP website wins Webby - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe presents at 15th Annual Webby Awards: WWoHP website wins Webby

Like I did post before, Daniel was a presenter at the Webby Awards -they honour the best websites on the internet with many topics- yesterday, where he presented the award for Anna Wintour with webby for Best Fashion Website.

The official site of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter won a Webby for Best Tourism Website, congratulations!

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Photos: Getty Images


  1. Is Anna calling Dan a Geek????????

    cause he certentally can be chique!!!!

  2. no I don't think she meant him with that speech, I think it's more related to their website.., that's how I see it ;)

  3. maybe she's refering to herself. How big she made it.
    (maar waarom spreken wij Engels met elkaar, ha, ha)

  4. yeah I think that can be more the case ;)
    (geen idee, hahahah Nederlands mag natuurlijk ook! lol)


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