June 2011 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


"How to Succeed" YouTube celebrity playlist

Marion 30 June 2011 0 permalink
"How to Succeed" YouTube celebrity playlist

A new video uploaded at the How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying YouTube channel called YouTube celebrity playlist. The video was recorded during the Lord & Taylor windows reveal.
Rose Hemmingway talks with co-stars Daniel Radcliffe and John Larroquette about the shows favorite YouTube video - the behind-the-scenes recording of the HOW TO SUCCEED... cast album. Watch Rose's favorite videos here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Entertainment Weekly photoshoot + (young) Daniel Radcliffe on the cover

Marion 30 June 2011 4 permalink
Entertainment Weekly photoshoot + (young) Daniel Radcliffe on the cover

Well a huge thanks to TomFeltonNet on Twitter for letting me know (tomfelton.eu) about these great photos of the new July (special!) issues of Entertainment Weekly. With a young Daniel on the cover! Daniel 10 years ago. Photos by Martin Schoeller.

What will this "special Collector's Double issue" include

• A look back at the entire Potter franchise, including exclusive behind-the-scenes photos and recollections from more than 20 stars and filmmakers. Daniel Radcliffe reveals how he almost didn’t bother auditioning for the role of Harry. “When they first approached us, my parents were told that whoever got the part would be signing on for six films — that were going to be filmed in Los Angeles. My parents felt that that would be far too big a disruption to my life.” When production later moved to the UK., though, Radcliffe put himself forward — and soon landed the role that would change his life forever.

• A preview of the final film, including fresh details on the 19-years-later epilogue that required a re-shoot last December after director David Yates’ failed first attempt with some heavy-handed aging makeup. As Rupert Grint recalls: “I looked really overweight, and with this weird feathered hairpiece they put on me, I looked like a mutant Donald Trump.”

• Christopher Columbus’ first-person account of the challenges of casting very young actors and working with them despite notably short attention spans. “The first film was shot in an almost documentary style because the actors were so untrained and raw,” he writes.

• Profiles of Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, complete with original photography. “I have spent more of my life being someone else than I have being myself,” says Watson. The 21-year-old remembers how she used to exasperate the crew at Leavesden Studios by wandering around when she wasn’t shooting. “There was an orchard, a line of apple trees, on one side of the grounds. I would go down and walk around there. Those poor ADs! They must have had nervous breakdowns whenever I would disappear.”

• An exclusive close look at the props and sets from the series — and the stories behind them. For instance, Barry Wilkinson’s props department created hundreds and hundreds of wands for the eight films. “Over the years, it was becoming more and more difficult to think up different designs and shapes for each of them,” says Wilkinson.

source: ew.com

Dan to be featured on USA Weekend cover

Marion 30 June 2011 0 permalink
Dan to be featured on USA Weekend cover
A short news message, Daniel will be featured on the cover of USA Weekend in the July 9-10 issue.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 featurette "Where we left off"

Marion 29 June 2011 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 featurette "Where we left off"

First: Below you find a featurette, released by Warner Bros. via apple.com, which has some old interviews with the cast including Daniel and is called "Where we left off".

Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe received Trevor Live Award

Marion 28 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe received Trevor Live Award

We posted already here before in March that Daniel would receive The Trevor Project Hero Award for LGBTQ rights inspiration. Yesterday was the big Trevor Live day in New York, and below you can find the photos of the event of Daniel with executive director of The Trevor Project David MacFarlan. Co-star John Larroquette presented.

28th June 2011. Photo via The Trevor Project and broadwayworld.com video.
Update: 6/8th July 2011.. Access Hollywood video and second video.
Update: 29th December 2011. Another Broadway Beat video below
"People were using derogatory terms. The idea that someone would be victimized is just horrendous. You can be the hero of your own story.”

Photos: Getty Images

Scholastic's You Are What You Read campaign

Marion 27 June 2011 0 permalink
Scholastic's You Are What You Read campaign
Daniel Radcliffe listed 5 books for Scholastic's You Are What You Read campaign. I recognize The Master and Margarita from the Read campaign.

1. The Old Man and the Sea
"I think the Old Man and Sea was probably the first book by a really classic author that I ever read, and it was then that I realized that things were classics for a reason, and they weren’t all just really, really, really hard work."

2. Germinal
"Germinal by Emile Zola was the first sort of longer and more European novel that I ever read, and I remember reading it in like five days. It’s a long book, and I’m a slow reader, but I just did nothing else."

3. Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
"It was given to me on my 15th birthday by a friend, and I just thought it was the funniest thing I ever read and kind of amazing and captured the period of time brilliantly."

4. The Master and Margarita
"The Master and Margarita is my favorite, favorite book in the world ever by Mikhail. To me it’s the greatest exploration of the human imagination, and it’s about forgiveness and life and history, and it’s just the most incredible book that I’ve ever read; I read it once and then I read it almost immediately again."

5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
"I think it’s fair to say that if we’re talking about the five books that have most influenced my life, I think it would be pretty churlish of me not to say Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for giving me everything that I have and everything that I will have."

source: youarewhatyouread.scholastic.com

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 featurette "The Story" & new TV spot

Marion 25 June 2011 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 featurette "The Story" & new TV spot

Warner Bros. has released a new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spot again. And there also is a new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 featurette released called "The Story" (via XFinity TV)

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe and John Larroquette revealed "How to succeed" windows at Lord & Taylor

Marion 23 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe and John Larroquette revealed "How to succeed" windows at Lord & Taylor

Yesterday Lord & Taylor already mentioned (and we re-tweeted at Twitter) that John Larroquette would be revealing their new inspired by How to Succeed windows, together with Daniel Radcliffe and Rose Hemingway. A few more photos from Bruce Glikas here via broadway.com.

Update: 24th June 2011. More photos here (thanks to DR.de for the link)

Photos: Getty Images

Update(2): Rupert Grint, Oliver en James Phelps zullen fototentoonstelling openen in Amsterdam

Marion 23 June 2011 0 permalink
Update(2): Rupert Grint, Oliver en James Phelps zullen fototentoonstelling openen in Amsterdam

Nieuws voor Nederlandse fans via Warner Bros. NL's Facebook: Daniel's collega acteurs uit Harry Potter, Rupert Grint en James en Oliver Phelps zullen een fototentoonstelling openen in Amsterdam ter promotie van Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. (Exclusieve 'behind the scenes' foto's van de Harry Potter films door de jaren heen sinds 2000) Datum: donderdag 30 juni. Iedereen kan het gratis bekijken, twee weken lang tot 17 juli aan het Rembrandtplein in Amsterdam.

Update: 27 juni 2011. De tijd is aangegeven: 19:00 met dank aan rupert-grint.us via Twitter
Update: 1 juli 2011. Een video van Shownieuws hier. In de TV reportage was een meisje die "liever had dat Daniel Radcliffe daar was".

Via Warner Bros. NL:
Donderdag 30 juni zijn Rupert Grint, James en Oliver Phelps in Nederland om een Harry Potter fototentoonstelling te openen.

Ter gelegenheid van de release van de laatste Harry Potter film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 op 13 juli, zullen de drie bekende acteurs Rupert Grint (Ron Wemel), James en Oliver Phelps (Fred en George Wemel, de oudere tweelingbroers van Ron Wemel in de film) donderdag 30 juni Nederland bezoeken.

De Harry Potter acteurs zullen een speciale openlucht fototentoonstelling openen welke te bezichtigen is op het Rembrandtplein te Amsterdam. De fototentoonstelling geeft met een ruime selectie aan exclusieve beelden een uniek overzicht achter de schermen. Een avontuurlijke reis door alle acht Harry Potter films in fotografie sinds de productie van de films begon in 2000. Gedurende 2 weken zal de fototentoonstelling voor iedereen gratis te bezichtigen zijn vanaf 30 juni tot 17 juli 2011.

100th performance "How to Succeed" cancelled: crew member dies

Marion 23 June 2011 2 permalink
100th performance "How to Succeed" cancelled: crew member dies
At the 100th performance of Daniel Radcliffe's How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, tragedy overruled.., a stagehand (Male, 29) died due to complications from cardiac arrest before the 8:00pm curtain call at 9:05pm. Daniel Radcliffe and John Larroquette came to the stage to announce to the audience that the show was canceled due to, as Dan put it, "a tragedy within the company."

From the official press release:
"The name of the deceased and any further details are being withheld by the authorities pending notification of the family. The incident was not caused by an accident related to the production. The cast, crew and theatre staff mourn the loss of this member of their theatrical family."
My thoughts/condolences go out to the cast/crew family of the crew member and everyone working at the Al Hirschfeld Theatre.

Updated: Four more TV spots Deathly Hallows part 2

Marion 22 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Four more TV spots Deathly Hallows part 2

Two more Harry Potter TV spots have been released online

Update: 24th June 2011. Changed 2 video on HQ (thanks MovieWeb) + added 1 trailer

Another new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spot

Marion 21 June 2011 0 permalink
Another new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spot
A new TV spot from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 popped up online with more scenes we haven't seen before, (Gringotts, Hogwarts) it's not a great quality video, but if we have a better version, we ofcourse will update!

Daniel Radcliffe talks about Pottermore and about maybe returning to Potter years later

Marion 19 June 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe talks about Pottermore and about maybe returning to Potter years later
Los Angeles Times caught up with Dan after the whole Pottermore mania started via Twitter and some other fansites who had been posting about "coordinates which leaded forwards to the new launched site Pottermore.com. which is from JK Rowling. Below Dan's quotes.

More info about Pottermore will get out on 23th June.
“I know nothing about that whatsoever,” Radcliffe said of the cryptic new website that is meant to stir interest in the June 23 announcement of some new endeavor. “I’m sure that Jo will be writing a lot more in the coming years. I’m sure she has a lot more in her than we’ve read and a lot more stories to tell.”
And he added, with a bit of a chuckle: “As long as they don’t involve Harry, I’m quite happy to buy them.”
and about returning to "Potter"
“Not particularly. I think that would be a bit odd,” said the actor, who celebrates his 22nd birthday the week after the eighth film opens. “I’d be very skeptical about that. First of all, I don’t think that she will” write another Potter installment, “and second of all, oh, I don’t know, the idea of going back to something after 10 or 20 years? At that point, I will have worked 20 years to establish a career outside of it, and at that point to go back to it would feel a little self-defeating.”

DJR Holland is 5 years online!

Marion 18 June 2011 2 permalink
DJR Holland is 5 years online!

Today, I can announce that this website is 5 years online, providing the latest news/exclusives to YOU the fans! :) Would love to hear from you all, what you would like to add to the site to improve it more! Since the start I have moved the site from a freewebs site to the paid domain I still have now, from the name Blue Eyed Innocence to Daniel J Radcliffe Holland.

With this news, I ofcourse would like to thank everyone who has helped me through the years, and ofcourse the affiliates and partners for the support and you as a visitor! I know the site gets visitors from all over the World..with at the top USA and Holland.. Thanks! And well what's even nice to know is that The Wizarding World of Harry Potter also has it's 1st Anniversary today. Congratulations!

And then for the news of today. Another Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spot, can be seen below. Thanks Warner Bros.

Final Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 US trailer

Marion 17 June 2011 0 permalink
Final Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 US trailer

Books that made a difference to Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 15 June 2011 0 permalink
Books that made a difference to Daniel Radcliffe
You have always wondered which books Daniel is reading? Oprah Winfrey's website oprah.com has published seven books that made a difference to Daniel.
The Master and Margarita
432 pages; Penguin Classics
Daniel Radcliffe has amazon.com to thank for introducing him to this satirical novel about Stalinist Russia, which Bulgakov wrote in secret from 1928 until just before his death in 1940, and which was finally published 26 years later. "I was reading Louis de Bernières's trilogy on Latin America and this book came up as something I might like, so I bought it," says Radcliffe. "It's now my favorite novel—it's just the greatest explosion of imagination, craziness, satire, humor, and heart." The fantastical work so captured Radcliffe that for his 21st birthday, he traveled to Russia to visit the author's apartment in Moscow. "There are passages that have become everyday Russian sayings. For instance, 'Manuscripts don't burn.' If it had ever come out that this book was being written, Bulgakov would likely have disappeared permanently. That phrase stands for the fact that nothing is more powerful or more indestructible than the written word."

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
304 pages; Modern Library
"This is one of the funniest books I've ever read, which is the main reason I recommend it to people," says Daniel Radcliffe, who was given Thompson's drug-fueled, madcap rumination on American culture in the 1960s as a 15th birthday present by a friend on the Potter set. "But there is a sadness in it as well. I think Thompson loved America despite himself, and this is a lament for the passing of a time that we'll never see again. He was such an intelligent and socially aware person; he knew even when he wrote this in 1971 that a decade like the '60s could not happen again. And it is kind of sad to read it now because I know I will never have the feeling of living in a time that fresh and with so few boundaries."

567 pages; Oxford University Press
This hefty masterpiece about the plight of French miners in the 1860s "made me realize that when books are considered 'classics,' most of the time they're actually very readable and exciting," Daniel Radcliffe says. "It amazes me how deftly Zola captures the idiosyncrasy, the mundanity, and the scale of life among all these different classes of people. Every character feels fully formed and real. And once I learned more about Zola's involvement in the Dreyfus affair"—the infamous turn-of-the-century case in which Zola, citing anti-Semitism, publicly accused the French army of wrongfully convicting a Jewish captain of treason—"and how he advocated for individual freedom, I just thought, I love this man. He must have been an incredible person to know."

240 pages; New Directions
This collection of short stories by a master of magical realism "blew my mind," says Daniel Radcliffe. "When I read a good book, I sometimes like to think I might be capable of writing something similar, but never, in my wildest dreams, could I write anything that approaches the level of cleverness and intellect and madness of Borges. I don't think anyone could." His favorite? The Argentinean writer's short story "The Library of Babel" ("Borges proves that if you can write a story in ten pages, it doesn't need to be any longer"), in which he imagines an infinite library filled with every book written, not yet written, and every combination of words and letters in between. "The premise is that contained somewhere in these books is the meaning of life. So cults develop that walk through the library searching for it. The fact that Borges could start with such an idea—an infinite library, what would that involve?—and then take it to a logical conclusion is remarkable."

Midnight's Children
672 pages; Vintage
"I read this on vacation in Australia when I was 15," says Daniel Radcliffe, who credits the Northern Irish band the Divine Comedy with getting him hooked on Rushdie's allegorical novel about the independence and partition of India and its aftermath. "They have a song called 'The Booklovers,' which is, essentially, a list of famous authors. I made it my mission after hearing it to read one book by every author on the list, which starts with Aphra Behn and ends with Rushdie. So I bought Midnight's Children." Radcliffe says people scoffed when he picked up the novel, thinking he was too young to grasp it. "I still have no idea why. It is the most enchanting book. And it's such a brilliant idea: children born at the same hour who metaphorically encompass all the good and evil attributes of a new society. Rushdie writes with a true patriotism—a love for his country that's not blind."

The Old Man and the Sea
96 pages; Scribner Classics
Hemingway's last major work of fiction, the epic tale of a luckless fisherman and his exhausting struggle to reel in a giant marlin, "is just a beautiful story, simply told," Daniel Radcliffe says. "I have friends who never read books, and so when they ask me what they should pick up first, I always give them this one. I tell them there are some books that are like drugs, and will give you a quick hit, but if you want something that will stay with you and resonate for a long while afterward, then try this. I read it for school, and it speaks to the power of the book that I could analyze the bugger out of it and still not fall out of love with it."

Selected Poems
256 pages; Penguin
"Harrison is the best British poet of the second half of the 20th century," says Daniel Radcliffe. "He writes about class, love, Britain, and it's all just brilliant." Harrison's skillful blend of formal meter and colloquialisms "showed me that poetry could use real language and be angry and beautiful. He made me feel something on a gut level that I had never experienced before, and that energized me to write my own," says Radcliffe, who, at 17, sent off a packet of his poems to Harrison. "He wrote back basically saying they're good, but try to get a handle on meter."

source: oprah.com

Daniel Radcliffe presents at 15th Annual Webby Awards: WWoHP website wins Webby

Marion 14 June 2011 4 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe presents at 15th Annual Webby Awards: WWoHP website wins Webby

Like I did post before, Daniel was a presenter at the Webby Awards -they honour the best websites on the internet with many topics- yesterday, where he presented the award for Anna Wintour with webby for Best Fashion Website.

The official site of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter won a Webby for Best Tourism Website, congratulations!

Photos: Getty Images

Updated: Tony Awards: pictures and video of "How to succeed" performing

Marion 13 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Tony Awards: pictures and video of "How to succeed" performing

Yesterday was the day in NY for the 2011 Tony Awards. And well we all knew that Dan sadly hasn't got a nomination this year, but he did attend the show to support his co-stars, perform on the stage, and to present two awards: Best Actress to Sutton Foster & Best performance by an actress in a leading role in a play to Frances McDormand. John Larroquette won a Tony for Best Featured Actor congratulations John! Check the whole list of winners.
John added: " “Very special thanks to Daniel Radcliffe, without whom I know that I would be sitting at home in my underwear watching this on television.”

Photos: Getty Images

Exclusive Ultimate Edition Half-Blood Prince clip: Harry's transformation

Marion 11 June 2011 0 permalink
Exclusive Ultimate Edition Half-Blood Prince clip: Harry's transformation

There's an exclusive clip from the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Ultimate Edition DVD. It features Daniel talking about the change in Harry from boy to man, as well as the change from school-boy to warrior. Director David Yates also discusses the pressure Dan feels to get it allright.

The Order of the Phoenix and Half-Blood Prince Ultimate Editions hit store shelves next Tuesday, 14th June.

"How to Succeed" cast talks about making the cast recording

Marion 9 June 2011 0 permalink
"How to Succeed" cast talks about making the cast recording

Thanks to How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying  for uploading this great new video on their official YouTube Channel and spreading it via Twitter. The cast which talks about recording their cast recording into the studio which you can buy now online on iTunes and in stores.
Daniel: "There is now a Daniel Radcliffe version of Finch"

Updated(3): NYC World premiere date 11th July 2011 + sweepstakes

Marion 8 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated(3): NYC World premiere date 11th July 2011 + sweepstakes

The World Premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 in New York City is set on Monday 11th July 2011. There is no word yet about who of the cast is going to attend this premiere, but it seems Daniel has a day off of "How To Succeed"  since this premiere is on a Monday, but if we hear more, you hear it here.

Update: 14th June 2011. NoticiasPotter tweeted that Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Tom Felton, Matthew Lewis are confirmed for the NY premiere (tweet here)
Update: 23rd June 2011. Where, when and Who:

Where: Avery Fisher Hall, Columbus Avenue at West 65th Street, New York NY
When: Monday, July 11th with celebrity arrivals starting at 5 PM.
Who (so far): Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Alan Rickman, Tom Felton, Matthew Lewis, Helen McCrory, director David Yates, producers David Heyman and David Barron, and screenwriter Steve Kloves.

Update: 8th July 2011. Livestream.  http://www.livestream.com/summerblockbusters (or below)

Video streaming by Ustream

And then HP Fans in the US, who own Time Warner Cable can win a trip to attend the NYC premiere. For more information on how to participate/enter the sweepstakes, head to Time Warner's official Facebook.
Time Warner Cable digital customers can now enter the Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsTM – Part 2 Sweepstakes for a chance to win a trip to the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in New York City. Be the first of your friends to witness the final chapter in the Harry Potter Series!

Photo: Warner Bros. One Grand Prize winner will receive a two-day, one night trip for two to New York City including airfare and hotel accommodations; as well as two tickets to the premiere screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 on July 15th.

Customers can enter the sweepstakes now through June 19th by completing and submitting the online registration form on the Time Warner Cable Facebook page. The Grand Prize Winner will be selected on June 20th.

No Purchase Necessary. Void where prohibited. The Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsTM – Part 2 Sweepstakes is open to legal US residents who, as of 6/2/11, are Time Warner Cable subscribers, residing in a serviceable area of Time Warner Cable and those living in the same household in the following states/areas: AL, AZ, CA, CO (only in Gunnison), HI, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MA, MI, MO, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA, WA, WV, or WI, and 18 years of age or older. Starts 10:01 a.m. ET 6/3/11 & ends 11:59 p.m. ET 6/19/11. Sponsored by Time Warner Cable Inc.

Updated: Daniel Radcliffe to present at the Webby Awards?

Marion 8 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel Radcliffe to present at the Webby Awards?
I have found a Tweet on Twitter which made me want to search for more information on the upcoming Webby Awards this monday at the Hammerstein Ballroom.
jimshi809 posted the following: "Daniel Radcliffe is confirmed to present Anna Wintour with Vogue.com’s Webby for Best Fashion Website on Monday at the Hammerstein Ballroom" 
Another source is reporting the same thing, but for as far as I know there hasn't been any confirmation to this, so I say let's see this as a rumour, for now. When we know more you hear it here!

The show will be livestreamed on Facebook  and YouTube and the show begins at 7:30 p.m. Site: webbyawards.com

Update: 9th June 2011. It's confirmed now that Daniel will be there, because The Webby Awards tweeted about him. So don't forget to watch it live this Monday after Sunday's Tony Awards.
5-Word Speeches, appearances by Daniel Radcliffe, #AngryBirds, @lcdsoundsystem, plus @lisakudrow LIVE on FB 6/13 http://on.fb.me/Webbys15
From their Tumblr:
RSVP to watch The Webby Awards LIVE on Facebook on June 13th, featuring appearances by LCD Soundsystem, Daniel Radcliffe, Angry Birds, IBM’s Watson, Founder of the “It Gets Better” Project Dan Savage, and musical performances from Norah Jones and the Gregory Brothers.

BC/EFA donates $15,000 to The Trevor Project in honor of Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 7 June 2011 0 permalink
BC/EFA donates $15,000 to The Trevor Project in honor of Daniel Radcliffe

In honor of Daniel Radcliffe's generosity & enthusiasm in leading the Bway company of How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying in raising $271K for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS this past spring, Tom Viola & Michael Graziano from BC/EFA presented Daniel with $15,000 for The Trevor Project. BCEFA did post the first photo on their Twitter. Another one below

Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe hosting MTI Broadway Student Celebration | performing at the Tony's

Marion 7 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated(3): Daniel Radcliffe hosting MTI Broadway Student Celebration | performing at the Tony's

I posted here that Daniel would be master of ceremonies at the Shubert Foundation/Music Theatre International's Broadway Student Celebration where students performed their song. Photos right here via MTI's Tumblr by Marcus Woollen for MTI.

While at the celebration, Daniel revealed (AP) that he will be performing at the Tony's.
The "Harry Potter" star says he'll perform the song "Brotherhood of Man" from his Broadway show "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" early in Sunday's telecast.

Says Radcliffe: "I think we're one of the first, if not the first."

Radcliffe was passed over for a Tony nomination, but says he's pulling for co-stars John Larroquette and Tammy Blanchard, who are up for awards.

"If John won it would be just amazing," he says. "Only because I have a lot of scenes with him."
Update: 15th June 2011. Another video thnx to Broadwayworld.com, and one from AP below.
Update: 22nd June 2011. Playbill.com video
Update: 29th December 2011. Video from BroadwayWorld TV below

Daniel Radcliffe's "How to Succeed" wins at BroadwayWorld's 2011 Theater Awards

Marion 6 June 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe's "How to Succeed" wins at BroadwayWorld's 2011 Theater Awards
We all could vote before at broadwayworld.com for our favorite play How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying at their Theater Awards and well the results are in: Daniel wins Best Leading Actor in a Musical Congratulations!

Best Leading Actor in a Musical
Daniel Radcliffe - How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying- 27%
Aaron Tveit - Catch Me If You Can - 17%
Tony Sheldon - Priscilla Queen of the Desert - 12%

Updated: MTV Movie Awards 2011: the results and new Deathly Hallows clip

Marion 6 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: MTV Movie Awards 2011: the results and new Deathly Hallows clip
Yesterday was the time for the 2011 MTV Movie Awards, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1, Tom Felton (Best Villain), and ofcourse Daniel Radcliffe (Best Kiss, Best Male Performance) and Dan, Emma and Rupert together versus deatheaters (Best Fight) were all nominated. Daniel couldn't be there because of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.

The results: 
Best Villain for Tom Felton, congratulations

Daniel lost out to Robert Pattinson on both categories, Deathly Hallows part 1 was nominated as Best Movie but lost out to The Twilight Saga, Best Fight went to Twilight too.

Then, Emma Watson presented an exclusive new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 clip, which can be seen below!

Update: A longer version can be seen here, thanks to Mira from DR.de for the tip.

Missed the show?
You can watch it online! Dutch: link | USA/etc (mtv.com): link
Or on TV: re-runs on MTV! (Dutch: starting tonight! 9:45)

Updated: Vote for Daniel Radcliffe in the PopSugar 100

Marion 4 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Vote for Daniel Radcliffe in the PopSugar 100
PopSugar has e-mailed me about their 5th Annual PopSugar 100. Daniel is included (nominated in the Favorite Imports section) How PopSugar readers rank Daniel in the categories determines his placement in the final PopSugar100.

By playing the PopSugar100, you can be entered for the chance to win one of four gorgeous luxury prizes — a Chanel bag, an Hermès Kelly bag, an Hermès CdC cuff bracelet, and a vintage Rolex watch.
Favorite Imports: Make your own top 10 at Popsugar.com
Update: I found out that Daniel ended up as nr 8 of 10 at the Favorite Imports section

Updated: Daniel to serve as master of ceremonies for Shubert Foundation

Marion 2 June 2011 0 permalink
Updated: Daniel to serve as master of ceremonies for Shubert Foundation
In a press release has been annouced the following: Daniel will serve as master of ceremonies as hundreds of students from middle and intermediate New York City Public Schools in Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Manhattan get their Broadway debut at the Shubert Foundation/MTI Broadway JR. Student Celebration at the Majestic Theatre.

Update: 6th June 2011. Press release below
When there's more information, you read it here.

More Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spots

Marion 1 June 2011 0 permalink
More Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spots

well first off, Warner Bros. released another Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 TV spot, which is slightly different again, but doesn't seem to include new scenes with Dan. see it here via the Facebook page from snitchseeker.com. Then the video below aired on The Ellen DeGeneres show.

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