March 2011 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Sydney Becker meets Daniel during "How to Succeed"

Marion 31 March 2011 0 permalink
Sydney Becker meets Daniel during "How to Succeed"

Sydney got the chance to meet Daniel during How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying in New York. Below some more quotes from the article.

Sydney was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer. She’s determined to kick this cancer, her courage shining in her daily posts on, a nonprofit organization that provides free websites to help family and friends share information and support.

Last night was a moment she’ll probably remember four-ever. After a full day of tests and meetings with doctors, she headed to the theater to see Daniel Radcliffe in “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.” Sydney – and her mom – are huge fans of Radcliffe, the British actor of Harry Potter fame. “The play was AMAZING,” Sydney writes. With permission from Sydney, we’re sharing in her own words the fantastic adventure that happened after the show.

“When it ended, I made my way out to the side doors where all the actors come out to sign autographs,” she wrote late Thursday night. She was given a special backstage pass. “As soon as we walked in, we were practically on stage. Backstage, but on it. We were in and surrounded by all the props and the stage was in clear view. We could walk on, but we were waiting for Daniel. It was so cool …

"Finally, Daniel came out and he was very friendly. He was very short though. I was about his height … My mom went to shake his hand, but she was so excited she just hugged him instead. So, we all hugged him. He was very nice.

"He also signed my Playbill, even if he did spell my name wrong, he gave me a nickname … kind of. ‘To Sid, Love from Daniel Radcliffe.’ I would ask him to sign my head, but I thought that may be a little much. Next time. It was so much fun and totally made either my day or my life. I’m still deciding.”

New "How to Succeed" TV commercial & Daniel Radcliffe animated @nextmovie

Marion 31 March 2011 0 permalink
New "How to Succeed" TV commercial & Daniel Radcliffe animated @nextmovie

Porkchop Productions shares "How To Succeed" photo

Marion 30 March 2011 0 permalink
Porkchop Productions shares "How To Succeed" photo
Porkchop Productions visited Daniel backstage after seeing How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and shared the following photo.

[photo shared in 2017]

Wonderful weekend in NYC for the Porkchop Girls. Saw "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" and got some one-on-one time with Daniel Radcliffe in his dressing room. Great guy, fantastic show!

Daniel Radcliffe and cast "How to Succeed" at Gypsy Robe Ceremony

Marion 30 March 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe and cast "How to Succeed" at Gypsy Robe Ceremony

Daniel Radcliffe attended the Gypsy Robe Ceremony before the official opening last Sunday, together with more cast of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and thanks to for the photos.
What's the Gypsy Robe Ceremony? It brings with it luck, tradition, and a sense of community. In 1959, Bill Bradley, a dancer in the musical Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, borrowed a tacky dressing robe from a chorus girl or “gypsy” — as the singers and/or dancers in Broadway choruses call themselves. On opening night, he paraded through backstage bestowing blessings on the production. The musical was a major hit. A few nights later, Bradley sent the robe to his friend, another chorus gypsy.

Photos: Getty Images

HP The Quest: Making off the Jinx Make-up on Harry's face

Marion 30 March 2011 0 permalink
HP The Quest: Making off the Jinx Make-up on Harry's face

Harry Potter: the Quest has unlocked another exclusive clip, which gave an inside look at the creation of Harry's jinxed face in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. Now you can see how the make-up has been applied and how they used some special effects.

Videos: Daniel Radcliffe in "How to Succeed": "Brotherhood of Men" and "Company way"

Marion 29 March 2011 0 permalink
Videos: Daniel Radcliffe in "How to Succeed": "Brotherhood of Men" and "Company way"

Thanks to the official YouTube account of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying.

Company Way:

Brotherhood of Men:

Updated(2): "How to Succeed" opening night

Marion 28 March 2011 0 permalink
Updated(2): "How to Succeed" opening night

Yesterday was the big opening (press) night after party of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. BBC News video

Daniel Radcliffe creates charity art together with more celebrities

Marion 25 March 2011 2 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe creates charity art together with more celebrities
Thanks to Vogue, we can tell you that Daniel Radcliffe has been making art (postcard size) for charity with some other celebrities as Angelina Jolie, Tim Burton, Bill Nighy and more! The art has been auctioned. Total proceedings for the evening (24th March) totalled over £200,000!. Daniel created story art with the title "How to draw the perfect stickman". See it at

New production shots of Daniel Radcliffe's "How to Succeed"

Marion 24 March 2011 0 permalink
New production shots of Daniel Radcliffe's "How to Succeed"

One I already remember seeing before in I think the Sunday Morning Show.. (clip) but the other photos are new! See them at How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying will start officially this Sunday 27th March.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:part 2 International release dates

Marion 23 March 2011 1 permalink
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:part 2 International release dates

Warner Bros. has announced the WorldWide list of release dates of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 in IMAX 3D. Seems we are lucky here in Holland,14th July 2011 but Belgium even more.

Daniel to receive the Trevor Project Hero Award for LGBTQ rights inspiration

Marion 21 March 2011 0 permalink
Daniel to receive the Trevor Project  Hero Award for LGBTQ rights inspiration
More info about Daniel Radcliffe being honoured for his contribution and inspiration to LGBTQ youths in dire straits (his great support to The Trevor Project) with the Hero Award at a ceremony in New York City on 27th June.

EVENT TIMING: (source)
6:00 - 7:30 PM Pre-reception, Silent Auction and Hosted Bar
7:30 - 8:00 PM Dinner Service
8:00 - 10:00 PM Trevor Live Show
10:00 - 11:00 PM VIP After Party
"The Trevor Hero Award, announced Monday, recognizes a person who serves as an inspiration to sexual minority youths and increases visibility and understanding of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning, or LGBTQ, community."
Daniel's reaction:
"It's fantastic," Radcliffe told. "The fact that they think of what I've done by promoting awareness of the Trevor Project itself and the issues that it works to promote and help is a great honor."

"The people that are doing the heroic things are the people answering phones 24 hours a day in the Trevor call centers," he said. "I think that out of everything that I've done so far in my career, I think this is absolutely one of the most important, if not the most important, thing that I'm associated with."

Radcliffe, currently appearing in the Broadway revival of "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying," says audience members often acknowledge his work with the organization.

"I meet people at the stage door every night that thank me for what I'm doing with the Trevor project," he said proudly.

"How to Succeed" celebrity photocall

Marion 21 March 2011 0 permalink
"How to Succeed" celebrity photocall

Katie Couric and daughters Caroline Couric Monahan and Elinor Tully "Ellie" Monahan, Trevor Project CEO Charles Robbins, and opera soprano Renée Fleming and her daughter Amelia Ross attended a production of Daniel Radcliffe's How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying this saturday evening. See the photos at

Download links from the Deathly Hallows part 2 clip

Marion 20 March 2011 0 permalink
Download links from the Deathly Hallows part 2 clip

Updated: AP photoshoot and interview

Marion 18 March 2011 0 permalink
Updated: AP photoshoot and interview

New portraits of Daniel Radcliffe from AP (Associated Press) which were taken yesterday 17th March in New York. Daniel will be honored with the Trevor Project's Hero Award at a ceremony in New York in June, 2011. View the photos by Charles Sykes at

Update: 22nd March 2011. AP video via The Trevor Project.

ABC Family's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 sneak peek

Marion 18 March 2011 0 permalink
ABC Family's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 sneak peek

With thanks to, you find a clip below which incudes some new scenes of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 which aired on ABC Family.

Daniel Radcliffe on Live! with Regis and Kelly

Marion 17 March 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Live! with Regis and Kelly

So like we all knew Daniel Radcliffe was guest on Live! with Regis and Kelly this morning, in which he continued his 'promotion tour' of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and here's the video.

Daniel Radcliffe on The Today Show

Marion 15 March 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on The Today Show

If you missed The Today Show which aired today with Daniel Radcliffe promoting How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying (with no live performance).

USA Today: Daniel Radcliffe on "How to Succeed"

Marion 14 March 2011 0 permalink
USA Today: Daniel Radcliffe on "How to Succeed"

A new interview by USA Today, where he discussed his new turn in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, and briefly commented on finishing Harry Potter and The Woman in Black. With thanks to @ThomasFeltonUK for letting me know about the great photo of Dan in the Al Hirschfeld Theatre.

Daniel Radcliffe on CBS Morning Show

Marion 13 March 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on CBS Morning Show

This morning the interview from Katie Couric with Daniel Radcliffe (CBS Morning Show) aired in which he promotes How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying why he isn't on Twitter, Equus, the end of Harry Potter and more.

If you missed it you can view the 44:57 minutes below.

Update: Another 8:51 minutes video from Katie Couric (their website), in which he also sings a bit!

"How to Succeed": Exclusive first look

Marion 9 March 2011 0 permalink
"How to Succeed": Exclusive first look

Entertainment Weekly did post new photos. See them at
"A first look at Daniel/Finch being charmingly conniving with his boss (John Larroquette), his boss’ mistress (Tammy Blanchard), and the sweet secretary who falls for him (Rose Hemingway, in the pink dress)".

Updated: The Woman in Black: on set interview:

Marion 7 March 2011 0 permalink
Updated: The Woman in Black: on set interview: on the set of The Woman in Black.

  20th February 2016. Videos added below while they first could only be viewed on their website.

source: supports's Birthday Project: Comic Relief

Marion 7 March 2011 0 permalink supports's Birthday Project: Comic Relief e-mailed me about the Birthday Project they have been setting up for JK Rowling in order to raise money for Comic Relief. I thought this would be a great thing to support, afterall Harry Potter did start with JK Rowling. So now DJR Holland is a partner sponsor of the project.

And you can join! How? Their project has two parts:
1) Showing appreciation for Jo by sending in stories, letters, etc. 
2) Make a donation to Comic Relief!
You can submit your own made story/letter/card to them, ofcourse Harry Potter/JK Rowling related. Another goal they want to reach is raise $1.000 for Comic Relief. They have 5 months for that. The project will continue until July, then they will send the whole scrapbook with pictures to Jo.  More info at

🠖 Red Nose Day donation account.
Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK which strives to create a just world free from poverty - and they work 365 days a year to help that vision become a reality. Jo has supported Comic Relief in the past by donating the proceeds from her books Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages to the fund.

Daniel Radcliffe in talks for possible film adaption of "How to Succeed"

Marion 4 March 2011 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe in talks for possible film adaption of "How to Succeed"

Daniel Radcliffe told the Daily Mail earlier this week that he and the producers of How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying are currently in discussions to bring the musical to the big screen.
He mentioned in passing that there has been talk between him and producers Craig Zadan and Neil Meron about doing a big-screen version of How To Succeed. But if that were to happen the book (by Abe Burrows, Jack Weinstock and Willie Gilbert) would have to be overhauled. It works fine on stage, but for the screen someone would have to give it more zing.
And about the dancing:
‘Sometimes I was dancing for nine hours a day when I wasn’t filming,’ Daniel told me.
‘The thing was to keep practising and practising until you could do it without thinking about it. The aim was to be effortless — or to appear to seem effortless.’
‘I didn’t want the last Harry Potter film to come out and people to say: “So, what does he do now? How does he follow that?” I’m already doing it! I’ve made another film and I’m on Broadway for the second time,’ he told me, in a reference to his five-month run in Equus — a repeat of the part he’d played in the West End.
‘I’m doing this for nine months, and I did Equus for five months here and that felt like a long time. I was exhausted after that, so I have to learn to keep my energy levels up with diet and exercise.
‘The rest of the cast work tremendously hard, but I have just two big numbers — Grand Old Ivy and Brotherhood Of Man — and there’s a lot of dancing and singing. They’re exhilarating to do and I love that this is so different from everything else I’ve done. I’m not repeating myself,’ Daniel added.

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London launches website

Marion 3 March 2011 0 permalink
Warner Bros. Studio Tour London launches website

NY Times article features new photo ("How to Succeed")

Marion 2 March 2011 0 permalink
NY Times article features new photo ("How to Succeed")

A new New York Times article features a new photo of Daniel by Mark Veltman and is about him coming back to broadway in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Here a quote:
“I want to prove that a child actor can go on to have a career with longevity.”

Rose Hemingway talks more about Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 2 March 2011 0 permalink
Rose Hemingway talks more about Daniel Radcliffe
In another interview with, Rose Hemingway (co-star How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying) also mentioned Daniel. Thanks to for the tip.

How has it been working with Daniel Radcliffe and John Larroquette?

Sadly I am not in very many scenes with John so we have not had much chance to work with each other, we have one scene with a few lines and that is all. But he is lovely. And Dan, Dan is incredible He is a wonderful person, and he has such great energy and he comes to work every day ready to get things done and to work and to learn, he's got this infectious energy around him and that is a lot of fun. We're buddies, so we have a good time.

Exclusive video: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 Blu-ray promo deleted scenes

Marion 2 March 2011 0 permalink
Exclusive video: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 Blu-ray promo deleted scenes

Via, there's a video from Daniel in some deleted scenes and extra footage from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1, the video can be viewed here.

Blu-ray extras:

• An exclusive sneak peek of an opening scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2, which hits theaters July 15
• “Maximum Movie Mode”: An interactive journey through the movie hosted by Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy), and including other cast and crew, which also revisits important moments from the previous films to prepare us for the final battle. (Quicker than rereading!)
• ”Dan, Rupert and Emma’s Running Competition”: Director David Yates provides commentary for the “hilarious rivalry” that the three leads engaged in while filming the escape scene from the Snatchers in Swinley Forest. (This sounds even better than “Taylor Time” on The Twilight Saga: Eclipse DVD, which was what they dubbed the moments in the making-of documentary when Taylor Lautner was shown catching grapes in his mouth thrown from people like Kristen Stewart and director David Slade’s assistant from great distances.)
• “On the Green with Rupert, Tom, Oliver and James”: Cameras follow Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, Oliver Phelps (George Weasley) and James Phelps (Fred Weasley) for a round of golf to profile the friendship they developed over a decade of filming Harry Potter movies. Fun.
• “The Seven Harrys”: A look at Daniel Radcliffe’s method for recreating the personalities of the different characters for the Privet Drive scene, as well as the visual effects. (Read: Shirtless Radcliffe.)
• A plug for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter that includes footage of Radcliffe, Grint, Watson, and other cast members enjoying their first visits for the grand opening
• A “Behind the Soundtrack” extra

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 London World premiere date

Marion 1 March 2011 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 London World premiere date

Via thisisLondon, we can give you more information on the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. Here the details (confirmed by Warner Bros.):
In the final installment of the Harry Potter series, the young hero finally outgrows the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. So it is fitting that the movie franchise has become so popular that its film premieres have finally outgrown Leicester Square.
Warner Bros today announced that the premiere of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 will take place in Trafalgar Square as well as its regular home in Leicester Square. It will be the first red carpet movie event held in Trafalgar Square and one of the biggest film premieres seen in the capital.

Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson will head the cast members at the premiere on July 7
- watched by the world's assembled media and thousands of fans and competition winners.

The actors will walk the red carpet and conduct interviews in Trafalgar Square before making their way to a number of cinemas in Leicester Square to watch the film. The route has yet to be confirmed. Warner Bros said the arrangements are intended to give the franchise a blockbuster send-off. Josh Berger, president and managing director of Warner Bros Pictures UK, said: "We are delighted that our plans for the finale of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will take place in such a spectacular venue.

"We pride ourselves on the creativity of our premieres and the space within Trafalgar Square will lend itself to being a magical experience for both guests and fans."
However, a new venue would have been necessary anyway because of building work in Leicester Square. Work to improve the square began in December and will last for 17 months, forcing many film companies to stage premieres elsewhere.

The O2 arena has already hosted larger events such as a screening of Justin Bieber's 3D documentary Never Say Never last month, and Westfield shopping centre in Shepherd's Bush has also been used.
The final Harry Potter film features the wizard's climactic battle with Lord Voldemort, and many scenes were shot in central London. Mayor Boris Johnson said: "As befits a great British triumph, I can think of no better venue than the iconic surroundings of Trafalgar Square in which to stage the most spectacular of send-offs for this dramatic finale."
And will Daniel be there? well tickets for How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying are not on sale for 7th, 8th July and 9th July, so yes it seems he will be flying to London! (see the tweet from How to Succeed here)

There's no info yet about the US premiere(s).
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