Reuters Q&A - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Reuters Q&A

Reuters has published a Q&A with Daniel online just before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Read more: A minute with: Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe

Q: So, to get this one out of the way, you were quoted as saying recently that (co-star) Emma Watson was "a bit of an animal" in your kissing scene together. What did she have to say about that?
A: "When you're in this period of time when you do an interview and it's aired the next day, your quotes come back at you so quickly. On (TV show) Daybreak the other day ... Kate Garraway was interviewing me ... and she said 'Oh the kiss with Emma in this film, she's a bit of an animal, isn't she?' and I said 'yes', and then it was like I'd said it. Emma hit me on the arm as soon as we came off the red carpet (at the film premiere) and said 'What have you been saying to people about me?'."

Q: Some people found the sixth Harry Potter film (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) a little confusing, and Harry Potter 7 (Deathly Hallows Part 1) more straightforward. Would you agree?
A: "I loved five, but six is a hard film to make. Even though I think it's the most beautiful of all the films so far, it's also a really hard film to make because it is basically just a colossal amount of exposition that sets up number seven.

"It is a tougher one to make accessible to everybody who hasn't read the books, because you are just cramming in a huge amount of information."


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