Updated: Cinemania magazine (Spain) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Cinemania magazine (Spain)

Cinemania Magazine interview (maybe english translation soon) via snitchseeker.com

The cover and interview.

The Harry Potter films have made you a star. Can you tell us about both the positive and negative parts?

I’ve never considered myself a celebrity. Usually, people who do feel that way aren’t very nice. I mean, I know I am a movie star, but what you never have to forget is that you are just an actor.

There’s a lot written about child actors that never got used to their adult lives. How has it been for you?
That never happened to me. I will keep doing what I like, either an actor or whatever I like.

Harry Potter is going to be part of Hollywood history as one of the biggest franchises of all time. What would you like the people to remember about them?
I hope they remember the bond between Harry and both of his friends. Friendship is very important, even more if you were unfortunate and you grew up without parents, like Harry. His friends were his family, and for many kids who are in similar situations in the real world, he’s kind of a role model.

People admire you and some think of you as a hero. Who are your heroes?
My heroes are actors. I like Joseph and Ralph Fiennes, Jude Law… I love movies and I’m like an obsessive fan. As a hero- don’t make fun of me but, I love Bart Simpson! He’s my all time hero, definitely.

Is it true the first time Rowling met you she said it was like finding his lost son?
That’s true. You can’t receive a better compliment, can you? She’s very nice. The first time we talked on the phone she said she wanted to adopt me, which was a great thing. I just handed the phone to David Heyman (producer), I was very embarrassed. She’s a great person.

How much are you like Harry?
I think I’m quite different, though there are some things in which we are alike. Both of us are very reserved in terms of how much we show our feelings. We both value friendship immensely, and we shared the curiosity for things.

You were fan of the books. Do you ever imagined yourself playing this wizard?
I think every time you read a book you always imagined yourself as one of the characters, but it never happened with this books. I never imagined myself in this role.

Do you like writing?
Someone must have told you about that. Yes, I like to write drama and comedy scripts.

If you could remake an old movie, what would it be?
Henry Fonda’s 12 angry men, because that’s my favorite one.

Tell me about your friends.
They are good. I’m very lucky. Many of them come visit me when I’m not working, or on the weekends. If I’m on location, we e-mail each other.

Are you happy with how your life changed since 10 years ago?
Well, I think my life has change sparingly. I mean, people recognize me in the streets. That’s why I have fun with people’s enthusiasm about the saga, and I like to listen to them. But, overall, I am a very normal person.

Do you read what some blogs write about you? Does it annoy you?
I don’t read that. I follow my parents advice: “Just enjoy what you do.” That’s enough for me.

What are your favorite hobbies?
I like the music very much, and I want to play the drums. I like to write some lyrics. I like punk bands, their attitude and sound. The Damned, The Clash, the Undertones, etc… and I follow soccer. I go to the matches with my dad.

Photos: Cinemania magazine

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