October 2010 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


12 short Deathly Hallows videos

Marion 30 October 2010 0 permalink
12 short Deathly Hallows videos
Via Oclumencia

Harry being chased at the ministry, my favourite of them all. He looks cool running.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=DPB0o7Uc Zx4

Harry and Hagrid being chased through the tunnel, running on bus.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=nHrY1PRj 2rM

Harry watching Moody fly by while on his sidecar.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=eK6HGmwG 1HY

Hermione grabbing Harry or Ron's hand while at Xeno's, I think it's Harry's. I think she grabbed his hand at the last minute before they apparate.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=N0CzGQBU v4A

Harry and polyjuiced Ron, Hermione and a lady being chased into a lift at the MOM by dementors and casting a patronus.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=JbP1OfdA 260

Harry and Hagrid flying through the clouds.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=mkScyc1E u5o

Dobby helping Trio and griphook escape, bellatrix throwing knife.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=OMtH8h6i 4bw

Harry with locket, having a vision.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=ZEp40F4g FwQ

Trio running from snatchers, Hermione casting a spell.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=YoskcSNC gH0

Video from EMA's (Comic-Con)

Marion 29 October 2010 0 permalink
Video from EMA's (Comic-Con)
Video from the EMA's with interviews from Daniel (MTV) and Tom (at Comic-Con) this year. Daniel is even singing a bit.

Time Out Bahrain interview

Marion 27 October 2010 0 permalink
Time Out Bahrain interview
Interview by Time Out Bahrain in promotion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1.

You’ve spent nearly half of your life with Harry Potter. Do you think you’ll miss him?
Yes, I will miss the character obviously, but I will also miss the process of making these films and the friends I have made.

Do you think you’ll be called Harry Potter for the rest of your life?
No, not particularly. People have cast me in other things so far, and I don’t see why that should stop just because Harry Potter does. There are some who will probably see me as Harry forever, and there are some who will be willing to keep an open mind.

Read more at timeoutbahrain.com

American Libraries READ campaign interview

Marion 27 October 2010 0 permalink
American Libraries READ campaign interview
Interview with Daniel about the READ campaign.

How did the READ poster photo shoot go? Librarians everywhere have been clamoring for Harry Potter posters since 2001
I think it’s good we waited; my interview answers at age 11 wouldn’t have been as interesting. We shot a lot of other things at the same time, but this one was simple and only took about 15 minutes.

In your poster, you are holding Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita. That’s an extremely interesting book choice, with demons, succubi, a talking cat, the interplay of good and evil, truth and lies. How did you discover it?
I’ve been obsessed with the novel ever since I read it about a year ago. I’ve always been a huge fan of Magical Realism. It’s an inspiring genre in which writers can just let their imaginations go wild and wonderful. I discovered the book through an Amazon.com recommendation. I’d just ordered Louis de Biernières’s The War of Don Emmanuel’s Nether Parts, and The Master and Margarita came up as an Amazon “other readers like this book” choice. I’ve read it twice now, and I just received an English first edition (Collins and Harvill, 1967) with a beautiful cover as a birthday present. That’s the one that appears on the READ poster.

You mentioned in one of your interviews that you buy a lot of books—what are some of your favorites?
I loved Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea. I also liked Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose, and Émile Zola’s Germinal, which I thought would be difficult but it read very easily. I also like classic Russian writers; I’ve read Mikhail Lermontov’s A Hero of Our Time and Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Notes from the Underground. The reason that these books have become classics is that they are so readable and accessible.

Do you think Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is one of the best books in the series?
My personal favorite is the fifth, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because it’s involved with Harry’s relationship with Sirius Black, the most interesting character in the series. But Deathly Hallows is also one of the best novels. J. K. Rowling was under intense pressure to complete the series, but she is a woman of much conviction and she wrote a final novel that was both up to her exacting standards and one that she knew would give fans the ending that they wanted.

Will these two Deathly Hallows films be the best of the Harry Potter series?
They’d better be. We need to have the series go out with a bang, in recognition of all the fans who have supported the films and books over the years.

How much of the Harry Potter character is due to J. K. Rowling’s text, and how much do you attribute to your own insights and ideas?
Most of what you need to know about Harry Potter is in the books. It would have been presumptuous of me to add things that were not already there. J. K. Rowling is not one of those authors who is constantly on the set, but she was always available to answer questions.

Besides mastering Rowling’s books, how else have you prepared for your role in the film series? Do you get ideas from other fantasy novels?
Not in other novels so much as listening to music. I find Radiohead inspirational, also Florence and the Machine, whose song “My Boy Builds Coffins” from the 2009 Lungs album is filled with melancholy and determination. And “Me Ves Y Sufres” from Hope of the States’s 2004 The Lost Riots album, with the lyrics, “It’s so desperately sad that my life has come to this / I hope there’s something better than this for me.” Harry Potter is similarly dogged by tragedy.

Have you ever dipped into books on occultism for inspiration, or books about basilisks and dragons?
No, not at all. I didn’t know there were any books on basilisks. But I did look at J. K. Rowling’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a companion book to the series, and Jorge Luis Borges’s Book of Imaginary Beings.

What was it like shooting scenes for the first two films in Duke Humfrey’s Library at Oxford University? Did the librarians let you look at any of the really rare books?
No. Even if they had, I doubt whether I would have appreciated them at the time. However, I’m very excited to participate in the British Library’s Adopt a Book program that supports the library’s conservation work. For my birthday, a former teacher of mine, a huge Sherlock Holmes fan, chose Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles to adopt, and we get to go on a behind-the-scenes tour of the library’s conservation lab. I’m really looking forward to it.

Librarians love Harry Potter because Rowling has created such vivid characters and a fun fictional world that encourages kids to read. I understand that many cast members were intense fans of the book. Do people tell you that the books and the films have inspired a love of reading?
Absolutely, and I am a case in point. Before I was cast in the first Harry Potter film, I didn’t read much at all. But I have grown to love reading because of the film and now I am an absolutely voracious reader, although kind of a slow one. Anything that gets kids into reading is fantastic.

Do you run into other people who say that the books and films are instruction manuals for paganism and witchcraft? How do you answer them?
I have encountered that occasionally. “Paganism” is one of those words that’s thrown around and can have some terrible connotations, and I detest the word “witchcraft.” I tell them that witchcraft is not real and that I don’t understand what they are complaining about. Harry Potter is about loyalty and friendship and duty and fighting for what’s right. I believe in people and the human spirit.

I’ve read that you have contributed to charities that have helped out with the recovery from the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. Are you also involved in literacy outreach efforts or anticensorship causes?
These are absolutely the kinds of causes that I would support. Recently I have been giving to The Trevor Project, which is an around-the-clock crisis and suicide-prevention helpline for gay and lesbian youth.

The Harry Potter role has offered you a wide range of acting challenges—drama, comedy, action, maybe even a little bit of romance. What type of role do you see as your best fit at this time?
I don’t really like to think in terms of genre. If a film has a good script, with a good director and a good part, then I’d consider it. There are very few good films that fall into just one genre.

source: americanlibrariesmagazine.org

Exclusive The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXI clips

Marion 27 October 2010 0 permalink
Exclusive The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXI clips

Interview with guest voice Daniel Radcliffe regarding The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXI, released by Fox. *no video currently*

Updated(2): Harry Potter websites interview

Marion 26 October 2010 0 permalink
Updated(2): Harry Potter websites interview
Snitchseeker.com and various other Harry Potter websites took part in a group chat with Daniel back in August in which he talked about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1.

Celebrity quiz night Get Connected update

Marion 21 October 2010 0 permalink
Celebrity quiz night Get Connected update

Like I have posted here last month that I had to delete the photos from the Get Connected celebrity quiz night (23rd September) but thanks to Paul Baird from smilezoomclick.co.uk for letting me know that they are allowed to be online again. So here they are including two new shots.

2 new ones

Photos: Paul Baird

The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXI promo video

Marion 21 October 2010 0 permalink
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXI promo video

TV promo for Daniel's guest voice episode: The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXI.

source: hughlaurie-archive.com

Updated: Dazed and Confused magazine photoshoot (UK)

Marion 15 October 2010 0 permalink
Updated: Dazed and Confused magazine photoshoot (UK)

Dazed and Confused magazine has released photoshoot photos which are featured in the November issue.
 See more here.
The Harry Potter star speaks to Dazed about all the normal things a 21-year-old does and why he’s not playing a smack head male prostitute in his next film
or visit dazeddigital.com.

Update: 12th April 2024. A revisit has been posted online, with interview quotes: dazeddigital.com.

Photos by Serge Leblon

Comicbookmovie.com's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 14 October 2010 0 permalink
Comicbookmovie.com's interview with Daniel Radcliffe
Comicbookmovie.com conducted an exclusive interview with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1. It's included in their scifimediazone section.

Edit 2017: You can download the interview here (right click, save as) via wizardzone.nl.

Daniel Radcliffe on acting

source: comicbookmovie.com

Updated: Photos: The Woman in Black filming on location

Marion 14 October 2010 0 permalink
Updated: Photos: The Woman in Black filming on location

Daniel and cast and crew have been filming on several locations for The Woman in Black. Below you find some articles and photos.

Update: 31st March 2014. Another photo via this site's Facebook and also one posted on 3rd March 2014.
- About Ellisa Walker-Reid, thisiskent.co.uk, (article from 2012, see photo above)
- Mangapps Railway Museum, Burnham, October 2010

Colne Valley Railway, Halstead, 14 October 2010.
A photo via their Facebook page.
Today saw the arrival of a crew from Hammer Films. The makers of classic horror films are shooting The Woman In Black written by Jane Goldman. We have hosted film crews before but this was by far the largest, about 120 people setting up, filming and taking it all down again in 12 hours of hectic activity. The star of the film is Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) who was lovely to talk to, and he took the time at the end of day to come to the office for a chat.

Press release: Deathly Hallows part 1 in 2D not 3D

Marion 8 October 2010 0 permalink
Press release: Deathly Hallows part 1 in 2D not 3D
During a press release today, Warner Bros. has annouced that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 will only be viewed in 2D format, only part 2 will be viewed in both 2D and 3D.

Press release:

Warner Bros Pictures has made the decision to release “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1” in 2D, in both conventional and IMAX theaters, as we will not have a completed 3D version of the film within our release date window. Despite everyone’s best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality.

We do not want to disappoint fans who have long-anticipated the conclusion of this extraordinary journey, and to that end, we are releasing our film day-and-date on November 19, 2010 as planned. We, in alignment with our filmmakers, believe this is the best course to take in order to ensure that our audiences enjoy the consummate “Harry Potter” experience.

Producer David Heyman said, “For 10 years, we have worked alongside Alan Horn and the studio, whose priority has always been to preserve the integrity of Jo Rowling’s books as we have adapted them to the screen, and this decision reflects that commitment.”

Director David Yates continued, “This decision, which we completely support, underscores the fact that Warner Bros. has always put quality first.”

As scheduled, on July 15, 2011, we will deliver to conventional and IMAX theaters our final installment of the film franchise, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2,” in both 2D and 3D formats.

Updated: Edmund character photo - The Simpsons

Marion 7 October 2010 0 permalink
Updated: Edmund character photo - The Simpsons

There is a promotional photo released of Daniel's character Edmund in the Horror edition of The Simpsons called Treehouse of Horror XXI.  

Update: HQ photo via Simpsons Wiki.
Beware of ouija boards, vampires and unexpected tricks in the 21st annual "Treehouse of Horror" trilogy. In "Tweenlight," Lisa becomes smitten with mysterious new student Edmund (guest voice Daniel Radcliffe) only to discover he is a vampire. After Lisa and Edmund run away to "Dracula-la Land," Homer must come to the rescue to save her before she becomes one of the undead in the all-new "Treehouse of Horror XXI" episode of THE SIMPSONS airing Sunday, Nov. 7 (8:00-8:30 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

On set photos of The Woman in Black

Marion 4 October 2010 0 permalink
On set photos of The Woman in Black

Daniel was in Grassington filming The Woman in Black. Photo.
Cast and crew spent the week at The Grassington Lodge. Owner Diane Lowe said the group, including director James Watkins, took up nine rooms in the hotel for the week. “They were all very nice and were working very hard,” she said.
From Dean Michael Cook:
Daniel Radcliffe is once again back in the wonderful Yorkshire Dales, but instead of it being for Harry Potter, he is now filming scenes for his latest film, The Woman in Black (Produced by James Watkins).

The Woman in Black looks to be a great horror film, in which Daniel Radcliffe is cast as Arthur Kipps, a Lawyer, who is sent to a village on business, but starts to see the ghost of a Women dressed in black, and also has to deal with the local villagers who are hiding the identity of the Women.

I feel the film will compare slightly to the Wicker Man, in which the villagers keep the disappearance of tourists a secret from a local policeman.

The film is set in Victorian times, and looks to be a hit with fans of Daniel Radcliffe, and the Horror Drama Genre.

Quote from Dan on recent wave of suicides

Marion 4 October 2010 0 permalink
Quote from Dan on recent wave of suicides
Having covered his PSA on behalf of the Trevor Project, as I did post back in May, MTV has gone to Daniel for a quote in response to the recent tragic wave of American teenagers who have been forced to take their own lives rather than continue to deal with abuse from their peers.
"Learning about the suicide deaths of Tyler Clementi, Seth Walsh, Asher Walker, Billy Lucas and Justin Aaberg has been heartbreaking for me. These young people were bullied and tormented by people that should have been their friends," Radcliffe said. "We have a responsibility to be better to each other, and accept each others' differences regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ability, or religion and stand up for someone when they're bullied." Radcliffe also urged people to reach out if they believe a pal may be considering suicide.
"When a friend is feeling depressed or says they're thinking of killing themselves, we must take it seriously and get them help," Radcliffe continued, before directing young people to the website Trevor Project, an organization he has championed that provides support for LGBT youth and runs a 24-hour crisis-prevention hotline.
"My deepest sympathies go out to the families and friends of these excellent young people. And to all the young people who are being bullied right now, you are not alone. Call the Trevor Lifeline at 866 4-U-TREVOR, because there's always someone there who will listen and who can help."
Let's hope this will help a lot of people!
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