Updated: Radio Times interview (UK) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Radio Times interview (UK)

Daniel recently spoke about his transition from being a star from his success in the Harry Potter films to a working actor after he's completed work on the series next month in Deathly Hallows. The full interview can be found in Radio Times.
‘It’s bizarre. Most working actors want to become stars. I sort of am a star because of Harry Potter.’

‘And I would love to become a working actor. I love auditioning. But, to be honest, I’m happy to ride this as long as it goes,’ he continued.

‘If it goes for two months after Potter, I’m happy. If it goes for six years, I’m happy.’
Dan also mentioned that if acting doesn't work out for him, there are other film-making avenues he would consider pursuing.
‘I truly believe that if I don’t make it as an actor, I will make it another way – I don’t have doubts about myself. I’ve been through all the stuff.’

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