HP 7, part 1 in 3D - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


HP 7, part 1 in 3D

There is confirmation regarding the rumour about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 being made into a 3D film. It's true according to a press release from Warner Bros.

"We are experienced and have been successful in the conversion of 2D to 3D going back to such hits as 'The Polar Express,' select scenes in 'Superman Returns' and the last two Harry Potter films,” Warners domestic distribution boss Dan Fellman said.

Warners said its conversion tests on "Titan" footage have gone well and noted that conversion work will be handled by Prime Focus, a Hollywood-based postproduction company that figured among digital vendors on "Avatar," whose nine Oscar nominations include one for visual effects.

"We're excited about 3D and look forward to bringing a rich, involving visual experience to audiences around the world," Warners film group president Jeff Robinov said.

source: The Hollywood Reporter

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