Dan contributes to Stephen Fry tribute video - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Dan contributes to Stephen Fry tribute video

Last night Stephen Fry (narrater of the UK audiobooks) was given the Special Recognition prize at the National Television awards. Daniel contributed to a tribute video which was played during the ceremony. See here the video.
1:50 - I love, love, love A Bit of Fry and Laurie.

2:30 - I do think Stephen is an absolutely perfect Jeeves, and I would want him to be my Jeeves in real life. He'd be rather wonderful.

2:50 - There's something about him which is warm. Just having him on television makes life brighter for everyone.

3:20 - I do think the program QI is one of the greatest educators in the country. I don't think you can watch that show and not smile.

4:45 - I've got a very good friend who, every night, after coming home from university goes to sleep listening to Stephen read the Harry Potter books on tape because he just does it so wonderfully.

5:46 - Once you are in a position where people will watch something because of you, you have to become even more selective about what you do. Like drawing attention to bipolarism.

7:18 - I think that he's one of the most important people in the country. He's one of the reasons we are great. Just occasionally, our country produces people like him.

Photo: YouTube

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