January 2010 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Valentine's Day poems from The Poetry Archive

Marion 30 January 2010 3 permalink
Valentine's Day poems from The Poetry Archive
There is an article by Andrew Motion, ex Poet Laureate, on wooing with love poetry for Valentine's Day. The Poetry Archive has compiled a collection of poems. You can choose the reader and the poem you think is likely to have the desired effect on your beloved, then send it to his or her mobile phone.

What it has to do with Dan? One of the poems you can send is going to be Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare, read by Daniel. The poems will be available next week. Full list is here.

There is an audio sample online. Listen here @ The Poetry Archive.
"And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare. As any she belied with false compare."
The Director from The Poetry Archive talked about Daniel and poems.
As you know, Dan is a serious poetry fan. He thought seriously about what he'd like to read and chose that sonnet from a large number of poems we gave him to look at. The recording was made in his dressing-room at the theatre in New York during the run of Equus.

Harry Potter studios will be open for public

Marion 29 January 2010 0 permalink
Harry Potter studios will be open for public
Warner Bros. is going to buy Leavesden Studios in Hertfordshire, England, after the Harry Potter saga is finished. We will be able to walk through the Great hall and other sets after the movies are done.

Dan contributes to Stephen Fry tribute video

Marion 21 January 2010 0 permalink
Dan contributes to Stephen Fry tribute video

Last night Stephen Fry (narrater of the UK audiobooks) was given the Special Recognition prize at the National Television awards. Daniel contributed to a tribute video which was played during the ceremony. See here the video.
1:50 - I love, love, love A Bit of Fry and Laurie.

2:30 - I do think Stephen is an absolutely perfect Jeeves, and I would want him to be my Jeeves in real life. He'd be rather wonderful.

2:50 - There's something about him which is warm. Just having him on television makes life brighter for everyone.

3:20 - I do think the program QI is one of the greatest educators in the country. I don't think you can watch that show and not smile.

4:45 - I've got a very good friend who, every night, after coming home from university goes to sleep listening to Stephen read the Harry Potter books on tape because he just does it so wonderfully.

5:46 - Once you are in a position where people will watch something because of you, you have to become even more selective about what you do. Like drawing attention to bipolarism.

7:18 - I think that he's one of the most important people in the country. He's one of the reasons we are great. Just occasionally, our country produces people like him.

Deathly Hallows: comparing Harry to a Roman Emperor

Marion 15 January 2010 0 permalink
Deathly Hallows: comparing Harry to a Roman Emperor
Yahoo! released part of their Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows set interview with Dan about paranoia, leadership, and a change of scenery for Harry in the final installments of the series.
The main thing is we’re not at Hogwarts. It makes a huge difference. It gives the film a totally different feel. It might take people a while to adjust to this one, "remarked Daniel Radcliffe.

"Part One is a road movie. And the action is going to be pretty extraordinary."

And Radcliffe concedes that shooting the two parts of Deathly Hallows out of sequence has its confusing moments.

"It’s been odd trying to keep track of it all. I’ve forgotten stuff we’ve done. It’s been a weird experience."

Of course, this being a Harry Potter film, it’s not all fun and light. Especially not for the teen

“Harry is like a Roman Emperor in his last days and everyone is turning on him," moaned Radcliffe. "Harry is completely paranoid about what Ron and Hermione are saying about him. He thinks they’re doubting his leadership, but while he is asking people that, he himself is doubting his leadership. He has no plan, so he is pretty useless."

Daniel congratulates The Simpsons with 20th season

Marion 10 January 2010 0 permalink
Daniel congratulates The Simpsons with 20th season

Like I posted here earlier, Daniel will be a voice on the Halloween edition from the 20th season of The Simpsons. Here a video of Dan congratulating them on the 20th season (or see it here)

Daniel ontvangt Gouden Flip Award (Half-Blood Prince)

Marion 6 January 2010 1 permalink
Daniel ontvangt Gouden Flip Award (Half-Blood Prince)

Daniel heeft de Gouden Flip Award ontvangen van Jommekeskrant redacteur Jan Ruysbergh van Het Nieuwsblad in België. Beste Acteur Internationaal, en Beste Film voor Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter en de Halfbloed Prins). De redacteur was in Londen in November 2009 (tijdens de DVD launch) om de award persoonlijk te overhandigen. Hier is een foto. En er is een scan via snitchseeker.com

bron: jommekeskrant.be, nieuwsblad.be
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