Dennys Ilic about working with Dan - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Dennys Ilic about working with Dan

Photographer Dennys Ilic has been interviewed by Galactica TV about the four years he has been working with Dan (Harry Potter promotion photos)
But in the end I have to say that probably the greatest experience for me overall -- because I've been involved with it for a good four or five years now -- has been photographing Daniel Radcliffe for the Harry Potter films. Partly because I shot him for the first time when he was fifteen years old and I now just finished shooting him when he's 20, Just seeing him change and grow from a young child to this amazing young man. He's so grounded and so intelligent and so focused on his work.

Obviously he makes a good deal of money for someone his age, but he hasn't suffered any of trappings that come with that. He's a normal young man who probably works a hundred times harder than any of us can conceive or would do ourselves. He's just all about his craft. It's just amazing seeing a Harry Potter film being made and seeing how much he does -- how hard he worked on Equus, reading scripts for other projects while at the same time he was preparing for my photoshoot.

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