December 2009 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Have a good 2010!

Marion 31 December 2009 0 permalink
Have a good 2010!
I like to wish you all a great 2010!. Also a huge thank you to all of you who visited Daniel J Radcliffe Holland the past year and I hope the support will continue during 2010. Also a thank you to all the affiliates, and ofcourse Daniel, without him this site wouldn't excist.


I am sending an e-mail to all my affiliates, but noticed I have some who doesn't work anymore and from others I don't have an e-mail at all. Please let me know if you have changed it or have one but haven't mentioned it on your site. Thanks!

Screen test December Boys

Marion 28 December 2009 0 permalink
Screen test December Boys

The screen test videos from December Boys (2007) featuring Mathew Waters with Daniel turned up online. Mathew was considered to look to old and the part was eventually cast with a 12 year old.

A thank you from Tim Hailand

Marion 22 December 2009 0 permalink
A thank you from Tim Hailand
Tim Hailand wants to thank everyone who supported the book Project One Day in the Life of. ICYMI: A portion of all book sales will be donated to Broadway Cares/Equity fights AIDS (BC/EFA).

Photo: Tim Hailand

Dennys Ilic about working with Dan

Marion 17 December 2009 0 permalink
Dennys Ilic about working with Dan

Photographer Dennys Ilic has been interviewed by Galactica TV about the four years he has been working with Dan (Harry Potter promotion photos)
But in the end I have to say that probably the greatest experience for me overall -- because I've been involved with it for a good four or five years now -- has been photographing Daniel Radcliffe for the Harry Potter films. Partly because I shot him for the first time when he was fifteen years old and I now just finished shooting him when he's 20, Just seeing him change and grow from a young child to this amazing young man. He's so grounded and so intelligent and so focused on his work.

Obviously he makes a good deal of money for someone his age, but he hasn't suffered any of trappings that come with that. He's a normal young man who probably works a hundred times harder than any of us can conceive or would do ourselves. He's just all about his craft. It's just amazing seeing a Harry Potter film being made and seeing how much he does -- how hard he worked on Equus, reading scripts for other projects while at the same time he was preparing for my photoshoot.

Half-Blood Prince live community screening: advertisement

Marion 11 December 2009 0 permalink
Half-Blood Prince live community screening: advertisement

Advertisement for the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince BD live community screening on 13th December 2009. More info at

Half-Blood Prince live community screening: Message from Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 10 December 2009 0 permalink
Half-Blood Prince live community screening: Message from Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe discusses the details of the earlier announced BD live community screening of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on 12th December.

Updated: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD launch interviews

Marion 4 December 2009 0 permalink
Updated: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince DVD launch interviews

Here press junket interview videos from the DVD launch of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and a bit of Deathly Hallows: How Dan developed a cold on set. From Sky News, TV 2, WireImage, BBC News, MTV News, ETalk, ITN and Sunrise Australia.

Update: 9th December 2009. CNN The Screening Room.

Associated Press (AP) - Half-Blood Prince live community screening


Marion 1 December 2009 0 permalink
Partner site has started a Adventskalender with some great surprises everyday, so worth checking that out this month! Thanks to Mira for the info.
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