Rotten Tomatoes interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Rotten Tomatoes interview

Rotten Tomatoes sat down with Daniel on the set of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

In the last movie Harry seemed to face psychological and physical challenges, whereas in this movie the problems he faces are more intellectual, as he tries to piece the puzzle together. Does anything change in your approach to the character?
Daniel Radcliffe: I don’t think a huge amount does change in terms of how you approach it. You come to every scene with the same basic tools. You come to it with knowledge of your character and knowledge of what their fundamental wants and needs are and how they would go about getting them. And you would just apply them to whatever situation they’re in. The real challenge of acting for me, I suppose, is just getting to know a character very, very well and just applying what I know about them to every single scene. That’s what it can be broken down to.


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