May 2009 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Dan wins two Audience awards

Marion 24 May 2009 0
Dan wins two Audience awards
Daniel was nominated for the Audience awards, and wel I can announce that Dan has won two, also Equus co-star Lorenzo Pisoni received an award.

Daniel: Favorite Actor and Breakthrough Performance
Equus: Favorite Broadway Play Revival
Lorenzo Pisoni: Favorite Solo Performance for his off-Broadway hit Humor Abuse.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince US poster

Marion 23 May 2009 0
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince US poster
Main poster for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Release 15th July.

Photos: Warner Bros.

Empire magazine portrait to be auctioned

Marion 22 May 2009 0
Empire magazine portrait to be auctioned

The Empire magazine portrait (photo by Matt Holyoak) is now on display in the Empire 20 exhibition at the Century Club.

A reader from managed to make some photos. The portrait will go on auction on May 28th at the Paramount Club in London. The money made off the auction will benefit the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity.


Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game artwork

Marion 14 May 2009 0
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince video game artwork
Artwork has been released for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince The video game. Including  character photos. Release: 30th June 2009 (US), 3rd July 2009 (Europe). Here is the cover.

A promotional poster is featured on EA's website,, and can be seen here via There is also a photo of Harry here.

Find more photos at

Sunday magazine photoshoot, 2007 (Australia)

Marion 13 May 2009 0
Sunday magazine photoshoot, 2007 (Australia)
Photos have appeared online from the photoshoot for Sunday magazine in 2007. Photos by Gen Kay.

Photo: Gen Kay

New Half-Blood Prince advertisement

Marion 10 May 2009 0
New Half-Blood Prince advertisement
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince commercial

Daniel attends Art Against Knives charity auction

Marion 6 May 2009 0
Daniel attends Art Against Knives charity auction
Daniel attended the Art Against Knives charity auction in Shoreditch, London. Co-star Tom Felton was also there.

Embed from Getty Images
Photos: Getty Images

New Half-Blood Prince UK character poster - Harry and Draco

Marion 1 May 2009 0
New Half-Blood Prince UK character poster - Harry and Draco
New UK character poster for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince featuring Draco and Harry.

Photos: Warner Bros.