February 2009 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Masterpiece Classic: Dan discusses David Copperfield

Marion 27 February 2009 0 permalink
Masterpiece Classic: Dan discusses David Copperfield

Daniel talks about David Copperfield, his audition from when he was 10 and about working with Ian McKellen.

source: pbs.org

Vogue magazine (US)

Marion 16 February 2009 0 permalink
Vogue magazine (US)

Daniel is featured in the March edition of Vogue magazine. The "I love the nightlife" shoot took place in downtown Manhattan with Thompson hotelier Jason Pomeranc and model Anna Selezneva. You can view a photo here. Photo by Mario Testino.

Behind the scenes video "New Night Out"

source: vogue.com

Updated: News on Dan's stunt double

Marion 11 February 2009 0 permalink
Updated: News on Dan's stunt double
You all must have heard the story Dan's stunt double already the past week. Daniel's stunt double David Holmes (25) was seriously injured while filming a flying sequence for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. And now Daniel has visited him together with Tom Felton (with girlfriend) now he's back in London.
"The actors appeared shaken upon leaving the hospital, and with due cause – Holmes has been Daniel's body double for all of the Harry Potter movies, and the injuries to his spine could cause paralysis."
Update: It is being reported that David Holmes, will never walk again following his accident. David will remain confined to a wheelchair.
"A friend said: "David is struggling to come to terms with the news.The friend said: "David had done the stunt earlier that day but he said that it was harder to perform than usual and that it hurt when it was pulling him back."It's a dangerous stunt and David knew that. Most stuntmen get double their daily pay to carry it out."The stunt went terribly wrong and David was thrown so far that he missed all of the safety mats. He hit the ground very hard."He told crew members he couldn't feel anything from the waist down."
A source revealed: "Greg (Stunt co-ordinator) is devastated by what has happened. He was there when the surgeons told David that he would never walk again.It's terrible news but his family and friends are trying to offer him as much support as they can."He is so young and was very good at his job. But his life will be completely altered now."The source added: "Although David has been told he'll never walk again he is still not giving up hope."Deep down he knows it's unlikely but it's still early days and so he's not giving up completely."

And then Equus has ended (with Daniel's speech)

Marion 10 February 2009 0 permalink
And then Equus has ended (with Daniel's speech)

8th February 2009: Closing night from Equus in New York.

Dan receives portrait Tony's di Napoli Wall of Fame

Marion 8 February 2009 0 permalink
Dan receives portrait Tony's di Napoli Wall of Fame

Daniel received a portrait on the Tony's di Napoli Wall of Fame to commemorate his performances in the Broadway play Equus. It was unveiled yesterday at the New York restaurant. The hosts for the evening were radio personality Valerie Smaldone and Tony DiNapoli's General Manager, Bruce Dimpflmaier.

Poster copies signed by Daniel will be auctioned off at a coming event to benefit Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (BC/EFA).

Photos: Getty Images

Equus: backstage with Wayne Hankin

Marion 6 February 2009 0 permalink
Equus: backstage with Wayne Hankin
Performer Wayne Hankin's page at Epresskitz.com posted this photo of Daniel and him backstage during the run of Equus in NY.
Daniel, a first-rate theater actor, can hold his own onstage with anyone. He's also a great music lover and blessed with a fine family who do everything together

Via Wayne Hankin's Facebook (note: Wayne means with "we had visitors" the show Cirque Du Soleil)
New York: Being off broadway was nice. We had visitors. The first was Alan Rickman, who liked the show enough to tip off this fellow Daniel Radcliffe who liked it even more. He is like a sponge and takes in everything with a great amount of enthusiasm. He invited us to see his run of Equis and he proved to be a tremendous theatrical actor, holding his own against Royal Shakesphere and Vic talents. He really carried the production. He is also very humble and his family, especially his Dad Alan do everything together
[exact date unknown, photo is taken by Alan Radcliffe]
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