Updated: Dan included in book The Waiting Game - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Dan included in book The Waiting Game

Daniel is included in a book about British Theatre actors during the thirty minutes before they go on stage. Daniel is captured during his run of Equus at the Gielgud Theatre in London (2007). The book is called The Waiting Game by Simon Annand.

Update: March 2012. Daniel's portrait is featured in Simon Annand's exhibition called The Half at the Idea Generation Gallery in London until 8th April 2012. You can also buy his book, which seemed to have changed from the above title to 'The Half'.

There is a photo here via The Guardian.

More photos via snitchseeker.com: Here and here.
“I wrote to Daniel’s father, who is also his manager, saying that some people in the book started their working lives in the Twenties and he was the youngest person in the book. He was becoming part of a tradition in the theatre and that meant something to him. He’s very serious about his work. Even though he’s carried these multi-million pound movies, he’s also a 17-year-old like any other. So I had to talk a lot during the shoot. We talked about cricket.”
Photo: Simon Annand

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