My Boy Jack: US/UK DVD artwork - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


My Boy Jack: US/UK DVD artwork

My Boy Jack is released on DVD on 22nd April 2008 in the US. The artwork is almost the same as the UK version (out on 19th November 2007), that's why I have added them both in a post.

Descripion UK:
It's 1914. Rudyard Kipling (David Haig from Four Weddings And A Funeral), the British Empire's greatest supporter, is at the peak of his literary fame. Kipling's son, Jack (Daniel Radcliffe from the Harry Potter films), is determined to play his part in the imminent war with Germany, but finds himself rejected due to his extremely poor eyesight. When his father uses his influence to land Jack a commission in the Irish Guards, Kipling’s wife, Caroline (Kim Cattrall from Sex And The City), is bitterly upset, failing to see the glory in losing her only son to the war.
As Jack leaves for war, Kipling consoles himself with the thought that if his son should die, it will have been his finest hour. But how would the great writer justify the consequences of his actions to himself and his wife? And how would he live with the conflict between his two greatest passions: a love for his family and a devotion to King and Country?

Special Features:
Exclusive intervews with Daniel Radcliffe, David Haig and Kim Cattrall and deleted scenes.

Photos: BBC

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