March 2008 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


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Marion 21 March 2008 0 permalink
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Dan about Journey during BAFTA awards

Marion 15 March 2008 0 permalink
Dan about Journey during BAFTA awards
I believe this video is from the BAFTA's but I didnt saw this interview before with Dan talking about Journey. This is the one with his great quote about beaches:

" I hate beaches, I can't do beaches"...

Daniel feels Deathly Hallows split is a positive move.

Marion 14 March 2008 0 permalink
Daniel feels Deathly Hallows split is a positive move.
Warner Brothers has annouced that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be split into two parts. Below a quote from Dan regarding this publication.
"I think it's the only way you can do it without cutting out a huge portion of the book. There have been compartmentalized subplots in the other books that have made them easier to cut -- although those cuts were still to the horror of some fans -- but the seventh book doesn't really have any subplots. It's one driving, pounding story from the word go."
Official Press Release

TV Guide has more on the Deathly Hallows split! Dan calls it a "positive thing" and that he thinks the fans will appreciate that more than trying to fit the book into one film and having to skip over elements. He also says it will be a challenge finding the right place to split the film, and that it will start shooting early next year and be filmed as one movie.
"It's a really positive thing," the actor told TV Guide during a call to promote Masterpiece Classic: My Boy Jack (airing April 20 on PBS).

"And I think the fans will appreciate that more than had we tried to make it into one film. We'd have to cram so much in there and actually have to skip over some things. And in this seventh book, there are a lot of things you can't afford to skip over."
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