Happy New Dan Year! 2008 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Happy New Dan Year! 2008

At the end of this year I would like to thank:

All the Linkpartners from DJR.tk and Rad News
Thanks for your support in this year and I hope it still continues in 2008.

Stacy (newsposter Rad News)
Stacy, thanks for your help the past few months. I really appreciate i. !TARGET="_blank"All the visitors from DJR.tk. Thanks for your visits the past year and I'm hoping to see you all back next year.. we will still doing our best to give you the latest news about Dan!

Edit on 1-1-2008: I also almost forgot to mention Daniel!
without him my site wouldn't even excist, and I want to thank him for being the great person and actor that he is and I will never forget Equus the past year! so I say (even when I know he wouldn't read this) Thanks Dan! Keep on the fantastic work!


  1. It's not a problem. Always glad to help!!

  2. thanks! :) that's great to hear.. so how was your day yesterday?? My day was great (it was my birthday and It got pretty late :P (im still a bit tired now)


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