Daniel on Broadway in 2008 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel on Broadway in 2008

It has been confirmed by Daniel's publicist that hewill, in fact, appear on Broadway in Equus in September 2008. I already saw him in London and I wish him good luck in New York.

Quote Dan:
"I dare not think about going to New York, because it might never happen. If it comes off it will be brilliant," the young actor told me when we talked during his run in the Peter Shaffer play, which packed the Gielgud earlier this year"


  1. I'm just so proud of him! I'm glad his dreams are coming true and I hope I can find some way [crossing fingers] to make it to NY next fall.

  2. that would be cool if you can go!
    I saw him in London back in Februari.. that was awesome! :D I will never forget that day..


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