August 2007 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: MTV: Daniel about December Boys

Marion 31 August 2007 0 permalink
Updated: MTV: Daniel about December Boys

Daniel talks about squeezing December Boys into his Harry Potter schedule.

Update: I removed the MTV links, they don't work anymore.

video 1 "A very simple story, but it was really beautiful"
video 2 ''I Love Playing Harry, But ... "
video 3 "They are going to adopt one of us"


Dans Reply: Daniel's Army project 2007

Marion 31 August 2007 0 permalink
Dans Reply: Daniel's Army project 2007
I have Dan's reply on the Birthday Project 2007 It is his latest newsletter with photo. (not personal but next time better) Thanks to everyone who has joined.

Order of the Phoenix wins Teen Choice awards

Marion 27 August 2007 0 permalink
Order of the Phoenix wins Teen Choice awards
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix won the Teen Choice Awards (Drama/Action Adventure category) Congratulations to everyone from the cast and the crew who have made this Harry potter movie to what it is now. Teen Choice Awards winners.

Movie Tie-In edition of The December Boys

Marion 26 August 2007 0 permalink
Movie Tie-In edition of The December Boys

Here's the cover of the Movie Tie-In edition of The December Boys by Australian writer Michael Noonan (The film title is December Boys). The book is published by UK's Catnip Publishing Ltd on 24th August 2007 and Australia's University of Queensland Press on 7th August 2007.

Pages: 238 pages
ISBN-10 1846470471
ISBN-13 9781846470479

ISBN: 9780702235764
ISBN-10: 0702235768

In the late 1960s, four orphan boys go for a holiday by the sea on the South Australian coast. Since they share the same birth month, the orphanage calls them December boys. But these teens--Maps, Spit, Spark and Misty--have much more in common. With no hopes of ever joining a family, they form their own familial bonds. Then the unexpected news comes that a young couple may adopt one of them, and the long-time pals suddenly share something else: a rivalry to be the chosen one.

Photos: Catnip Publishing

Jenna's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 24 August 2007 0 permalink
Jenna's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Jenna from talked with Daniel about December Boys in July but has released her interview online now. It's shared on her Aced magazine website. Below an excerpt.

You have a lot of scripts coming your way, what made you choose this one?
You know, you probably get… say you get 50 scripts, if you get one of them that’s good then that’s great. If you get one that’s brilliant, you’ve hit the jackpot… and that’s what we did. The script for December Boys was absolutely fantastic. I read the script and loved it. And then… meeting the director in London, a guy called Rod Hardy, who directs a lot of American TV.

This has been his project of passion for about twelve years now. He’s been trying to get it made. After meeting with him, that just confirmed it for me because we had very similar visions of the film as a whole and of my character Maps. From that point on I really wanted to do it. We had always planned to do something between Harry Potter four and five, and December Boys came along at exactly the right time. It was a beautiful piece of writing so… yea – that was the reason.

What is this adaptation about?
It’s about four boys in a Catholic orphanage in the Australian outback. It is set in the 1960s, but to many people it will look like it is possibly the 1950s because these boys have been so detached from the mainstream world being in the outback and the orphanage.

The clothes they wear are from the 50s and they are all hand-me-downs. So, it’s about these four boys in this orphanage and this donor has given the orphanage some money. At the present all these boys have been allowed to go to the seaside because they all share the same… when you are in an orphanage, if they don’t know when you are born they assign you a birth month and so all these boys were all born in December, hence the “December Boys”.

For their birthday they are all sent to the seaside. They’d never seen the sea before, having spent their whole life in the outback, so it’s quite an amazing moment for them when they first experience what sea water feels like and tastes like…that sort of sensation. So many things we would often take for granted, for them are just incredible.

While they’re at the beach they all have their own individual stories which leaves them altered at the end of the film. They each learn something about each other, and learn something about their situation, and learn something about the world…learn a lot of things about the world. That is what makes the film very special (for me).

It’s a real coming-of-age story. Comparisons could be drawn to “Stand By Me”. Whether “December Boys” will be a classic film (like “Stand By Me”) remains to be seen. I think “Stand By Me” is a similar vein of story about four boys who are on the threshold of adulthood.

Hitkrant magazine: Muziekfreak Daniel (NL)

Marion 24 August 2007 0 permalink
Hitkrant magazine: Muziekfreak Daniel (NL)
Interview in Hitkrant magazine over Daniel zijn lievelings muziek

Edit: Translation by Daniel J Radcliffe Holland.

Do you never want to start a band yourself because you are a Musicfreak?
Ofcourse! I can play a bit bassguitar and I got loads of tips from Gary Oldman during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. He teached me how to play the bass line from Come Together from the Beatles. That must have been the coolest hour i've ever had with Gary. He also gave me some tips about girls that im certainly going to use. One is to check if a girl can work out with their parents. The rest is between Gary and I.

Do you change out music with the rest of the cast?

Yes, Gary is crazy about Audioslave because of me. He listens to loads of cool bands, but I was listening to Audioslave at the make-up room, and he got totaly crazy about it.And with Rupert Grint and Emma Watson? Rupert has a good musictaste. He listens a lot to Kings of Leon. And Emma.. Il try to get everyone to listen to Rockmusic, but that doesn’t work with Emma. She really has another taste. She listens to the Australian band Jet sometimes, but that’s all. I don’t even know what she really likes.. her taste isn’t mine.

Which Rockstar did you wanted to be when you were young?
David Bowie in his Ziggy Stardust period. I think I was about 14 and a little shorter than I am now. I even dressed up as David Bowie sometimes to go to a party. I could borrow costumes from the movie Velvet Goldmine and I could get them for a few days. I had make-up, eyeliner, the golden pants, shoes, a shirt with snakeskin print and a jacket. I looked fantastic. The theme of the party was "Grease" but I had forgotten that.

Can you still go to concerts?

Not really. I was at a show from Radiohead and the people around me kept staring at me. I have to say that being famous has also a good side. When I call a name of a band in an interview, il get two weeks later a whole box with stuff from that group. Relaxt isn’t it?

You are a huge fan from the Libertines, Pete Doherty and Carl Barat are both in new bands, Babyshamples ans Dirty Pretty Things. Can you choose between both?

It’s really hurts me to say this, but i’l go for Dirty Pretty Things then. Some people think Pete is a phethetic bastard, but I don’t think that. He makes great music and the drugs… yes.. you don’t know how it started and maybe he didn’t wanted to use it himself.

You also write songs. Can you tell us a bit more about it?
Well, there are more poems, but Im not going to say much about it. I think think im good enough. I mailed a few to people I know.. and they liked it, but I think I still have to work hard. If I ever have send a poem to a girl? Do you know the song Thou Shalt Always Kill? from Scroobius Pip and Dan le Sac? A bit if it goes like this: ‘Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girl’s pants, Use it to get into their heads’ I think that’s a cool way to get on with it.

Where are you listen to yourself?
Basicly everything. I always have the whole day my i-pod with me. When I was reading the last Potter book I was listening to Sigur Rós. Do you know them? They make instrumental music and they are really cool. They have an album that is called Takk. The Music fits perfect to the book. I realised I was in my own world. When I was finished reading I just kept listening. I didn’t knew what else to do. I still think about the end. It keeps me thinking.

Guinness World record: Goblet of Fire fastest-selling DVD ever

Marion 11 August 2007 0 permalink
Guinness World record: Goblet of Fire fastest-selling DVD ever

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fastest-selling DVD ever. A photo of Daniel with the certificate from Guinness is featured in the 2007 edition of the Guinness Book of World Records.

Daniel visits a school in Japan

Marion 8 August 2007 2 permalink
Daniel visits a school in Japan

Daniel's visit to a school in Japan where he promoted Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Order of the Phoenix. It's the TV show Groofy After School (学校へ行こう!).

Update: 17th September 2012. All videos of Dan in Japan are posted below.

Dan on set My Boy Jack

Marion 6 August 2007 2 permalink
Dan on set My Boy Jack

And here are the first photos from Daniel on the set of My Boy Jack. Visit

My Boy Jack: first photos

Marion 2 August 2007 4 permalink
My Boy Jack: first photos

Here are the first photos of Daniel in his new production My Boy Jack. See them at Photo 1 / Photo 2.

Daniel Radcliffe on Sunrise & Extra on set

Marion 2 August 2007 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Sunrise & Extra on set
A look on set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Extra and Sunrise Australia.

Nickelodeon magazine (US)

Marion 1 August 2007 0 permalink
Nickelodeon magazine (US)

The new Nickelodeon magazine has photos in promotion of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. August 2007. Features interviews with Daniel, Emma and Rupert. See photos from the photoshoot by Greg Williams here.

Rad News site of the Month

Marion 1 August 2007 0 permalink
Rad News site of the Month
Rad News is site of the Month at German affiliate website That's awesome! Thank you Manuela.

I have to say that Elijah-meets-Jake also a great site is for fans from Elijah Wood and Jake Gyllenhaal so take a look everybody. See the page from site of the Month here
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