Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe on BBC's Test Match Special - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe on BBC's Test Match Special

On his 18th birthday (Happy Birthday Daniel!) Daniel watched the England test match against India at Lord's cricket ground today and did an interview with BBC Radio 5 live's Jonathan Agnew from the Test Match Special during the lunch. You can listen here. And there's also this photo taken by Philip Brown.

Update: 9th April 2020. Listen to the interview on BBC Sounds, available for over a year.
Update: 23rd July 2020. A photo shared by Wisden Cricket on Facebook.
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Daniel was in Australia working when the 2006/2007 Ashes took place down under and he told Aggers it was Paul Collingwood's double century in Adelaide that got him hooked. "It was the celebration when he got to his 200, it was so impassioned. He gave a cry out when he did it - so emotional, almost primeval and a bit scary but really inspirational".
Daniel said he was stirred into patriotism by the constant Australian gloating about the series - as an Englishman down under he thought it was his duty to get behind the England side no matter how badly they were doing.

The 18-year-old is mostly used to giving out autographs - but he admitted he queued with other cricket fans to get signatures from Andrew Strauss and Sachin Tendulkar. It was ironic that when Strauss found out Daniel was going to be joining us at lunch he asked Aggers to get a Harry Potter book signed for his child!

Strauss has also featured in a recent nightmare that Daniel suffered. "I was telling people in a recent interview that I had a dream that Andrew Strauss was chasing me with a cricket bat. It was during the West Indies series when Andrew wasn't doing too well and an Australian who was listening in piped up and said 'I wouldn't worry about Strauss, if he had a swing at you at the moment he'd probably miss!'"

Anyway, it was a pleasure to have Daniel on TMS - he told us he is a big fan of the programme and we presented him with a TMS 50 year anniversary signed book and of course a TMS birthday cake.
He later spent some time in the England dressing room meeting the players - and this time he didn't have to wait for a signature from Strauss.

And no, he didn't run after him with his bat!
source: bbc.co.uk
Photos: Getty Images

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