June 2007 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix premiere & press conference in Osaka, Japan

Marion 30 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix premiere & press conference in Osaka, Japan

New photos from today from Daniel attending the premiere at Namba Parks in Osaka, Japan and a press conference for Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Order of The Phoenix at Ritz-Carlton Osaka.

Photos: Getty Images

London premiere will be streamed live

Marion 30 June 2007 0 permalink
London premiere will be streamed live

The premiere of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on 3rd July can be followed live on the official site from Warner Bros. So for all the fans who can't go to see it you can ollow it live on the internet. The start: 5 PM. That's 4 PM for Holland. Warner Bros. official site.

Q magazine: Groupies, casual sex and "little Daniel" (UK)

Marion 30 June 2007 0 permalink
Q magazine: Groupies, casual sex and "little Daniel" (UK)
Q magazine's interview with Daniel (via danradcliffe.com)

Q: “Did you have to warm up little Dan before going on stage for the first time in Equus?”
A: “Well, this is the thing. Because I’m on stage the whole time, you can’t, as my friend put it, “get some blood into it”. So no, you have to go there and cope with everything going very shy in front of 950 people. After the first two shows you just don’t care anymore, which is a weird thing. Joanna Christie [Equus co-star], who plays Jill, she’s naked as well, so I have something to distract myself with at least, because she is very beautiful. Was there ever any unexpected excitement? No, not at all. A mate asked me,”Did you grow during rehearsals?” I said,” Well, I came on in a certain way but I think the acting will grow more during the process.” He said, “No, I meant did you get an erection?” Oh! Well, no.”

Q: “What are the Harry Potter groupies like? Are there a lot of older women that want to Mother you?”
A:” I wouldn’t say mother [laughs]. Harry Potter groupies……I wouldn’t call them that, really, because they’re really sweet and a lot of them are quite innocent and very young. I don’t really have groupies per se.”

Q:” If they did a porn rip-off of Harry Potter, what do you think it would be called?”
A:” Probably something unoriginal like Harry Porno. The Philosopher’s Bone? Very Good! Harry potter and the Secret Chamber, perhaps. [Comes out with a filthier suggestion but insists it remain off the record] My friend said there’s a German one. He might just be lying, but he said I was played by someone with a massive handlebar mustache.”

Q: “I heard you write poetry. Can you give me a couple of stanzas?”
A: “Absolutely not. I do write poetry but I don’t think it is good enough yet to be aired to anybody. I did send it off to a couple of people that I really, really admire. Who? Tony Harrison, who’s an amazing Leeds poet, and also to Stephen Fry. They both sent back really positive responses, but I’ve got a lot of work to do. Have I ever given poetry to a girl? I did once give a sonnet to somebody, which they really liked. Have you heard this song by Scroobius Pip and Dan Le Sac [Thou Shalt Always kill]? There’s a line in it that goes something like, “Thou shalt not use poetry, art or music to get into girls’ pants/ Use it to get into their heads.”

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference & photocall in Tokyo, Japan

Marion 29 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference & photocall in Tokyo, Japan

Again more photos, now from the Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Order of the Phoenix press conference held yesterday and the photocall held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Photos: Getty Images

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Tokyo, Japan World premiere

Marion 28 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Tokyo, Japan World premiere

Today was the day of the big Tokyo world premiere of Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Order of the Phoenix at the Roppongi Hills Arena. Sina.com video.

Updated(5): Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket interviews

Marion 28 June 2007 0 permalink
Updated(5): Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket interviews
Interviews from another press junket for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. See also this Facebook post.

Update: 9th January 2017. Daniel received a calligraphy name artwork from Jessie Ren.
Update: 26th August 2017 .Al Tú Por Tú (Mexico).
Update: 29th September 2017. La Cosa Cine Central interview.
Update: 26th February 2018. Chinese video.
Update: 17th April 2020. Noticias Caracol.

Arrival at Tokyo's Narita airport, Japan

Marion 27 June 2007 0 permalink
Arrival at Tokyo's Narita airport, Japan

Daniel arrived in Japan at the Narita airport. He will attend the world premiere of Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Order of the Phoenix which will be held tomorrow at the Roppongi Hills complex in central Tokyo.

Photos: Getty Images

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket interviews

Marion 27 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket interviews

More press junket interviews in promotion of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Updated: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket interviews

Marion 27 June 2007 0 permalink
Updated: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press junket interviews

Press junket interviews in promotion of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. There is also tribute.ca.

Update: 20th July 2007. The Daily Buzz interview.

IGN interview

Marion 26 June 2007 0 permalink
IGN interview
IGN was among a set of journalists who were invited to the Leavesden Studio sets to chat with the cast and crew, tour sets, and watch filming take place. They caught up with Daniel for a few minutes.

Q: This is a lot darker for your character particularly, you're angry and having to deal with a lot of things. Can you talk about that?
Daniel Radcliffe: I think Harry goes through what every teenager goes through in a way, at that stage. Of course Harry's feelings are exacerbated by the fact that he has had all of these troubles in his life and has had people try to kill him at numerous times. (laughs). He is incredibly angry all the time. We did a scene the other day where he confesses to Sirius about how he actually feels, how he feels angry constantly and how he thinks he is possibly turning into a bad person. There's a lot going on inside his head and I think that, for me as an actor, it makes it more interesting to do and I think for an audience it becomes a more charismatic character to watch.

Read more at ign.com

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference in London

Marion 26 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference in London

Photos from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) press conference for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on 24th June at the Claridge's Hotel in London.

Photos: Getty Images

Q magazine photoshoot (UK)

Marion 25 June 2007 0 permalink
Q magazine photoshoot (UK)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference & photocall in London

Marion 25 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference & photocall in London

Daniel attended together with Emma Watson, Katie Leung, Rupert Grint & Evanna Lynch a photocall along the Thames in London to promote Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix plus a press conference.

Reelz Channel: Order of the Phoenix interview

Marion 24 June 2007 0 permalink
Reelz Channel: Order of the Phoenix interview

Press junket interview in promotion of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix from Reelz channel. Recorded on 23rd June 2007.

Daniel Radcliffe on Le Grand Journal

Marion 23 June 2007 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Le Grand Journal
This is a preview video released by Canal+ from Le Grand Journal (French) where Daniel shows the reporter around the Gryffindor common room on the set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This was recorded last November.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference in London

Marion 23 June 2007 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix press conference in London
The press conference today in London in promotion of the new film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Photos at apimages.com.

Message from Daniel Radcliffe to Japanese fans

Marion 19 June 2007 0 permalink
Message from Daniel Radcliffe to Japanese fans

A message from Daniel to all the Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) fans in Japan. He announces that he will go to Japan soon to promote his new film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

To all my Linkpartners and visitors: URL change

Marion 19 June 2007 0 permalink
To all my Linkpartners and visitors: URL change

Just so you all know.

BEI is 1 year - Dan enjoys time off

Marion 18 June 2007 3 permalink
BEI is 1 year - Dan enjoys time off

The website is 1 year today! And Daniel is enjoying his time off on the Cricket field. There are photos from The Sun but hey l won't link or publish them, paparazzi free website. I hope you all have a nice day.

A question: What do you all think of ding a domain name change? (I have my reasons for it) comment please.

Equus/Birthday Project

Marion 9 June 2007 22 permalink
Equus/Birthday Project
Today is the last day for Daniel in Equus.. I hope that many of you have seen it.. because the play is great! I wish Daniel good luck tonight, and I know he is not going to read it, but Daniel: Thanks for this wonderful experience! Want to add something? comment please!

Daniel's Army! Dit is gebaseerd op Dumbledores Army uit de komende Potter film. Het idee is: je opent het programma Paint en:
* tekent daarin met een verfkwast je naam (kleur zwart,met achternaam)
* stuurt dat plaatje naar mij over de mail (zie mailadres hieronder)
* je voegt je leeftijd en land waar je woont toe.
* eventueel met een kort berichtje aan Daniel gericht.
(misschien kan ik niet alles vermelden ligt aan hoeveelheid aanmeldingen)
* Ik voeg alles bijelkaar als een soort verslag en stuur dat naar Dan om zo te laten zien dat we hem steunen (symbolisch)

Daniel's Army!
This idea is based on Dumbledores Army from the upcoming Potter movie. This is the case if you want to join: * open the programm Paint on your computer.
* get the paintbrush and write your name. (in colour black with your surname)
* send that pic to my mail adress (under this article)
* Send em also your age and country.
* if you like you can add a short message to Daniel.
(maybe I can't add all the messages or I have to short them, depending the amount of people who join)
* I'l add everything together and send it to Daniel.. to let him know that we support him together. (symbolical)

It's going to be kinda like this:

You send me your name like this:

Wanna join Daniel's Army? or you have questions? please e-mail

You can enter til 15th July
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