Equus: Fan expectations - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Equus: Fan expectations

Website danradcliffe.co.uk received a message from Daniel's publicist regarding and shared it online because of the many fans that have inquired as to whether or not they may go backstage to meet with Daniel after the play's end.

The message:
"Dan greatly appreciates the support his fans have shown him in the lead up to Equus and indeed all of his projects. And he's particularly delighted that so many have booked tickets to see the play. But, one thing that is worrying him is that so many have written expressing a desire to come backstage after the performance. The demands of playing this complex character, however, mean that this is just not going to be possible as he is on stage for eight performances a week for over four months. So, he really wants to implore fans not to think of the play as an opportunity to come backstage, as he would hate for them to be disappointed, but to come and see this amazing play and to enjoy the experience."

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