The Herald Sun interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


The Herald Sun interview

The Herald Sun has an interview with Dan about Melbourne, Australia where he is going to present the AFI Awards tomorrow. This is what Dan said (and a bit about December Boys):
We just came here for a holiday a few years ago and fell in love with the place," Radcliffe, 17, said yesterday.

"We went to Sydney and Melbourne, and preferred Melbourne -- although that won't go down well with Sydney-ites," he laughed.

When talking about his post Potter film, December Boys, he had this to say:
"It does feel like a big deal and I am nervous about how it's going to be received, and I'm nervous about what people are going to say, but that's what happens," he said.

"I think people will like it and the one thing they genuinely can't say is that I'm playing Harry, 'cos it's very different."
picture source: Wayne Ludbey

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