Candle for Care Demelza House Chistmas fundraiser: Daniel's thank you message - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Candle for Care Demelza House Chistmas fundraiser: Daniel's thank you message

Daniel wrote a thank you message to everyone who donated to's Candle for Care fundraiser in December 2005.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

To all fans at,

A huge "thank you" to everyone who contributed to the Demelza House Christmas appeal. I was thrilled to discover how much money had been raised. As you know, every penny counts and makes a huge difference to the lives of these children and their families. It is a fantastic start to 2006! Happy New Year to you all and thank you once again.

Best wishes,


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