'Oscar' Award Christmas gift - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


'Oscar' Award Christmas gift

Page Banfield from danradcliffe.co.uk has received a thank you letter from Daniel regarding a present she  did send him for Christmas. The site presented Daniel with his very first Greatest Actor & Role Model award for 2004.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Because Daniel deserves an Oscar Page contacted the Oscar organization to ask if they could make a special award trophy.  It was decided not to create a duplicate but there was a different trophy
made by R. S. Owens & Company, the company that makes the Oscar and Emmy Awards.

Dear Page,

Thank you so much to everyone at Danradcliffe.co.uk for the fantastic award which I opened on Christmas morning. I was completely surprised to receive it and was very touched by your kindness. I also thought the acceptance speech was very funny!I am having a particularly busy time at the moment - filming between Christmas and New Year and revising for important exams in January. Life is very busy but good! This is without doubt the most demanding year I have faced with filming and academic work so wish me luck! Thank you for the fantastic work Danradcliffe.co.uk does on behalf of Demelza House and thank you to everyone who contributed throughout the year to this amazing place.Page, thank you for the excellent work you continue to do on danradcliffe.co.uk. - it means a lot to me.Wherever you are in the world I hope you have a happy and peaceful New Year and to everyone who has suffered in the Tsunamis earthquake my thoughts are with you.

Best wishes,

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