June 2004 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban press conference in Tokyo, Japan

Marion 28 June 2004 0
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban press conference in Tokyo, Japan
Daniel Radcliffe 'attended' the press conference in Tokyo, Japan to promote Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Prisoner of Azkaban via satellite.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Embed from Getty Images
Photos: Getty Images

Prisoner of Azkaban promo pictures (studio shots)

Marion 20 June 2004 0
Prisoner of Azkaban promo pictures (studio shots)
Promotion photos for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaba. Some via oclumencia.com.br.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Photos: Warner Bros.

Updated: Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in London

Marion 20 June 2004 0
Updated: Red Hot Chili Peppers concert in London
Daniel attended the Red Hot Chili Peppers concert at Hyde Park in London on 19th June 2004. And since other (Dan) sites posted photos I also decided to add a couple of them. Looks like he had a great time!.  

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Update: 2018. Here's a photo via Tina K Photography.

The following photos are via bbc.co.uk, backstage gallery:

More via Getty Images:
Embed from Getty Images

Entertainment Weekly photoshoot

Marion 11 June 2004 0
Entertainment Weekly photoshoot
The photoshoot for Entertainment Weekly magazine to promote Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban together with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. See photos by Matthias Clamer here.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

source: ew.com

Famous magazine interview

Marion 10 June 2004 0
Famous magazine interview
Interview with Daniel by Famous magazine in promotion of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Children's Dream Fund: Kimberly meets Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 7 June 2004 0
Children's Dream Fund: Kimberly meets Daniel Radcliffe
Kimberly Cullen flew to New York to make her wish come true: to meet Daniel Radcliffe, to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and attend the premiere. She also had  a chat with Today Show host Katie Couric. Kimberly’s visit came courtesy of the Children’s Dream Fund. The trip was a celebration of the completion of her treatment at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

While in New York City with her parents and older sister Sabrina, Kimberly also saw a performance of The Lion King, stayed at the Plaza Hotel, shopped at Saks Fifth Avenue, had dinner at the theme restaurant Mars 2112, took a Gray Line bus tour around the city and took a carriage ride through Central Park.

Read the interview here.

Photo: Children's Dream Fund

Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson on U-Pick Live

Marion 5 June 2004 0
Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson on U-Pick Live
Daniel and Emma Watson appeared on Nickelodeon's U-Pick Live in promotion of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Also includes the Nick Quick Pick challenge. It aired on 3rd June 2004.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Photo: YouTube

NME magazine interview (UK)

Marion 5 June 2004 0
NME magazine interview (UK)

NME magazine's interview with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Hi Daniel. What are you up to?

I’ve just done the Jo Whiley show on Radio 1 which was brilliant, so much fun. It was kind of one of those false interviews where they do the interview and pretend that the music’s being played in the middle of it. So I was very confused at certain points. I picked some of the songs I liked, so hopefully they’ll play some of them. They’re definitely going to play The Walkmen.

What other songs did you pick?

I picked the new Bloc Party single, “Banquet”.

Bloc Party?

I love Bloc Party. Awesome band. They’re just one of those really fresh bands like Art Brut. There’s all these cool really fresh bands around and there’s something kind of really punk about them that I really really like. They’ve got a really cool attitude.

How did you hear of them?
One of the guys on [the Harry Potter film] set told me that he went to a gig where there were about seven unsigned bands playing and he saw them there and said they were fantastic. Then about three or four months later I heard they had released a single that had got runner-up single in NME.

Are you a big fan of the New Cross scene?

The Others and The Rocks and people — yeah, it’s really, really cool. It’s awesome that English music now is so brilliant.

Have you ever been to New Cross?

No, I’d love to.

Er, do you actually know where it is?
I’ve never been, I’d like to find out. I’d like to go, it’d be awesome to go to a few gigs there.

Do you get to go to many gigs?
I’ve not been to many. I could lie but there’s no point, really. I went to the Strokes last year when they played Ally Pally which was fantastic and then I’m seeing the Chili Peppers at Hyde Park. But the thing I’m most excited about is the Pixies supporting them who are like one of my favourite, favourite bands.

Who else are you listening to?

I always take about 30 albums to the States with me. Do you want me to list them? There’s Weezer, Hope of the States. When I was at Radio 1 they gave me The Killers’ album. Is it amazing? “Somebody Told Me” and “Mr. Brightside” are great. I’ve also got the Cribs and Soundgarden. The Cribs are one of the few bands who actually manage to mix a really punk attitude with great melodies and I’ve not really come across another band that can do that. Have you heard the Razorlight album? Is it as good as Johnny Borrell says it is?

Nothing’s as good as Johnny says it is — that’s the whole point…

I really like the singles. I can’t wait to hear it.

You’ve said that you want The Libertines to sing “Happy Birthday” to you. How did you get into them?
I’m 15 in July and wouldn’t The Libertines singing “Happy Birthday” be the greatest thing ever? I got into them from a punk compilation called “Punk’s Not Dead”. It had old stuff like the Sex Pistols and The Clash and new stuff like The Datsuns. One of the tracks was by the Libertines. So I immediately went out and bought the album and I was just like blown away by it, I mean it’s so… it’s the start od the new English music scene. They’re right at the forefront of it… and he’s gone into rehab again…

Do you worry about Pete?

Yeah, he’s in a really bad way but I think he’s gonna be fine. That might just be wishful thinking, I’m not sure, but I just really hope that he is ‘cos he’s such a talent. They’re all so cool.

Do you listen to the Libertines on set?

If there’s a scene with alot of anger in it you’ve got to have a thought in your head and you’ve got to represent that thought through your face. If you’ve got an angry scene and you’ve been listening to Audioslave or something like that, it really helps you get to that place where you need to be. For certain bits of the film I listen to the Delgados, and Radiohead’s “Street Spirit” for when I have to be sad.

Do you play these tracks to your co-stars?

I got Gary Oldman into Audioslave and he gave me a bass lesson on the first film – he’s actually a really good player. And I got David Thewlis into the Libertines and Strokes. I got Emma [Watson, who plays Hermione Granger] into Jet which is preferable to her own taste in music and Rupert [Grint, who plays Ron Weasley] into Kings of Leon.

What was it like working with Ian Brown, who has a cameo role in the new film?

He’s the coolest guy, he was telling me stories about Oasis and all those guys. He’s possibly the calmest man I’ve ever met. I read the story about him threatening to cut an air hostess’ hands off, but he’s the nicest guy and really, really funny.”

You know why he’s the calmest man in the world?

Ha ha ha, I can guess but I’m sure you’re probably gonna tell me.

Did he smoke out on the set?

Not that I know of.

What’s the most Rock ‘n’ Roll thing you’ve ever done? Ever chucked a TV out of a hotel window?

There’s always a huge temptation – but that’s in my house, ha ha. I once wore a [guard’s] jacket to school – The Libertines coat. I got cries of “faggot” everywhere which was really nice of my school chums. But that’s certainly the most Rock ‘n’ Roll thing I own.

So your mates don’t rate your musical tastes?

Oh, god, right, can I have a bit of a rant now please? Basically at my school there’s one other boy who’s the coolest dude. His name’s Ollie Josem, he’s awesome and he’s the only person other myself who likes good music. It’s horrific right what these people listen to. People at my school are taking bands like McFly seriously! It’s horrific. They were saying really stupid things about Kurt Cobain – who is a genius in my opinion – saying that he was a smackhead, which he was and is awful obviously, but they were saying he was a smackhead with no talent… hmmmm. Obviously you’ve listened to all of Nirvana’s albums haven’t you? And then people saying stuff like all the Chili Peppers’ stuff sounds the same. It’s stuff like that that really irritates me.

What band would you like to see in the next Harry Potter film?

I reckon one band whose music would go really well is Mercury Rev. I think some of their stuff would go fantastically well. I absolutely adore the Zutons. I think they’ve got something slightly wizardy about them. Like Dave looks like a witch or wizard so I think he should be in it somewhere. I think we should find a cameo for him.

He could zap enemies with his shroomadelic vibes.

Yeah and the Great Hall would suddenly become a really trippy place to be — probably. I’m guessing.

Have you met many of your favourite bands?

I wish! I’ve met Feeder which was cool. They were shooting a video for “Find the Colour” in the next studio at Shepperton. Other than tha I haven’t met that many. I’m going to the premiere of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in New York and The Strokes were invited but unfortunately they’re out of New York at the time. I wish I could have met The Strokes… just one of them, any of them, I don’t care.

What would you say to them?

I don’t know. I’d probably try to act really cool in front of Julian Casablancas and fail miserably ‘cos I’m not a cool person. I can’t help getting excited about when I meet people I really admire. So I probably would have made an arse of myself basically, but it would have been worth it ‘cos then I would have been able to say, “Yeah I met Julian Casablancas.” The person who I’m really jealous that they have met is Lou Reed. God, I would kill to meet that man.

He’s famously grouchy.

I don’t know. It’s like what would you say to Morrissey if you met him? Did you see Jonathan Ross? After that, how would you approach him? If you know that he only likes seven people in the world, how would you actually approach him in the first place? Would you say “Hi, I’m Dan, I want to be your eighth friend”? But with Lou Reed I don’t know what I’d say. I’d say thank you for writing “Walk on the Wild Side”.

You’re probably a hundred times more famous than any of these people.

Well I shouldn’t be. ‘Cos those guys are like… Lou Reed is so important to everything in rock ‘n’ roll history. Bands like the Pistols wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for Lou Reed and the Velvet Underground, and Sid Vicious who is my idol.

Sid Vicious?
Heroin’s never been that productive for any rock ‘n’ roll star. I mean, he screwed up majorly. I don’t know… there was something about him. I mean everyone hated him, but he genuinely… you get loads of bands nowadays who pretend not to care what people think of them, he really didn’t. The Sex Pistols are my favourite band. My favourite track is “Holiday in the Sun” which I read Preston from the Ordinary Boys saying was a rip off of “In the City” by the Jam but it’s so not. I love the Ordinary Boys, but that’s wrong.

Ever thought of setting up your own label?

It’s actually my absolute dream to be in a band because I can sing but I can’t write songs at all. I write terrible awful songs. What kind of band would it be? I’d make everything from Adam Green to Audioslave.

Will you be going to the Festivals this year?

Unfortunately because I’m filming the whole way through there’s not time, but the one I would love to go to is T in the Park ‘cos they’ve easily got the best line-up: the 22-20’s, Snow Patrol, Ben Kweller who’s great. I wasn’t too happy with his new album but if you get “Sha Sha” it’s a really awesome pop rock album. This guy on set who does sound gave me that and Brendan Benson.

You can’t like every guitar band going, surely?

Two bands that I think are really overrated – and this is gonna go down badly – are the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The White Stripes. I don’t get them because I don’t get the drumming. While he gets some fantastic sounds out of the guitar the drumming puts me off every time. I really hope I don’t meet them now – Jack White’s gonna hit me ‘cos he really did Jason von Bondie in badly, didn’t he? And obviously I hate all pop music. It’s not music that should be made or sold. Record stores are just encouraging this… I think there should be a fine for every pop album they sell. That’s the only thing I’m going to do if I become Prime Minister – which if there’s any sense left in England I won’t.

- Daniel fancies Brody Dalle and Marcie von Bondie
- He’s never been out caning it ‘cos “I’m only 14. That’s all gonna come I’m sure, with many other things.”

source: nme.com

The Magic Touch of Harry Potter

Marion 4 June 2004 0
The Magic Touch of Harry Potter

The Magic Touch of Harry Potter aired on 2nd June 2004 on A&E (US). Interviews and clips from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

IGN interview with Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson

Marion 3 June 2004 0
IGN interview with Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson
IGN's interview with Daniel and Emma Watson in promotion of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. They talked with them in New York.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Q: Could you two start off by commenting on how much you think you've changed through the course of these three movies?
EMMA WATSON: We've just been getting older, maturing.
DANIEL RADCLIFFE: I think we probably have changed as actors as well, but I'm not conscious of myself changing. I mean, I can't pick-up on it. I never watched the first film again since, like, for about three years now. So I can't really compare it to the third because it's not very fresh in my mind.

Q: Are you more confident this time around when you were doing it?
WATSON: We get more and more confident every time, really.
RADCLIFFE: Yeah, I think so. Definitely, just because we have more experience with different directors.
WATSON: And it's nice because a lot of the crew who was on Harry Potter 1 is still doing Harry Potter 3.
RADCLIFFE: Yeah, exactly. And now 4 as well.
WATSON: It's great.
RADCLIFFE: It's like a family, basically.

Q: You mentioned that you are maturing. And you guys are fantastic, by they way. Now, are you finding out as teenagers and as the films go on and on, you're prone to experiment with a little, you know, more teenage stuff. Have you noticed more attention from members of the opposite sex? Can I ask you about your love life?
WATSON: (Laughs)

Q: Dating anyone?
RADCLIFFE: No, sorry to disappoint you. (Laughs) Yeah, obviously I'm sure both of us have noticed members of the opposite sex because we're now, both...
WATSON: I'm fourteen.
RADCLIFFE: We're both fourteen, so we're just kind of going though what any person who's thirteen/fourteen is.
WATSON: What every other teenager is going through.

Q: Are you getting any attention from the opposite sex?
RADCLIFFE: Um, maybe a bit, yeah. I'm not complaining. (Watson laughs)

Q: I have a quick follow-up to that, since adolescence is so taxing to begin with, here you are experiencing it in the public eye. So, talk about that aspect of it.
RADCLIFFE: For, certainly it hasn't affected me. I'm kind of going through what every other teenager goes through, but kind of with posters. (Waston laughs) It's not very... It's not as different as people would expect, I don't think, for me anyway.
WATSON: Yeah, no, I agree completely.

Q: How as it adjusting from Chris' [Columbus] style to Alfonso's [Cuaron] style?
RADCLIFFE: Basically I think everything that we learned with Chris, we were now able to put into practice with a different director. I think the reason Alfonso was able to do longer takes and was able to do more complicated shots was because, with Chris we just didn't have the experience of the focus to do that kind of stuff. And so, with Alfonso we were kind of just getting the shot. And it is harder, it's more challenging &#Array; which is good because if we're getting older and we're not being challenged, well then there's no point in doing it, really.

But I think it's just that we learn more with each director, I think. And now, with the fourth film, with Mike Newell directing, I think we're going to learn even more there as well.

Q: Do you think that Alfonso shared the same mind-set about your characters?
WATSON: Yeah. Actually, one of the first things that he did when we first met him was he asked us to write an essay about our characters &#Array; not just to help us, but also to help him to kind of see the character through our eyes. And also... he gave us a lot of freedom with that as well, which was really good.
RADCLIFFE: I think it's quite important to mention that when we did the essay, we basically did exactly what our characters would have done in the same situation. So, like, I wrote kind of a page. And it was fine, it was OK, it wasn't great &#Array; which is what Harry does. Rupert do it, Rupert forgot to do it. (Watson laughs) And I always get the figure wrong. How many pages did you write?
WATSON: We'll he actually gets a bit, a little bit more every single time, but I...
RADCLIFFE: About eleven.
WATSON: (Laughs) Yeah, I have big handwriting and I use big spaces.
RADCLIFFE: But it was always a really quite amazing essay as well though. Alfonso read it to us.

Q: How do the two of you both feel about the commitment to being in the series now? You're doing the fourth film, and you both started out and everybody was saying, we don't know how long you're going to do it for. Do you still take it seriously? Are you committed to wanting to do Harry Potter until the series is finished?
RADCLIFFE: Well, we've already started on the fourth.
WATSON: Yeah, we've done two weeks of that.
RADCLIFFE: So, we're definitely doing the fourth. But I mean, after that... each film takes a year, so it's not as though I don't take it seriously.
WATSON: Yeah, one film at a time. (Laughs) Whoa!

Q: Emma, in Azkaban you play a very significant role in the film. What do you think about that? And in one particular case, Hermione gives Malfoy exactly what he deserves. Can you talk about that?
WATSON: (Laughs) I love it! I love every single second of it. Girl power! It was great. I would have done [the punching scene] for a whole week, but, you know, we got it in a couple of takes. And I'm like, "Well I want to do it again! I want to do it again!" No, it was fantastic. It's great.
RADCLIFFE: It's a great moment.
WATSON: It is a great moment. And it's cool.
RADCLIFFE: At the premiere everybody cheered when she did it.

Q: Why don't you each individually speak about how this has affected your ambitions or maybe enhanced your ambitions? Now that you've conquered the film world, you're going to be politicians by the time you're 18?
RADCLIFFE: I... God help the nation if I'm a politician. (Watson laughs) I really enjoy acting, I really love acting. I think it's really something I would like to go on and do. And there's other stuff that I would like to do as well, mainly music and write and things like that. But, hopefully, I'd love to continue acting. I really would.
WATSON: I feel incredibly lucky to be given the opportunity to be in such a fantastic film and worked with so many tons of people. I mean, my ambitions couldn't even dream of the scale and greatness that Harry Potter is, and so, I'm so very lucky about that. But as Dan said, I love performing, I love being creative. There's so many different aspects of the film world that even if I didn't pursue acting, then I... I mean, something, something in it I might end up doing. Whatever gets thrown at me, I'm just going to go with the flow and see what happens.

Q: Did you have any personal ambition, such as like somebody you wanted to meet?
RADCLIFFE: I don't really have somebody. I got... there's a really cool band called Feeder, whom I got to meet because they were playing, they were shooting a video in the stage next to us at one of the studios. And that was really amazing.
And I got to meet some of my favorite actors, like Gary Oldman I actually got to work with, and I would always watch his films. Tim Robbins and Ben Stiller. I have got to meet some fantastic people.
WATSON: One person I was almost dying to work with... I was so pleased when I heard that Emma Thompson got cast as the part of Professor Trelawney, because I love her. I think she is such a great actress. And she did a really great job with Professor Trelawney. She is hilarious. She's so great.

Q: What scene from the book that didn't make it to the movie would you like to have done?
RADCLIFFE: There was one scene in the third book. I can't actually remember what Harry said in it, but it was something... It was kind of him just getting &#Array; I think, and I may have this wrong because I haven't read the book in quite a while &#Array; but it was something like he comes out of Lupin's office and basically sits down, and it's almost him slightly despairing, but kind of telling himself that he's got to get it together if he wants to fight the Dementors. That's all I can remember actually. Other than that I think I got to play-out most of the great things in the book.
I think they did a really good job in this one. A lot was cut, but they did a great job of making sure that everything that was put in the film is really relevant to the plot. One of the things I think is really great about this film is that it's really fluid; it's really fast moving. And I think they did a really good job of getting everything that was important in there.

Q: Can you recall some of the scenes or sequences that were cut?
WATSON: My goodness. Yeah, there was a couple of fights with Ron that were cut.
RADCLIFFE: I think there was a hug, too.
WATSON: Actually that was cut.
RADCLIFFE: I obviously wasn't paying attention.
WATSON: No, obviously not, Dan. (Laughs) There was an awkward hug with Ron that was cut.

Q: Why was it awkward?
WATSON: Why? I think, well, on the exterior, Hermione and Ron spend the whole film just arguing with each other, because Ron is convinced that Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, has eaten his rat. But I think it's a bit of a cover-up really, because, um, they have a little soft spot for each other. And it's kind of one of those classic love/hate relationships. You always tease the ones you like.

Q: Getting back to the girl power in the film, have you gotten a lot of response, either online or though letters from fans, on their reactions to the film?
WATSON: Well, I suppose that the film is really newly released, so I haven't heard anything for this film, which is really her Girl Power film. But I hope I've done justice to her character, because it's my favorite book, and it's such a great part for her in the third book. And I hope that, you know, I did her justice and she's what they all thought she'd be.
Q: Dan, Alfonso mentioned that you really pushed yourself to the limit during some of the more intense scenes during production. How did you, as an actor, prepare yourself for those scenes, and was it difficult to shake it out of your system afterwards?
RADCLIFFE: Basically because Harry being a teenager has the same feelings as every other teenage, basically. But because of his past, I think he feels like this feeling of anger or loneliness. Because of his past I think he feels more strong &#Array; more strong? Sorry, jetlag. So, that was kind of hard for me, but because obviously am feeling the same things as him. I just kind of took what I was feeling and basically just exaggerated them; and, like, listened to music or anything just to get me into the right state of mind during filming. And then just kind of hoped for the best.
WATSON: Yeah, I have to say Dan just focused so hard on a lot of the scenes in this. In one of the scenes that he did, he was so into it that he almost fainted. He was really great.
RADCLIFFE: I, um, it was one of the Dementor scenes, where it was me and Sirius by the lake and I had my soul sucked out. And I kind of, I do this like stupid thing where I forget to breathe properly and I hyperventilate. (Watson laughs)

Q: Did you guys learn any funny stuff about Alfonso? Did he teach you anything about Mexican food, or anything?
RADCLIFFE: I was going to say, but none I can really repeat. (Laughs) No, really. We both kind of started studying Spanish.
WATSON: We're starting to learn Spanish at school.
RADCLIFFE: And please don't anyone test us because we will try and fail miserably. Or, I know I will. Obviously, he is very patriotic about Mexico and it's great. He did teach quite a lot, he just talked about it a lot.

Q: Emma, in working with Emma Thompson, were there any lessons that you learned specifically?
WATSON: Working with Emma Thompson, I had such a good time with her because she... I had really good fun with the scene that we did because she was very creative and she was very involving with me. And she said, "Oh, why don't we try this? Why don't we do it this way?" Or, "Wouldn't it be good is we said this line here?" It was really fascinating for her to involve me like that. It was really great and I had a really good time with Emma, and I hope she gets some love back

source: ign.com

Scans: Nickelodeon magazine (US)

Marion 1 June 2004 0
Scans: Nickelodeon magazine (US)
Nickelodeon magazine features interviews with Daniel, Emma and Rupert in promotion of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Scans via rupert-grint.us. June/July 2004. See photos from the photoshoot by Greg Williams here.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Daniel Radcliffe on The Early Show

Marion 1 June 2004 0
Daniel Radcliffe on The Early Show
Daniel promoted Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on The Early Show.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Photo: YouTube