Time for Kids magazine interview (US) - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Time for Kids magazine interview (US)

There is an interview with Daniel in the 7th May issue of Time for Kids magazine.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Sample Question:
Q: Do you think you would be in Gryffindor House like Harry?
A: I did a magazine test to see what house I would end up in.
Unfortunately, it was Slytherin!

WHO Daniel Radcliffe, 14
CLAIM TO FAME He plays boy wizard Harry Potter. The third movie,

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, opens June 4. For more of Daniel’s magic, visit timeforkids.com/harry.

Q What can we expect to see in this movie?
A It is a lot darker than the first two. It’s quite scary. It has
some fantastic effects in it, like that of the dementors and quidditch. It’s going to be brilliant.

Q Why do you like playing Harry?
A I like playing someone who is a complete under-dog. Harry is a
huge hero, but he’s not perfect. He’s completely awkward around girls. He’s not a perfect student. He just scrapes by.

Q How has Harry changed since the last movie?
A He’s confronting a lot more demons in his head. He’s very unsure
of himself and of what he doesn’t know.

Q How are you and Harry similar?
A We’re both very curious, and we both value friendship.

Q Do you think you would be in Gryffindor House like Harry?
A I did a magazine test to see what house I would end up in.
Unfortunately, it was Slytherin!

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