December 2003 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


100 questions to Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 24 December 2003 0 permalink
100 questions to Daniel Radcliffe
Archive news: Back in 2003 Daniel invited the readers of websites and to send in their questions for him, to be answered in time for Christmas 2003. The top 100 questions were selected and answered by Daniel on 24th December 2003. 

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Jenna meets Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 21 December 2003 0 permalink
Jenna meets Daniel Radcliffe
Jenna from had the opportunity to interview Daniel at Leavesden Studios on 3rd December and she had a tour around the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban set.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Jenna: What it was like to work with Gary Oldman?
Dan: Gary is a really cool guy, and really fun. He is really focused and it is very interesting to watch him prepare for a scene. Working with Chris Columbus you learned a lot. How did this prepare you for Alfonso and what did he bring to the table? I was able to bring everything I learned whilst working with Chris Columbus and put it into practice in the third film. Alfonso works differently than Chris. The first thing he made me do was to write an essay about my character Harry. Writing the essay was very helpful for me.

What scenes should we look for in POA, and which scene are you the most proud of ?

Definitely look out for the scenes with the hippogriff, and the Quidditch scenes in the rain, but my favourite scene, without actually having seen the film yet, would be the Shrieking Shack scenes at the end of the movie I think.

If there is a film made of the 5th book, and assuming you will still play Harry (and we hope you do!), how do you feel about playing the character as he has more harrowing scenes?

In POA, Harry has already started to evolve into the angry character he will become in the 5th book, and you will see him portrayed that way in the film. Harry is now a teenager, and teenagers, as you know, can be quite angry. Yea, I am looking forward to portraying him that way.

Of all the characters whether book, television, or film ... who would you most like to portray?

Johnny Rotten because he has led an interesting life.

Has your perspective of the Harry Potter changed since you first started portraying the character?

When I read the Harry Potter books now I often think 'Hang on, I might be doing this one day!


Daniel attended BAFTA tribute Julie Walters

Marion 20 December 2003 0 permalink
Daniel attended BAFTA tribute Julie Walters

Daniel, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint attended the BAFTA tribute for Julie Walters. Below the only (short) footage available.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Page's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 20 December 2003 0 permalink
Page's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Page Banfield from had an interview with Daniel by phone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Page: How do you manage your time, given all you do each day regarding filming, studying, rehearsing? What's your daily schedule from the time you get up until the time you go to bed?
Dan: Actually now that filming is done, it's nice to stop shooting, looping & dubbing. After 11 months I can sleep in now, and I'm looking forward to just chilling out, reading, watching films, and listening to music.

Page: Moving beyond the Harry Potter films, if you could choose any two combinations between a genre (i.e. action, fantasy, horror, or drama) and a character type (i.e. villain, or hero) what two would you choose together to act out in a film?
Dan: It doesn't have to be any certain type of film, I will do absolutely anything as long as it has a good script, and interesting character, and a good director.

Page: You've expressed an interest in writing, are you interested in short stories or poetry and have you written anything you'd care to share with us?
Dan: Most of what I've written has been for school. I'm interested in poetry, and I love reading poetry. I've never written any short stories.

Page: I'm coming to London in May and I'm volunteering you to be my tour guide. If you were my tour guide, where would you take me, what important landmarks or historical places would you show me?
Dan: Wow, when you live in the city all your life, it's hard to really say, Camden Market is a very cool place to shop with a lot of good music stores. I think also the Tower of London is a great place to see.

Page: Are you a big fan of Theme Parks, in other words do you like roller coaster rides, or ferris wheels?
Dan: I LOVE roller coasters! I went on a roller coaster that had eight three hundred and sixty degree loops in Barcelona. It was so cool.

Page: Have you ever been on a Hot Air Balloon Ride?
Dan: I would LOVE to go on a hot air balloon ride! I'd like to go bunjee jumping too! (Comment: This was a perfect lead into my next question, which was...)

Page: Would you consider yourself a "risk taker" in other words if a group of your friends were going to take a stab at doing something risky like bunjee jumping, would you go along and participate or would you claim your busy that day?
Dan: Oh I would definitely go!

Page: Is it hard for you and your family to spend time together, let's say you want to go out to eat to a nice restaurant local to your area, can you enjoy the evening in peace or do you get approached often while sitting at the table?
Dan: We do get approached sometimes, but the nice thing about it is that it's usually about the films.

Page: Where's your favorite place to shop for apparel in London, and when choosing them are you particularly interested in any Designer's line for instance Nike, Polo, or Tommy Hilfiger?
Dan: I'm not particularly interested in Designers, however, I love t-shirts! I've got hundreds and hundreds of t-shirts in my cupboard. I like to go to Camden Market, there's a place called the Borough Market which I like and it's also a cool place to shop with a lot of good music stores.

Page: Fans have noticed in some recent pictures that you appear to have been "working out" for instance in a gym, do you have a regular exercise program during the week?
Dan: I don't have like a rigorous workout program, and there have been no changes really to working out other than working with David Holmes, whose one of my stunt doubles.

Page: What's your favorite video game?
Dan: Medal of Honor. I also like the sports related games such as American Football and NBA.

Page: Do you have any special hobbies or something you've recently become interested in that you can share with us? Something we don't know?
Dan: I've been practicing magic in real life such as card tricks for about six or seven months now. I also love doing tricks with magic rings and I love rope tricks. Oh! And I've been playing the bass guitar as well.

Page: Are you taking lessons?
Dan: Yes.

Page: When I go shopping, no matter where it is or what it's for, I can't seem to escape without seeing you somewhere and I smile every time. It varies anywhere from gift wrap to holiday cards. I've actually received two Christmas cards with you on them from fans. When you go out shopping there do you see yourself a lot? How does that make you feel?
Dan: We don't have it as much here really, but I'm quite used to it actually. Recently I saw a "cylindrical head" of myself; there's a cake mix out now and a kitchen roll! (everyone laughs!)

Page: Have you asked for any special Christmas gifts from your family or friends, and if so what did you ask for?
Dan: Hm.. I've asked for a couple of CDs by the Breeders, also the Pixies, their bass player, Kim Deal, I like the way she plays.

Page: Are you going anywhere special for the holidays?
Dan: No, I'm just really, really, just looking forward to chilling out, and relaxing.
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