Updated: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Tokyo - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Updated: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Tokyo

Daniel attended the press conference together with producer David Heyman to promote Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Chamber of Secrets at Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Update: 9th September 2021. I uploaded the video. It was broadcasted on Warner Bros. Japan's website back in 2002.

Dan greeted the audience and introduced himself in Japanese ("I've been practising that for quite a long time!", he told the cheering crowd) and said
It's absolutely fantastic to be here in Japan while at the same time promoting a film that we're all very proud of.  There's not really much more to say than that I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Embed from Getty Images
Photos: Getty Images

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