December 2002 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Beijing

Marion 21 December 2002 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Beijing

Daniel Radcliffe promoted Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at a press conference in Beijing, China. Photos here.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Kid Planet interview

Marion 21 December 2002 0 permalink
Kid Planet interview
Kid Planet interviewed Daniel about Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

KD : Hi Daniel!
DR: Hi!

KD : Are you at all like the character of Harry Potter?
DR:  In some ways, I think everybody is, because Harry has so many different sides to him.  I think, me personally, we're both very curious and I think sometimes our curiosity gets us into trouble.  Also, like Harry, I'm not afraid to stand up for myself and do what I believe in and I think that's one of Harry's most important traits.

KD : What does your family think about you being Harry? 
DR:   They're really excited.  Especially my mom and my dad, since they're really involved with me.  Some people think that I never see them, which is completely untrue because my dad chaperones me every day.  They're really excited about it.

KD :  What do you like best about playing Harry? 
DR:   I think one of my favorite parts is just basically knowing Chris because he has been a complete inspiration to me over the past few years and has given me a love for film, so I have a lot of respect for him and I think he's one of the coolest guys I've ever met.

Premiere Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Japan

Marion 17 December 2002 0 permalink
Premiere Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Japan

Daniel attended the Japanese premiere of Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Chamber of Secrets in Tokyo together with producer David Heyman. Photos here.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Hong Kong

Marion 17 December 2002 0 permalink
 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Hong Kong

Daniel at the press conference in Hong Kong, China promoting Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. No video for now, if someone has it, or can get it, let me know. Edit: The date of this press conference is also unsure, so it may or may not have been 17th December. Photos via ImagineChina, but I can't find many online.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Updated: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Tokyo

Marion 16 December 2002 0 permalink
 Updated: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets press conference in Tokyo

Daniel attended the press conference together with producer David Heyman to promote Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Chamber of Secrets at Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Update: 9th September 2021. I uploaded the video. It was broadcasted on Warner Bros. Japan's website back in 2002.

Dan greeted the audience and introduced himself in Japanese ("I've been practising that for quite a long time!", he told the cheering crowd) and said
It's absolutely fantastic to be here in Japan while at the same time promoting a film that we're all very proud of.  There's not really much more to say than that I hope you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.

Photos: Getty Images

Arrival at Tokyo's Narita airport, Japan

Marion 15 December 2002 0 permalink
Arrival at Tokyo's Narita airport, Japan

Daniel arrived in Tokyo, Japan to promote Harry Potter (ハリーポッター) and the Chamber of Secrets and ofcourse there were a lot of fans to welcome him.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Photos: Getty Images
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