StudioLA interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


StudioLA interview

StudioLA's interview with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all

Jim: Daniel, congratulations, you did a wonderful job. You are Harry Potter. Have you heard about "Potter-mania?" They are starting to advertise to come to Great Britain to look for the sites where you shot the movie, and all sorts of things. It's going crazy, you like hearing that, don't you?
Daniel: Phenomenal. It is a phenomenon!

Jim: It is. Even though it is very British, it is universal and popular all over the world.
Daniel: I hope so!

Jim: How did it come about for you? I heard it was kind of late before you were chosen for the part? Daniel: It was like two months before we started shooting. What happened is I went to the theatre to see a play called "Stones in his Pockets." In the row in front of us, by complete coincidence, David Heyman and Steve Kloves, the producer and screenwriter were sitting. They came over and introduced themselves. My Dad knew David from his work. I was only introduced to him as a producer and a screenwriter, rather than the producer of Harry Potter. Then we got a call saying, would I like to come out for lunch with David, not to audition, just for lunch. Then I got a call after that saying would I like to audition and we just went straight from there.

Jim: Harry Potter's life changes when he's eleven. Has this changed your life?
Daniel: No, not directly. Everybody thinks it really must have thrown my life upside down. It hasn't. I still see my friends all the time.

Jim: From the actor who is playing Harry Potter, who is Harry Potter?
Daniel: He's a boy who has had a very tough life. Because he's never learned his parents and he has come to Hogwarts and he has found his home at Hogwarts, and he has found where he truly belongs.

Jim: He's a wizard, a seeker. The youngest
Daniel: In the century.

Jim: He has a lot of good values doesn't he?
Daniel: He's very loyal. He's very determined, he's very curious. He has fantastic bonds with his friends. He doesn't let people put him down. When someone puts him down, he only gets stronger because it gives him a reason to want to do that thing that they say he couldn't do.

Jim: One word or two word answers on some scenes, the first scene. Diagon Alley? What does it mean? Daniel: Fantastic set, amazing scene.

Jim: And with the wand.
Daniel: That was amazing because working with John Hurt, such a nice man. He actually brought his two kids out to see that scene being filmed but they had no idea where they were going, and they were standing in Diagon Alley.

Jim: Also the chess set was wonderful. There are so many great things to see in this movie.
Daniel: I think you have to see it 3 or 4 times. Did you notice this one shot when I'm lying in the hospital bed in the top right angle where there's a painting putting out a candle.

Jim: Really?
Daniel: Yep! (chuckles)

Jim: I have to see it again!
Daniel: Yes! Thank you.


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