Planet Hollywood interview - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Planet Hollywood interview

Planet Hollywood sat down with Daniel to talk about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all

You're not wearing those telltale spectacles today. You're not in need of them when you're not Harry Potter?

Are you getting any more used to everybody asking for your autograph?

DR: Well, there was this one guy who following me from one TV studio to another here in New York, where I was doing some TV shows today. And he was outside like every single one of them. Then by the time we got to the last one, I told him look, I really can't do it just now. Later we drove back to our hotel. And when we got out of the car, there he was standing there again! So I'm not getting used to it quite yet. But one thing, I think I do have to learn to write a quicker signature!

Well, good luck on that one. So what did it feel like to see yourself in this movie?

DR: Um...surreal! It was really weird. But it was a lot of fun. I came out shaking. I mean, I actually cried in the theater.

How come?
DR: I just couldn't believe that my name was there - Daniel Radcliffe - right up on the screen. So that was cool. But I was speechless!

A lot of people are worried about whether the movie will live up to the book. What do you think?

DR: Everybody's got their own opinion. But I think personally for me, it really lives up to the book. I think what you have to do when you see the movie, is to try and see it as if it never was a book. You know, think of it just as the film, and try not to compare them too much. But I hope everybody really likes Harry Potter.

Have you ever personally dabbled in magic yourself?
DR: I've actually bought two magic kits for myself. Unfortunately I'm not very good at magic. But I'm getting better!

How hard was it to become Harry?

DR: In the books, Harry is described so clearly, that it was quite easy to get inside his head. But everybody can really relate to Harry in some way. Obviously it is difficult to get inside somebody's head. But I'm quite a lot like Harry, so that wasn't too difficult.

How are you like Harry?
DR: Hmm...I'm loyal. I'm curious. I like being around lots of people. But I kind of like being alone as well. Though that doesn't make me a loner. And Emma and Rupert are a lot like their characters too. Emma is very clever, and Rupert is very funny. And Harry and me are kind of in between the two of them.

How did you react when you were chosen to be Harry Potter?

DR: I cried when I got the part. Because I just didn't expect to. And I found out later that when I did the last audition for the role, I was the only one left! And when I got told that, it was just the coolest feeling! It was so awesome.

Just how overwhelming is it being Harry to milllions of fans?

DR: I try not to think about it too much. But I obviously have to think about it. But Chris Columbus is great, because he kind of just took most of that responsibility off my shoulders, if not all of it.

How do you deal with being recognized now everywhere you go?

DR: I tell them my name is Steve!

Do fans go crazier over you here in the States, or back in London?

DR: Oh, more here. But it's great.

How hard is it to see your face everywhere now, on billboards and even buses?

DR: I feel very privileged, actually. Because how many boys my age get to have that, and an action figure of themselves. I know it's of Harry, but I feel really privileged.

What's it like seeing yourself as an action figure?

DR: It can feel a bit weird. You know, thinking that people are going to be....playing with you! And the closest I've ever been to an action figure is chewing on them.

Do you have any mean teachers in real life, like Harry does?

DR: I did have this one teacher. I'm not telling you who it is, but he used to be really not that nice to me. And now when I went back to school, he's being just really nice to me of course. And it's just....creepy!

Was it hard acting in scenes where the special effects weren't added until later on?

DR: It would have been hard, had the crew not been so brilliant and made it so easy for me. I don't think it would have been quite so easy if they hadn't been so good.

Did you know that your mom told John Boorman when you starred in The Tailor Of Panama as the screen son of Jamie Lee Curtis and Geoffrey Rush, that she hoped being in that movie would finally cure you of your shyness?
DR: [blushing] Did she? Wow! I never heard that before.

Do you feel that you're shy?
DR: Yes, I am quite a shy person. But I'm never shy in front of the cameras.

Why not?
DR: Because I'm not playing me. You know, I'm not being me. So I'm not shy in front of the camera. But I can be quite shy off it.

Are you a fan of the Harry Potter books?

DR: Yeah, they're just amazing. I really love them.

What do you like to do that's just regular kids stuff?

DR: I love the Simpsons. I'm obsessed with the Simpsons. It's very quick witted. And I love music.

What kind of music do you go for?
DR: Um, U2. REM. I like loads of music.

How about the Beatles? A lot of kids your age don't even know who the Beatles are.

DR: No, I think the Beatles are great. And somebody told me that all the stuff going on around Harry Potter is a bit like Beatlemania.

Is there life for you after Harry Potter?
DR: At the moment, I'm only doing the first two movies. And then we'll see how it goes from there. Obviously, I'd like to move on to other things as well. But for the moment, how could I not be happy where I am? So I'm sticking to this for now. Yeah....


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