2001 - Daniel J Radcliffe Holland


Daniel Radcliffe wins first award

Marion 6 December 2001 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe wins first award

Daniel Radcliffe won the Male Youth Discovery of the Year Award from the Hollywood Women's Press Club. He wasn't able to pick up his award in person as he's filming Harry Potter and The Chamber Of Secrets.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

The Face magazine photoshoot (UK)

Marion 1 December 2001 0 permalink
The Face magazine photoshoot (UK)

Photos from the photoshoot for The Face magazine (December, UK) to promote Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. (Edit: A photo from this shoot is also used for the cover of Japanese Movie Star magazine in 2002). See more photos at universharrypotter.com.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Photos by Elaine Constantine

Daniel Radcliffe on Live! with Regis and Kelly

Marion 23 November 2001 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on Live! with Regis and Kelly

Daniel promoting Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on Live! with Regis and Kelly.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Tribute.ca interview

Marion 20 November 2001 0 permalink
Tribute.ca interview

Press junket interview for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from tribute.ca.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Hollywood.com interview

Marion 20 November 2001 0 permalink
Hollywood.com interview

A press junket interview from hollywood.com with the cast and Chris Columbus promoting Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Dateline NBC's Harry Potter Behind the Magic (Sorcerer's Stone)

Marion 20 November 2001 0 permalink
Dateline NBC's Harry Potter Behind the Magic (Sorcerer's Stone)

Katie Couric takes you behind the scenes of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Harry Potter Behind the Magic is a special from NBC's Dateline.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Naver interview

Marion 18 November 2001 0 permalink
Naver interview

A Korean press junket interview in promotion of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

source: naver.com

E's Wild about Harry

Marion 18 November 2001 0 permalink
E's Wild about Harry

E's Wild about Harry, Harry Potter special with Sorcerer's Stone press junket footage.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone press junket interviews (US)

Marion 18 November 2001 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone press junket interviews (US)

MTV News and Brett Martin have shared videos from the Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone press junket from back in 2001, it's why I changed the date of this post too. Below you find the video from Brett Martin, MTV News  isn't available online anymore.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Fox News Q&A

Marion 16 November 2001 0 permalink
Fox News Q&A
Fox News Q&A with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Fox News: Are you prepared for superstardom?
Radcliffe: (Pause) I'm never going to think of myself as a superstar or a movie star because people who do that, they also think of themselves as being famous. I think people who think and know they're famous it's okay to know it, but just don't put emphasis on that fact. Because people who do that, they're often not very nice. So I'm just going to sit back and enjoy it.

Q: Have you had a taste yet of the kind of Beatlemania that's going to happen to you?
A: (Laughs) I went to the cinema yesterday to see Monster's Inc., and there were like a whole group of people standing there saying, 'You look like that kid from Harry Potter.' And I'm going 'Really? O-kaaay.' I feel really privileged to be recognized and stuff because how many boys my age get their photos on posters and buses and get their own action figure? So it's cool.
Q: Do you like your action figure?
A: (Hesitant but nodding) I think it's very good, yeah.
Q: Honestly? I detected a pause in your answer.
A: Well, I've never actually really seen it up close. I've seen the doll up close, but I've never actually seen the action figure up close, so I was trying to think of what it looks like and yeah, I like it.
Q: Get ready, you're going to be seeing plenty of them.
A: (Laughs) Yeah. I went into F.A.O. Schwarz and I saw Harry Potter Lego. And, you know, I've been playing with Lego and swallowing it for a long time so I never thought there'd be...
Q: You looked 'pixilated' in Lego. You looked square?
A: (Laughs) Yeah!
Q: Do you ever wear glasses in real life?
A: No.
Q: That's good, because then you really would get nailed. You'd have to have those giant Michael Caine glasses...
A: (Laughs) Yeah. If I did wear glasses I think I would get recognized a bit more, but I don't.
Q: You're committed for the next two installments?
A: I'm definitely doing the second one. And after that, [I] don't know. Take it one at a time, I think.
Q: So, is this the happiest time in your life?
A: Absolutely.
Q: Before all the people start mobbing you.
A: No, I think that's going to be fun too.
Q: Before the clothes get ripped off.
A: (Nervous laughter and then a contorted look) No, I think it will be fun to be recognized. I really do.
Q: And your friends back home aren't giving you a lot of grief?
A: No, they're really excited. Almost as excited as I am.
Q: Well, they clearly want money.
A: (Laughs) Oh yeah. No! I think they're cool.
Q: So are you, Mister Potter.
A: Thanks.

source: foxnews.com

Planet Hollywood interview

Marion 15 November 2001 0 permalink
Planet Hollywood interview

Planet Hollywood sat down with Daniel to talk about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all

You're not wearing those telltale spectacles today. You're not in need of them when you're not Harry Potter?

Are you getting any more used to everybody asking for your autograph?

DR: Well, there was this one guy who following me from one TV studio to another here in New York, where I was doing some TV shows today. And he was outside like every single one of them. Then by the time we got to the last one, I told him look, I really can't do it just now. Later we drove back to our hotel. And when we got out of the car, there he was standing there again! So I'm not getting used to it quite yet. But one thing, I think I do have to learn to write a quicker signature!

Well, good luck on that one. So what did it feel like to see yourself in this movie?

DR: Um...surreal! It was really weird. But it was a lot of fun. I came out shaking. I mean, I actually cried in the theater.

How come?
DR: I just couldn't believe that my name was there - Daniel Radcliffe - right up on the screen. So that was cool. But I was speechless!

A lot of people are worried about whether the movie will live up to the book. What do you think?

DR: Everybody's got their own opinion. But I think personally for me, it really lives up to the book. I think what you have to do when you see the movie, is to try and see it as if it never was a book. You know, think of it just as the film, and try not to compare them too much. But I hope everybody really likes Harry Potter.

Have you ever personally dabbled in magic yourself?
DR: I've actually bought two magic kits for myself. Unfortunately I'm not very good at magic. But I'm getting better!

How hard was it to become Harry?

DR: In the books, Harry is described so clearly, that it was quite easy to get inside his head. But everybody can really relate to Harry in some way. Obviously it is difficult to get inside somebody's head. But I'm quite a lot like Harry, so that wasn't too difficult.

How are you like Harry?
DR: Hmm...I'm loyal. I'm curious. I like being around lots of people. But I kind of like being alone as well. Though that doesn't make me a loner. And Emma and Rupert are a lot like their characters too. Emma is very clever, and Rupert is very funny. And Harry and me are kind of in between the two of them.

How did you react when you were chosen to be Harry Potter?

DR: I cried when I got the part. Because I just didn't expect to. And I found out later that when I did the last audition for the role, I was the only one left! And when I got told that, it was just the coolest feeling! It was so awesome.

Just how overwhelming is it being Harry to milllions of fans?

DR: I try not to think about it too much. But I obviously have to think about it. But Chris Columbus is great, because he kind of just took most of that responsibility off my shoulders, if not all of it.

How do you deal with being recognized now everywhere you go?

DR: I tell them my name is Steve!

Do fans go crazier over you here in the States, or back in London?

DR: Oh, more here. But it's great.

How hard is it to see your face everywhere now, on billboards and even buses?

DR: I feel very privileged, actually. Because how many boys my age get to have that, and an action figure of themselves. I know it's of Harry, but I feel really privileged.

What's it like seeing yourself as an action figure?

DR: It can feel a bit weird. You know, thinking that people are going to be....playing with you! And the closest I've ever been to an action figure is chewing on them.

Do you have any mean teachers in real life, like Harry does?

DR: I did have this one teacher. I'm not telling you who it is, but he used to be really not that nice to me. And now when I went back to school, he's being just really nice to me of course. And it's just....creepy!

Was it hard acting in scenes where the special effects weren't added until later on?

DR: It would have been hard, had the crew not been so brilliant and made it so easy for me. I don't think it would have been quite so easy if they hadn't been so good.

Did you know that your mom told John Boorman when you starred in The Tailor Of Panama as the screen son of Jamie Lee Curtis and Geoffrey Rush, that she hoped being in that movie would finally cure you of your shyness?
DR: [blushing] Did she? Wow! I never heard that before.

Do you feel that you're shy?
DR: Yes, I am quite a shy person. But I'm never shy in front of the cameras.

Why not?
DR: Because I'm not playing me. You know, I'm not being me. So I'm not shy in front of the camera. But I can be quite shy off it.

Are you a fan of the Harry Potter books?

DR: Yeah, they're just amazing. I really love them.

What do you like to do that's just regular kids stuff?

DR: I love the Simpsons. I'm obsessed with the Simpsons. It's very quick witted. And I love music.

What kind of music do you go for?
DR: Um, U2. REM. I like loads of music.

How about the Beatles? A lot of kids your age don't even know who the Beatles are.

DR: No, I think the Beatles are great. And somebody told me that all the stuff going on around Harry Potter is a bit like Beatlemania.

Is there life for you after Harry Potter?
DR: At the moment, I'm only doing the first two movies. And then we'll see how it goes from there. Obviously, I'd like to move on to other things as well. But for the moment, how could I not be happy where I am? So I'm sticking to this for now. Yeah....

source: planethollywood.com

E! Online interview

Marion 15 November 2001 0 permalink
E! Online interview

E! Online's interview wih Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all

You're rapidly becoming as famous a face as Harry himself. How does it feel to have so much attention?
I haven't given it too much thought, really. I'm just going to take it as it comes and see what happens. I think a bit of fame will probably just be fun, and I won't mind it. But I still want to lead a normal life with my friends.

But all of this exposure does change things, doesn't it?
I really do have a normal life. I see my friends regularly, and I do the same schoolwork they do, even though I'm often tutored on the set. I rarely even get recognized, which is cool. I don't know, maybe that will change if a lot of people see the movie.

What do you do in what you call your normal life?

I love the WWF. I'm a huge fan of wrestling, and I used to watch it a lot before we started filming. My favorite wrestler is the Rock. I also like The Simpsons a lot. I like to listen to U2 and Stereophonics. I'm a big fan of football [soccer in the U.S.], and I'm rooting for my favorite team, Fulham.

Why do you think kids all over the world identify with Harry, and what in him do you admire?
I think the reason everybody identifies with him is because--other than that he's a wizard--he's a really normal person. Harry goes from being a zero to a hero--he goes from being nothing to somebody really huge and famous and very important in the wizard world. I think he has inspired a lot of people, including me.

Did your parents have fears about your making such a huge commitment?
They were never reluctant about my playing Harry Potter, but they did have some concern about my auditioning. When I've gone out for parts before, I've always gotten my hopes up really high, and they knew that I was going to be in competition with thousands of boys. They thought it was unlikely that I'd be chosen, and they didn't want me to be hugely upset.

Was the audition nerve-racking?
It was. I was asked to read the scene where the children find out Hagrid is hiding a contraband dragon's egg. I was totally scared out of my wits. It was so terrifying. You go in there with these really important people, and you really feel small. But they called me back for three more auditions. I was also very nervous the first day on the set while I was sitting in makeup and they were putting the Harry Potter scar on my head. Up until then, I had just done read-throughs with a few people in the room. I realized I was about to step in front of camera with hundreds of people around.

Where were you when you found out you got the part? In the bathtub. My dad came in and said, "Guess who they want to play Harry Potter?"

I think I said the name of another actor, because I was sure it wasn't me. Then he said, "No, it's you," and I started to cry with joy. That night, I woke up at 2 in the morning and woke up mom and dad and asked, "Am I dreaming? Will I really play Harry Potter?"

You spent months with costars Rupert Grint and Emma Watson making the film. How did the three of you get along?
We bonded just like our characters. We all really like each other. The train-compartment scenes were the most fun, because it was just me, Rupert and Emma, surrounded by sweets, just laughing and joking the whole time.

Robbie Coltrane says you three were constantly playing practical jokes on him. Are you willing to confess?
Yes, I admit we did pull a few pranks. The hair and makeup lady had a label-making machine, and we printed out loads of labels that said "Kick me." Actually, it was my idea, and I typed them out, but Emma actually stuck them on Robbie's back. It took several kicks before Robbie figured out what was happening. Then I got Robbie's cell phone and changed the language on the menu from English to Turkish. Fortunately, he has a pretty good sense of humor.

What was your favorite special-effects scene?

It was very surreal playing Quidditch. You see it in your mind so clearly when you're reading about it, and then you see it in the film, and it's just as exciting. It was amazing. We were going so fast on those broomsticks, and we were up pretty high. It was cool!

Which of Harry's magical powers would you like to have?
Invisibility. That would be so cool just to go anywhere without people seeing you. You could sneak into rock concerts and films and stuff. And I'd like to have Hagrid's three-head dog, because then nobody would try to fight me. I think I'd love to be a wizard in Harry's world, even though you have to face a lot of danger.

Do you believe in magic?

I've always believed in magic, a hundred percent. I'm fascinated by it.

The film has demons, monsters and an evil sorcerer, Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents and is now out to get him. Do you think it's too scary for young kids?

It's about a lot more than sorcery and monsters. It's about good winning over evil and the idea of redeeming love. It's the love of Harry's mother for him that saves him from Voldemort.

Do you remember the first time you performed for an audience?

I think my earliest memory of acting was playing a monkey in a school play, when I was about six. I had floppy ears and orange makeup and I had to wear tights. I think I went on and danced around for about 40 seconds or something. I hope nobody ever digs up a picture of me in that, because it was embarrassing.

You must be getting paid a lot of money. What do you plan to do with it?
I think I'll save it. I don't even know exactly how much I'm getting, and I don't want to, because I'm not doing it for the money. I'm really having fun and meeting wonderful people.

Now you're back doing the second film, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. How was it to put on those glasses and be Harry again?

It's like coming back for another year at Hogwarts. We've become like a family. It's like a reunion. I'm more excited now than I was for the first film, because the second book is my favorite. There are reports that you'll be doing all seven movies if you don't get too tall.

How much have you grown since the film?

I think I've gone up about three or four inches. My voice has started changing a little, too, but I don't think anyone will notice.

If they decide you don't look Harry anymore, could anyone possibly replace you?

I think anyone could play Harry if they get the kind of support I've had.

HBO First Look Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Marion 15 November 2001 0 permalink
HBO First Look Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

 HBO First Look Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone aired in November 2001. No video available.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Keren Eldad interview

Marion 14 November 2001 0 permalink
Keren Eldad interview

A press junket interview with the Harry Potter trio with Keren Eldad as promotion for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Daniel Radcliffe on the Rosie O'Donnell Show

Marion 14 November 2001 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe on the Rosie O'Donnell Show
Daniel promoted Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on the Rosie O'Donnell Show together with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint and more co-stars.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Scholastic Book Club's Read for 2002 program

Marion 14 November 2001 0 permalink
Scholastic Book Club's Read for 2002 program

Daniel was in New York to promote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone but was also there to promote a Scholastic Book Club's reading program called "Read for 2002," in which children in 23,000 classrooms worldwide will read for 2,002 seconds, or 33 1/3 minutes, on 14th December.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

source: scholastic.com
Photo: Stuart Ramson/AP photos

Daniel Radciffe on Late Show with David Letterman

Marion 13 November 2001 0 permalink
Daniel Radciffe on Late Show with David Letterman
Daniel promoted Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on Late Show with David Letterman.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Edit: 2022. Changed the video to HQ footage uploaded on Letterman's official YouTube page.

Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe on The Today Show

Marion 12 November 2001 0 permalink
Updated(2): Daniel Radcliffe on The Today Show

Daniel promoted Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone on The Today Show just as Emma Watson and Rupert Grint. No footage available.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Update: 28th September 2017. Clip via NBC Universal archives.
Update: 31st July 2019. Same clip as below is shared by Today on Facebook.

This video is also shared on Facebook.

Updated(2): World Premiere Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, NY

Marion 11 November 2001 0 permalink
Updated(2): World Premiere Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, NY

Daniel at the New York premiere of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone with co-stars Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Robbie Coltrane, Richard Harris and more.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Update: 20th July 2011. E! News video.

BBC Movies interview

Marion 7 November 2001 0 permalink
BBC Movies interview
BBC Movies interview with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Harry Potter has been described as the biggest and best hero since James Bond. How does that make you feel?
Wow! It makes me feel very privileged to be playing him. It's very exciting because Harry's got such an interesting life.
What advice have your parents given you to handle fame?
My mum and dad have just told me to enjoy it. There are a lot worse things [that could] happen than just being recognized.

What was the most memorable part of film-making, and the most nerve-wracking?
I'm not just saying this, but one of the best parts was working with Chris [Columbus], because he's a total inspiration. He really enjoys what he does, and it's a real honour working with him. The most nerve-wracking thing was the first day, because before that it had just been me, Rupert [Grint], Emma [Watson], and Chris, rehearsing in Chris's office. I got the call sheet for the first day, I looked under the cast and it said "Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint". So I thought, Fine, I'm used to that. Then I turned over the page and it said: "Extras, 150." At that moment, I got quite scared.

How will you feel if you're still playing Harry when you're 17 or 18?
I'm just going to take it one book at a time. Harry advances so much in each [school] year, he comes more out of his shell. If I'm thinking about playing Harry in the fourth book or the third or whatever, I could end up bringing his character from one of them and put it in the second, and it just wouldn't look right.

source: bbc.co.uk

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone photocall in London

Marion 6 November 2001 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone photocall in London

Daniel posed before attending a news conference/press junket to promote Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone together with Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, David Heyman, Robbie Coltrane, Chris Columbus & Richard Harris at Knebworth House in London.

No photos available online now.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

World Premiere Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, London

Marion 4 November 2001 0 permalink
World Premiere Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, London

Daniel at the London World Premiere of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone at the Odeon Leicester Square.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Update: 28 juni 2020. Filmward (België).

Deze video is ook gedeeld op Facebook.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone press conference & photocall in London

Marion 4 November 2001 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone press conference & photocall in London

Daniel attended a press conference and photocall at the Knebworth House in London together with Emma Watson and Rupert Grint for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. ET Canada video:

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

There are photos here.

StudioLA interview

Marion 4 November 2001 0 permalink
StudioLA interview

StudioLA's interview with Daniel in promotion of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all

Jim: Daniel, congratulations, you did a wonderful job. You are Harry Potter. Have you heard about "Potter-mania?" They are starting to advertise to come to Great Britain to look for the sites where you shot the movie, and all sorts of things. It's going crazy, you like hearing that, don't you?
Daniel: Phenomenal. It is a phenomenon!

Jim: It is. Even though it is very British, it is universal and popular all over the world.
Daniel: I hope so!

Jim: How did it come about for you? I heard it was kind of late before you were chosen for the part? Daniel: It was like two months before we started shooting. What happened is I went to the theatre to see a play called "Stones in his Pockets." In the row in front of us, by complete coincidence, David Heyman and Steve Kloves, the producer and screenwriter were sitting. They came over and introduced themselves. My Dad knew David from his work. I was only introduced to him as a producer and a screenwriter, rather than the producer of Harry Potter. Then we got a call saying, would I like to come out for lunch with David, not to audition, just for lunch. Then I got a call after that saying would I like to audition and we just went straight from there.

Jim: Harry Potter's life changes when he's eleven. Has this changed your life?
Daniel: No, not directly. Everybody thinks it really must have thrown my life upside down. It hasn't. I still see my friends all the time.

Jim: From the actor who is playing Harry Potter, who is Harry Potter?
Daniel: He's a boy who has had a very tough life. Because he's never learned his parents and he has come to Hogwarts and he has found his home at Hogwarts, and he has found where he truly belongs.

Jim: He's a wizard, a seeker. The youngest
Daniel: In the century.

Jim: He has a lot of good values doesn't he?
Daniel: He's very loyal. He's very determined, he's very curious. He has fantastic bonds with his friends. He doesn't let people put him down. When someone puts him down, he only gets stronger because it gives him a reason to want to do that thing that they say he couldn't do.

Jim: One word or two word answers on some scenes, the first scene. Diagon Alley? What does it mean? Daniel: Fantastic set, amazing scene.

Jim: And with the wand.
Daniel: That was amazing because working with John Hurt, such a nice man. He actually brought his two kids out to see that scene being filmed but they had no idea where they were going, and they were standing in Diagon Alley.

Jim: Also the chess set was wonderful. There are so many great things to see in this movie.
Daniel: I think you have to see it 3 or 4 times. Did you notice this one shot when I'm lying in the hospital bed in the top right angle where there's a painting putting out a candle.

Jim: Really?
Daniel: Yep! (chuckles)

Jim: I have to see it again!
Daniel: Yes! Thank you.

source: studiola.com

Vanity Fair: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (US)

Marion 7 October 2001 0 permalink
Vanity Fair: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (US)

The October issue of Vanity Fair features an article about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. You can view the photos by Annie Leibovitz plus cover on their website.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all
With most of young America in the grip of J. K. Rowling’s best-selling series, the movie of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, which may cost as much as $150 million, has the potential to be a monster hit—but some die-hard fans may be hard to please. Every adult involved, from Rowling herself to Home Alone director Chris Columbus, swears their first rule was fidelity to the book. In this exclusive 22-page portfolio, Annie Leibovitz gets a preview, while the author reveals the challenges of choosing the Hogwarts location, filming a Quidditch game, and finding the perfect Harry to star alongside John Cleese, Dame Maggie Smith, Richard Harris, and Alan Rickman.
source: vanityfair.com

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone trailers and TV spot

Marion 12 September 2001 0 permalink
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone trailers and TV spot

Below you find the US trailer, teaser trailer and TV spot released by Warner Bros. for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Pbs.org's interview with Daniel Radcliffe

Marion 1 August 2001 0 permalink
Pbs.org's interview with Daniel Radcliffe
Below you find pbs.org's interview with Daniel regarding David Copperfield, but they also talk a bit about Harry Potter.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Dan, you just recently had a birthday...
Yes, I turned 12 in July (of 2001). We were on holiday at the time; we were in Spain. I opened all my cards and presents... well, most of my presents, before I went on holiday, so I had a chance to play with them a bit ... but I opened cards and things there and it was really, really fun.

Did you have a birthday cake?

I'm not much of a cake person.

Have you always wanted to be an actor?
Well, I haven't really decided what I want to be yet... I'm definitely very interested in it, but there are a number of other things I'm very interested in as well -- music, writing... scripts and things, but especially autism which I want to go to the university maybe, and study.

Daniel Radcliffe's appearance on BBC's Comic Relief: Red Nose Day

Marion 16 March 2001 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe's appearance on BBC's Comic Relief: Red Nose Day

Daniel Radcliffe made an appearance on BBC's Comic Relief: Red Nose Day to bring a check raised by J.K. Rowlings books for charity (international sales from the Harry Potter School books Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find them and Quidditch Through the Ages), from in total "421,699 Gallions 3 Sickles and 13 Knuts", or £2,100,062 ($3 Million). There is no video available.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.
Daniel, who had come straight from the Harry Potter (Philosopher's Stone) set, was asked about Harry's scar, "I see no scar, are you really the boy who defeated the Dark One?" asked Stephen Fry. Daniel replied "Yes, but I've left it in the dressing room".

When asked about how filming was going, and if he was enjoying himself, he replied, "Yeah, its really, really fantastic".
  source: killermovies.com

A photo of Daniel and the Comic Relief books (13th March 2001) via Fanpop.

Daniel Radcliffe in The Tailor of Panama

Marion 13 February 2001 0 permalink
Daniel Radcliffe in The Tailor of Panama

Daniel had a small role as Mark Pendel, the son of Harry and Louisa Pendel (played by Geoffrey Rush & Jamie Lee Curtis) in The Tailor of Panama, a comedy-drama thriller film based on the novel, which also stars Pierce Brosnan.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

US trailer:

Stills (might come here

Photoshoot Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Marion 24 January 2001 0 permalink
Photoshoot Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

There are some 'new' photos online. These are from the promotional photoshoot with Daniel, Emma and Rupert promoting Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the Sunday Times magazine. You can see an outtake here.

Back then this site didn't excist. I decided to add 'archive news' like this as much as possible
. I thought it might be interesting to read for you all.

Photos: Terry O'Neill
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